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space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
finally, after all these years, confirmation that Mega Man Mania is cancelled


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Just gonna quote myself from another thread.

It's so annoying that games don't get Super Game Boy stuff when Nintendo puts them out this way.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, which honestly... kinda sucks? Both Digital Eclipse and Capcom's internal teams have shown a lot more care than "dump the ROMs into an emulator" like they do for Switch Online.

Also, I still pine for a leak of the ROM of the GBA ports/compilation.


does the Underpants Dance
It's hard to believe I never played any of those games as a kid; Game Boy was a big part of my childhood, and Mega Mans were some of the first video games I ever played.


..and his little cat, too
Third is good, but definitely lesser than IV and V, which I think might even be classified as "great." It's where they really started to find their footing.

II is at least playable, which is more than I can say for Wily's Revenge.

And just for the heck of it, since they'll probably head to the service in due time:

Xtreme and Xtreme 2 are good, too, though Xtreme 1 is largely recycled from X1 and X2. And I don't mean in the "remixed content" way of the Classic titles before V, but are basically 8-bit recreations of actual SNES stages, for the most part.

Xtreme 2, on the other hand, is more original. It reuses several bosses and their stage themes, but they aren't direct lifts, and the bosses even get new attacks and moves. Plus, you can play as Zero against bosses he never got to fight before.


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
MMV on Game Boy is definitely "great," a legit underrated MM game, however I do have to say that I have a personal bias against all Mega Man games that split the 8 Master Robots into two groups of four.

Xtreme and Xtreme 2 suffer way too much from the cropped screen of the GBC vs the SNES, if you ask me, makes them pretty tough to tackle.

Still, an official Capcom collection with all those and some odds 'n' ends (Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X, for sure. And maybe Rockboard? Battle & Chase? Soccer? Rockman & Forte? Maybe even Power Fighters/Battles, even though those are on Capcom Arcade Stadium) would be aces and tie a nice bow on the pile of collections from them I already have.


MMV on Game Boy is definitely "great," a legit underrated MM game, however I do have to say that I have a personal bias against all Mega Man games that split the 8 Master Robots into two groups of four.

Here, here. Certainly not the only reason but one of the pimary reasons Mega Man 7 and 8 rub me the wrong way.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
finally, after all these years, confirmation that Mega Man Mania is cancelled

i say this as a joke and then some romhacker has the gall to put out this trailer a couple days later:

(looking forward to it)


..and his little cat, too
Xtreme and Xtreme 2 suffer way too much from the cropped screen of the GBC vs the SNES, if you ask me, makes them pretty tough to tackle.

Still, an official Capcom collection with all those and some odds 'n' ends (Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X, for sure. And maybe Rockboard? Battle & Chase? Soccer? Rockman & Forte? Maybe even Power Fighters/Battles, even though those are on Capcom Arcade Stadium) would be aces and tie a nice bow on the pile of collections from them I already have.

I didn't have much problems with the Xtremes. Certainly not to the extent I did Wily's Revenge.

Not saying you're wrong, just that I think it's definitely a "YMMV" thing.

As for the last point: Yes, that's precisely what people have generally been calling for -- a sort of "Mega Man Odds & Ends Legacy Collection," only more elegantly named.

People say the Game Boy games alone wouldn't be enough to sway people into purchasing, and I don't disagree. I think colorizing them is a solution, but even then, 3/5 of those games are contentious as to their quality (Player's Choice releases on the worst ones be damned), so that's only going to do so much.

But padding it out with other stuff they didn't see fit to release in other collections, like Mega Man & Bass? The first-ever official English fullscreen release of it, at that? Oh, that's a pretty sweet offer, and I'm not even crazy about that game (I'll probably be using the character swap mod when we eventually stream it).

Honestly, I think Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X could carry a mini-collection of their own. Heck, throw in Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins, maybe something else, and have a Capcom Portable Collection or something, even.

(And yeah, having the arcade games firmly in physical form as part of my modern Mega Man collection would be nice.)

MMV on Game Boy is definitely "great," a legit underrated MM game, however I do have to say that I have a personal bias against all Mega Man games that split the 8 Master Robots into two groups of four.

Here, here. Certainly not the only reason but one of the pimary reasons Mega Man 7 and 8 rub me the wrong way.

I get it, but I think there's a fair argument to be made both ways. I just watched a recent video from J's Reviews on Mega Man 7 where he addresses this very thing (8:52 and 17:26, if the timestamps don't work):



I'm going to look at those videos when I have more time but off the top of my head I can't think of a "4 bosses first is good, actually" argument that I would ever accept.


The four-at-a-time felt right to me on the Game Boy, where the games are differently paced and more modular. But I grew up with those games, so it's tough to be objective. I agree that it feels incredibly out-of-place in 7 and 8.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
MM7 at least has a password that gives you all 8 bosses from the start, which is more than I can say for MM8.

MM6 is clearly designed with two pairs of 4 --- the elemental bosses and the warriors (I forget if one set has all 4 Beat parts or not) --- but to the game's credit it does not fall prey to this sin.

(For the record, I wouldn't mind if they ever did a 6-6 split, with a post-game option to disable it, but I doubt they'd ever do more than 8 main bosses per game.)


..and his little cat, too
MM7 at least has a password that gives you all 8 bosses from the start, which is more than I can say for MM8.

MM6 is clearly designed with two pairs of 4 --- the elemental bosses and the warriors (I forget if one set has all 4 Beat parts or not) --- but to the game's credit it does not fall prey to this sin.

(For the record, I wouldn't mind if they ever did a 6-6 split, with a post-game option to disable it, but I doubt they'd ever do more than 8 main bosses per game.)
I'd need to double check, but Mega Man 3 was like two different loops of five and three.

Top > Shadow > Spark > Magnet > Hard > Top

Snake > Gemini > Needle > Snake


I started with a couple of levels for Revenge of Dr Willy and man. Sprites too big, screen too small, hitboxes too janky. But with rewind it definitely serves as an interesting curio.


Rated Ages 6+
(He, Him)
Don't forget the sturdy mobs. I've finished off main series Robot Masters faster than some of those mooks.


The Goggles Do Nothing
OG Enker (he was slightly improved in later appearances) is the epitome of Yellow Devil nonsense of "sit here and wait your turn" action gameplay that I maintain is the opposite of how anything in a Mega Man game should work. Oh? Actually depleting his health gauge means you are going to get wrecked? Jail for Capcom! jail for Capcom for One Thousand Years!!!!


Rated Ages 6+
(He, Him)
OG Enker (he was slightly improved in later appearances) is the epitome of Yellow Devil nonsense of "sit here and wait your turn" action gameplay that I maintain is the opposite of how anything in a Mega Man game should work. Oh? Actually depleting his health gauge means you are going to get wrecked? Jail for Capcom! jail for Capcom for One Thousand Years!!!!