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Staff member
I've been enjoying every one of these Booster Course Pass waves, and I'm a little sad that we've reached the end of them! MK8DX was already a great game right out of the box, and it's such an incredible value now that it's not even funny.


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
I'm over waiting for Silksong. It will be here when it gets here.

puts "hoping for another Cadence of Hyrule like indie dev working on a Nintendo franchise" clown makeup on


A Highland Song looks interesting. Not much else grabbed me from this, which is fine as I think there are some cool-looking games there, they just aren't my style.


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
My only real complaint about the Indie Direct was it ended on the sizzle reel.

That's weird. Stop doing that!


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
My only real complaint about the Indie Direct was it ended on the sizzle reel.

That's weird. Stop doing that!

I certainly get not liking it, but it's... not weird? Everything from Comicon panels to E3 presentations to other Directs frequently end with a sizzle reel.


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
There's a difference between a "wrap everything up with a summary montage" sizzle reel, and the usual Direct "here's a bunch of things we don't have time to go into detail with" kind of sizzle reel. The latter is just an ant-climatic way to end things. Like even if they just swap the sizzle reel and Outer Wilds section that would have flowed better in my opinion.


I thought it was, looked it up, and found that The Outer Worlds was on Switch. I think that happened twice. The Outer Wilds just seems like the kind of thing that would be on Switch already.


Me and My Bestie
(He, him)
It is *wild* that two sci-fi games with "Outer W___s" in their name released in the same year and that nobody changed the name of their game to make things less confusing. On PS4 they released within ten days of one another, too.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)

Jet Force Gemini is the next N64 NSO game for Japan, and will likely be ours as well next week.

1080, meanwhile, will cry in a corner.
Finally getting around to the Bowser's Fury add on to Mario 3D World for the first time and really enjoying it.

Question about the Bowser appearances: I'm in the mid-40s of Shines and the appearances are starting to get pretty long. It used to be I could just wait them out if it was a bad time, but if that's still the case I feel like I'm waiting so long that I'm being encouraged to just try to find a new Shine under the bad world condition instead.

What happens to Bowser appearances after you beat the game? I'm assuming they keep happening, or else there's no way to clear those blocks you can only destroy by standing in the way of his laser breath. (I guess they could theoretically just destroy them all for you, but my guess is they won't do that.) Do they chill out and go back to the shorter version, stay long, or become randomized?


I think the game state stays the same in the post game. I haven’t played it since launch though. I enjoyed it a lot too, I should revisit it before long.


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
If I remember correctly the Fury Bowser encounters dial back down and then ramp back up as you get close to collecting the last cat shines.


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
Listening to the old Wii Shop background music and the Switch 2 OS needs to have background music come back. We can spare some RAM for that this go around, can't we?