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space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Rockman World 4 DX is finally out:

Patch it here:

And with that, the entire Game Boy series has been colorized.
So, I was randomly thinking about the Inherited Weapon trope in fiction and it popped into my head that MM1's robot masters were canonically created by Dr. Light before Dr. Wily turned them evil (unlike most other RMs in the series). Now I imagine them as Mega Man defeats them, at the point of death, snapping out of their reprogramming and bequeathing their weapon to Rock in overdramatic monologues as they perish.


Rated Ages 6+
(He, Him)
So, I was randomly thinking about the Inherited Weapon trope in fiction and it popped into my head that MM1's robot masters were canonically created by Dr. Light before Dr. Wily turned them evil (unlike most other RMs in the series). Now I imagine them as Mega Man defeats them, at the point of death, snapping out of their reprogramming and bequeathing their weapon to Rock in overdramatic monologues as they perish.
Go find the Archie series. You'll like it.