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..and his little cat, too
Probably why they had someone else do it.

Still blows my mind that it's the developers of Wily's Revenge who made 3-5, as I found 2 way more playable than the first.

I don't think they were brought back for the Xtremes, which is too bad, but at least Capcom figured it out by the second one there.

Oh, I forgot to mention this, but our TV wasn't in Game Mode for that playthrough, so we did TERRIBLE. Still got through, though!

I figured it out and fixed it and gave it another shot last night. World of difference, I tell ya'...


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
y'all are just goading me into replaying Dr. Wily's Revenge on stream at this point


..and his little cat, too
They also did Wily Wars, which is solid, if inessential.
Agreed. I think MM1 might have even been preferable there when it came to certain elements.

And honestly, I feel like it's worth playing (even if inessential) just to see the reinterpretations of the various stages, but the Wily Tower is a really cool bonus that I recommend checking out for anyone who hasn't.

Only thing is, you kinda gotta beat the other three games to get it, so... XD


..and his little cat, too
Introducing TMMN Archive!

This is an ongoing game history preservation project I've decided to undertake in the interest of preserving the various press releases and other related materials from over the years.

Kicking things off is the official press release for Mega Man 8!



Cool. Mega Man's 10th anniversary was 27 years ago. *crumbles into dust*

(Seriously though this is a neat project and I'm glad you're doing it.)


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Introducing TMMN Archive!

This is an ongoing game history preservation project I've decided to undertake in the interest of preserving the various press releases and other related materials from over the years.

Kicking things off is the official press release for Mega Man 8!

Nice! Really cool project, man.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Speaking of Mega Man I recently came across this YouTube channel that features CPU battles against different robot masters (mostly just theone frome the 8-bit games).




Having never played the Megaman 64 version of the game, its very interesting to see what compromises they had to make to cut down a PS1 game for a N64 conversion


..and his little cat, too
Oh, nice, glad to see they went with household robot "Rock" instead of "Mega"
Same! And a lot of people seem to feel the same way, too.

Don't know whose idea "Mega" was, or if it was just mis/overtranslation, but if the former, I hope this is the end of that.

Johnny Unusual

Hey Megafans! Please take part in my Megaman Music Thunderdome. Just post 4 of your favourite pieces of Megaman music from ANY game or related piece of media! Except the original version of Megaman 2 Wily's Castle 1 because that already won a previous dome!

Thank you!



..and his little cat, too

I actually learned a couple of things here. Not the thing in the thumbnail, ironically, but some things.



space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
5 minute 20 second runtime?

i was expecting something short, but even that seems a bit slight

hoping this is successful as a backdoor pilot or whatever