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did i do all of that?
Yeah, hopefully it gets localized. Love the Shiren games. I really need to finish the N64 one...


cyber true color
(she/her, or something)
I get the sense most people want to play AAA 3D action games. The top-selling games mostly fall into that category, for both Nintendo and other developers.

Does it seem that Nintendo's game roster is kind of imbalanced? Lots of puzzle games and light RPGs? And the action games that do exist are largely 2D or indie?
at the risk of coming off as overly cynical i definitely think there's a sizeable audience that looks towards what's heavily marketed to decide what to play. and that's not to say that there's not a wide audience of people who genuinely like what's been presented as the major games of the past decade, but if you go back 15 years or so the "AAA 3D action games" of that era were primarily games modeled after stuff like halo and gears of war. and it's not as if multi- or single-player shooters have died out since that peak in the 360/ps3 era, but i think it's representative of the kinds of shifts in the landscape over time that nintendo have not shown themselves to be particularly invested in in the first place.

i also wouldn't say that nintendo has a perfect read on the market either but they've built an ecosystem where a lot of people believe that the platform's first/second-party games will be good (which...even as someone who doesn't buy or play all that many of them, i'd say they are) and will buy them on the understanding that even when they're weird or even janky they'll still get a lot of enjoyment out of them. luigi's mansion 3 is a great example of a game i don't think really comes to mind as a popular game, and it's certainly not one with a ton of mindshare in the collective Gamer consciousness...but it's sold ridiculously well by basically any standard and from personal experience my nephew's been pretty obsessed with it for years on end now

and, speaking for myself, the attraction of the platform has always been as something i can carry with me anywhere with a lot of current and rerelased but not remotely AAA-level titles (which is a lot of what i play...). it almost completely superseded my vita in that sense, especially after i bought the oled model, while also being something i've played a few flagship and online games on at home. i've seen a few people saying that with strong rumors of brand new hardware coming up next year and no hint of a major new game on the scale of a mainline zelda or something the platform is probably sunsetting. which i would only disagree with if people think that's a bad thing

not that i won't likely try to buy the splatoon 4 machine. but i feel like the late era of an incredibly successful console is only more likely to bring what i want to play, not less. are non-nintendo developers for the next few years going to be betting heavily on a machine that, judging by history, not even as many people will be able to buy as want to? or the one they're familiar with that there's well over a hundred million of already


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
What the fuck F Zero 99 was real?

My thoughts exactly. But still obviously a fake leak, because the biggest swing that people would mock (me included) would have been a new Contra.

I get the sense most people want to play AAA 3D action games. The top-selling games mostly fall into that category, for both Nintendo and other developers.

Does it seem that Nintendo's game roster is kind of imbalanced? Lots of puzzle games and light RPGs? And the action games that do exist are largely 2D or indie?

AAA games have the broadest appeal, but there's also a limited number of resources to make them. Smaller games cost less, so need to sell fewer copies to recoup. And they did put out Tears of the Kingdom this year, which is all the AAA 3D action game I think the majority of Switch owners will have time for in a year.


My thoughts exactly. But still obviously a fake leak, because the biggest swing that people would mock (me included) would have been a new Contra.
Oh yeah fake as hell. I figure whoever made it got some scraps of intel from god only knows where, (They had a few other correct bits, like the name of princess peach game) and then just ran with their mad fantasies for everything else.


Next time I'm gonna make a fake leak and get a shitload of bluesky retweets. (I refuse to call them the other thing)


Finally home from work and watching this:

- Splatoon DLC looks really fun, very intrigued by how this paint chip stuff works
- Princess Ponytail Thespian Peach game looks fun
- Unicorn Overlord is interesting but something about it isn't quite clicking for me
- F-Zero 99 looks fun although I'll probably be terrible at it
- Euwhatever Chronicles has cool shark people so that's fun
- I keep hearing good things about Dave the Diver, my spouse and I have talked about picking that up later this year.

This was a fun one, nice mix of things

R.R. Bigman

Coolest Guy
I’m happy to see Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door become commercially available again. I wonder what it signifies that Nintendo is bringing out new versions of the two most beloved older Mario RPGs in relatively quick succession? If these do well, will we maybe get new Mario RPG’s that are…Mario RPG’s?


..and his little cat, too
I'm slightly annoyed that Nintendo is skipping to the sequels for these remakes

I mean, I adored TTYD and played it before the original , but it still feels to me like PM64 should have come first.

On the other side, while I'm happy to see a Mario vs DK game that's not another Lemmings-like, I'd much rather have a remake of the far superior DK'94.


I cuss you bad
Next time I'm gonna make a fake leak and get a shitload of bluesky retweets. (I refuse to call them the other thing)
Best way to do it (I'm told) is to make lots and lots of guesses on an account with no followers, then delete the wrong ones immediately after the direct

Bam, you're a leaker now


Me and My Bestie
(He, him)
I mean, I adored TTYD and played it before the original , but it still feels to me like PM64 should have come first.
I can sympathize with this POV (How amazing would it be to see Paper Mario 1 brought up to modern game visual/control standards?), but don't forget that TTYD has been stuck as a GameCube exclusive for nigh two decades now while the original game has been fortunate enough to be ported to the last three generations of Nintendo consoles.

Also I'd expect a Paper Mario 1 remake to be a much larger undertaking since they would need to go back and make new hi-res assets of sprites not in the sequels and completely remake the backgrounds.


