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Megadome Nomination Thread: Blues Christmas

Johnny Unusual


Once a year, we at Talking Time celebrate the birth of he who was the son of God, a divine blessing on the Earth. I’m speaking, of course, about Mighty No. 9. I assume. I never played the game but that’s probably the story. And to celebrate, we have Megamas, were the video game franchise Rockman (also known as Megaman) is played and the defeats of the robot masters are tallied.

And I had intended to do this for ages but the timing never lined up but I thought we’d celebrate this franchise, on of my favourite when I was a kid, with a Megadome! A celebration of all things Rock/Mega, we will match up a number of tunes against each other!

So the rules are simple:

  • List up to four Megaman tunes
  • Wait….
  • When the matches start, the entries will be put into one-on-one matches for “what do you like better”
  • Vote on the ones you like best!
Easy as that.

“Oh, so you can include any tune from the original core Megaman series?”

Nope, think bigger!

“Megaman X too?”

Bigger than that.

“Every Megaman game.”

Oh, even this is limiting.

We are going to not only include every game but also all media. Remember, there were several Megaman cartoons (American and Japanese) and all sorts of fan works. It can include someone just rapping about how great Megaman is. Plus, the covers, by God the covers. Heck, if you want to nominate things that aren’t technically songs but weird bits of media, go for it.

Spin-offs, too! Tron Bonne does have her own game, after all!

If it is even remotely Megaman related, throw it in. The more variety, the better! The more obscure or off-beat the better. Sure, it’s fun when your pick wins but to me, the real fun is sharing some favourite or amusing tunes!

Deadline is December 6th!


..and his little cat, too
Well, someone already posted the Mega Man cartoon theme, so...

Okay, how about...

Mega Man cartoon Intro (in German!)

Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X - Sigma Palace Stage 1

Rockman.EXE Sound Navigation 01 OST - T04: Program Advance

X-Buster (feat. team.ROCKMAN HOLIC) Music Clip

And I don't know if I'd be allowed to use this as a dark horse pick, but JewelMaiden put this together for a project I ostensibly kicked off last year, but have unfortunately been able to follow through on for much of this year...

Beyond 21XX Theme: Galactic Voyage

I think it slaps, though.


Threat Rhyme
Since Make a Good Mega Man Level 3 came out a few months back I think I'll nominate some of the music from that!

Rust-Tinted Glasses (Tier 1) - Tier 1 takes place in Wily's first (now dilapidated) Fortress, and as appropriate is a remix of several Wily stage themes.
Rock Fortress - From the entry of the same name.
Casino Man (Mega Man 9.5 by RushJet1) - Technically not original from MaGMML3 but it's the track I used for my entry, Glitz Woman.


Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch - VS Trio (Phase 1) - And one more for good measure, not from MaGMML3 but from a different fangame entirely. (also by RushJet1!)
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Sir Knightbot
but what about second Shade Man

AKA the real Shade Man theme.

Part of the reason I made that dumb gag is that I found out recently that the NGPC version of Battle/Fighters only actually has 10 tracks, and because so many of them are menu themes, they only included 2 Robot Master themes - Shade Man and Cut Man. Meaning there's an unusually high number of Shade Man arrangements.

Aaaaanyway, here are my real nominations:

Blizzard Buffalo Stage (piano arrangement) - Kinuyo Yamashita
Story - Crystal (Crystal Snail arrange) - Mega Man X DiVE
The Sea Has Returned - ZeroRanger ("The 0 Has Returned" from FINAL BOSS/GREEN SOUNDS -Raw Label- by eebrozgi)
Unbreakable Will (Occupied Wily Fortress Stage 2) - Mega Man Unlimited by symfonikev
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