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Geno Cidecity
You know if that game was remade with the free ability to choose your power/form a la Milky Way Wishes, Amazing Mirror would be incredible. As it stands it's a profoundly confusing and awkward game


Geno Cidecity
It really is iconic...which is why I find it so frustrating to actually play! I want to like you so much, game! And yet at every turn you make it so hard to do!


Summon for hire
Yeah I tried to play it because it was one of the free Ambassador games on the DS back then, and mostly remember spending a lot of time very lost.


Geno Cidecity
Vouchers are back! Is it true that if you unsubscribe from nintendo online that you can't play games purchased with a voucher?


Vouchers are back! Is it true that if you unsubscribe from nintendo online that you can't play games purchased with a voucher?
That's not true. Once you purchase a game with a voucher you can play it regardless of online membership status.


Geno Cidecity
ok, I may have misunderstood something estragon wrote about their limitations. Probably going to use that for tears of the kingdom and mario wonder; using the vouchers for anything other than the one $70 game and a $60 game makes limited sense.


Probably going to use that for tears of the kingdom and mario wonder; using the vouchers for anything other than the one $70 game and a $60 game makes limited sense.
It's still $100 for two $60 games instead of $120, and saving $20 is pretty great. I get that Zelda is the one to target if you want to play that game though.

If you have a Costco membership (or a friend who does) buy the $90 for $100 eShop cards, then use those to buy the vouchers for additional savings too. It was $80 for $100 a while ago when my spouse got his for Zelda and Pikmin. I might get vouchers for Wonder and Peach but debating.


The Goggles Do Nothing
Look, I think the sheer level of horny involved in the reveal of the Super Crown and Bowsette caught Nintendo by surprise, and they never anticipated or attempted to address what happened there.

We are years past that. I am convinced they know exactly what they are doing now, and "Bowser likes 'em big" is going to be casually confirmed in his online biography for Mario Tennis All-Stars '25.


Threat Rhyme
When Bowser put away that flower I thought they were gonna have him walk away from Elephant Peach and I was about to call them cowards, but then they turned it around.

Go get you a thicc girl, big guy.


"Here at Nintendo, we just really, actively want you to get all weird and fetishy with this new powerup. Please. We can only do so much on our own here.

Oh and we'll be back in another 4 years to remind you once again that Luigi is trans."

That Old Chestnut

I like the changes! They're actually allowing her some personality besides just being kinda vacantly happy to be there (which tends to happen a lot with Mario and Co. anyway, not just Peach).
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Yep, "vacant" is the best description of the other Peach I can give. I like that the lips, makeup and mascara are less pronounced, and the martial arts Peach looks more aggressive. Good stuff. Not something I demanded or anything but I like it.


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
Yeah, I assume the impetus for the change was Nintendo deciding that three of the four Peaches on that cover art having the doe eyed deer in headlights look wasn't good.

Of course people are throwing a fit about it on social media still...


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
Mario's new voice actor is... a relatively unknown up and coming actor (Kevin Afghani).

Makes sense when I think about it. Nintendo wouldn't want a recognizable veteran actor with their own establish voice, they want someone who can do the Mario voice specifically and be able to continue to do it for decades like Martinet did.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)

Devil World's first release in NA!
Mysterious Murasame Castle's second NA release!
...Castlevania Legends being remembered!

Oh, and Mario Party 3 is out on N64, too lol.