..and his little cat, too
I can sympathize with this POV (How amazing would it be to see Paper Mario 1 brought up to modern game visual/control standards?), but don't forget that TTYD has been stuck as a GameCube exclusive for nigh two decades now while the original game has been fortunate enough to be ported to the last three generations of Nintendo consoles.

Also I'd expect a Paper Mario 1 remake to be a much larger undertaking since they would need to go back and make new hi-res assets of sprites not in the sequels and completely remake the backgrounds.
Sorry, I might have misspoken-- I'm pretty fine with this, it's Mario Vs DK instead of DK'94 where I really have the issue. I just felt it would be hypocritical to not at least acknowledge that they've skipped the originals at least twice in the same Direct.


- Princess Ponytail Thespian Peach game looks fun
- Unicorn Overlord is interesting but something about it isn't quite clicking for me
Swordfighter Peach is best Peach.

Unicorn Overlord is a Vanillaware game (Their art style is so distinctive that I picked that out pretty quickly), and their games tend to be kind of weird and esoteric in a lot of ways. Odin Sphere is the only one I've played, and it was fine up to a point, but their games have only gotten more odd as time goes on. There's also the fact that the designs for a lot of the women in Dragon's Crown were,,, questionable at best, and when Kotaku called out the designer on it, his response was pretty passive-aggressive.


Glad to see a sequel to Super Princess Peach finally.
Little sad to see it's not bringing back the Vibe Scepter because... I am a snickering child.
I am however prepared to accept the consolation prize of being basically Cutey Honey though.


Geno Cidecity
I mean, I adored TTYD and played it before the original , but it still feels to me like PM64 should have come first.

I don't necessarily care about a remake of PM64 because I think the game in general is one that's fairly timeless. I just don't want to have to fucking rent it
It just got leaked pretty recently. I doubt it'll be officially announced before next year.
Wait what
Well, "leaked". I guess "rumor from a reliable source" doesn't actually count as leaking. Sorry.
Just think about things logically here for a minute. Switch 2 isn't coming this year. If it were, we'd be buried under a mountain of advertisements and hype by now. Nintendo isn't so bad at what it does that they wouldn't announce a new hardware generation with only like a month or so to go until the big holiday period.

So if that's the case, what would they gain by advertising something coming in 2024 at this juncture? All that would serve to do is undermine their ability to sell Switches right now during the current holiday period where everyone opens their wallets up during. It would be one thing if the Switch didn't sell anymore, but they still sell very very well right now. Officially kicking off the Switch 2 hype train right now would only serve to make them lose money, not gain it.

We won't officially hear about Switch 2 until next year. I'll put money on that.


For some context, Nintendo announced the Switch in late October 2016 and the system launched in early March 2017, so about a four month gap, give or take a few weeks; they are not beyond announcing something "early", providing relatively little runway, and then bringing it out whenever they please, totally not giving a shit about the holidays.

Having said that, there's no Wii U to recover from here, so I agree that 2024 is the announcement and release. I wouldn't be surprised if the hold up is actually on the software side, and deciding what will ship alongside the system. Metroid Prime 4 seems like a candidate, although I'm surprised a new 3D Mario hasn't poked its head out yet. Hot take: It'll be an Excitebike reboot to celebrate the 40th anniversary of that IP.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
I've been predicting the Super Switch to launch in 2025 for a long time now.

Nintendo's doing a full court press with Mario in this, the year of The Super Mario Bros. Movie - but, of course, it's actually a continuation of the multimedia strategy spearheaded by Super Nintendo World. They're making sure to have Mario content in every genre, in titles both novel and proven, coming out often enough to keep Mario in the news. There's a Mario product for everyone, seems to be the message.

The Mario Vs. Donkey Kong remake announcement surprised me, but viewed in that light it makes sense. MvDK is the slightly inferior kid brother of the still-neglected Donkey Kong '94, but its visuals and audio were so crushed to fit onto the GBA that a remake feels like what it always deserved. The large number of remakes that multiple major publishers are pushing lately does feel like it might be indicative of an increase in risk-aversion, which isn't great for the health of the industry, but it's not as if they're going all-in on nostalgia, just monetizing their back catalogs. As long as they keep picking excellent games to remake it should be pleasant. However, I wonder to what extent the remakes of sixth-generation games, and of Gamecube titles on Switch specifically, could indicate that Nintendo decided internally that the Switch 2 isn't going to add Gamecube Online to the other NSO a la carte offerings. If so, by analyzing what games aren't getting remade, we might be able to divine their intentions for the commercial availability of retro titles.

Unicorn Overlord looks like an Ogre Battle. That's great!


cyber true color
(she/her, or something)
i mean, as cool as that could be, it'd be a huge increase in the magnitude of the program in terms of bandwidth and storage size. how many gamecube games would it take to equal the filesize of every game currently on NSO+? 2? 3?



excused from moderation duty
Staff member
Er, to clarify, what I mean is that there will not be Gamecube Online, which is why they're making remakes of Gamecube games instead.


cyber true color
(she/her, or something)
yeah i get that, it's just interesting to me to imagine what that'd actually imply/be like


Darn, my Switch fan is making a horrible grinding noise. This happened last year and a good cleaning fixed it but didn't seem to work this time. We're going to be out of town for two weeks in late October so guess I should send it for repairs ASAP to have it back for the trip...