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Capsize the Vote! The Popularity Contest General and Nomination Thread

Johnny Unusual

OK, we are opening up nominations for a mini-list. Basically rather than a top 50, it should be... somewhere under 25 (though this isn't a HARD number). I'm encouraging people to pick lists ideas that don't work as well for bigger lists. Maybe top 7 Deadly Sins or top 26 Pixar movies (see, told you it wasn't a hard number).
People who want to host submit their topics. Here are the general rules.

1) So I don't miss your submission, please BOLD your suggestions.

2) Please no joke suggestions. At least, not in BOLD. People have some whimsical ideas for lists so I don't want people submitting a list and I put it up and then they are like "jk, stupid!"

3) If you give a BOLD suggestion, YOU must host. Granted, if something comes up you are free to pass the duty onto another but I just don't want people submitting lists under the assumption that SOMEONE will do it.

4) One submission for person please.

5) Don't insult or put down another person's suggestions. Discussing feasibility, concerns or issues with it are fine, but please don't just say "well, that's a stupid topic". At least one person thinks it isn't.

And please...

If you have any other questions or concerns or I just bungled something up, drop me a line.

The deadline is exactly 4 days from this post dropping (so around Thursday afternoon). So look at the post time and imagine that same time but for this Sunday (depending on your time zone). If you lose this time around, never hesitate to submit again. Its usually worth it if you can be patient.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
So how many picks would each person have for those? Would it be like 5 and 3 (respectively)?

Johnny Unusual

3 or 4 for mine. As I've said elsewhere, I feel like it might be better to go the opposite route for sketches because it is such a huge pool, the Venn diagram is tricky. A lot of time can be spent with didn't make it. But that's just how I'd do it.

Top 10 Comedy Sketches - Issun
Top 7 Days of the Week - Johnny Unusual
Last edited:


So are we ready to nominate Pokemon, or should we start noms for Final Fantasy games, or are we waiting until my list is over to decide?


Summon for hire
We'll need to check in with @Mogri of course, but on my side my schedule should start being less crazy after this coming weekend, so starting Pokemon noms up with a week or two to submit sounds fine to me.


I know it's early, but before I forget I'd like to nominate top 50 charities, we were talking about community outreach stuff at work and I realized I'd love to know what charities people like and support.

Johnny Unusual

I know it's early, but before I forget I'd like to nominate top 50 charities, we were talking about community outreach stuff at work and I realized I'd love to know what charities people like and support.
Do you mean organizations, causes or both. I don't really know that many organizations but there are causes that matter to me.


Do you mean organizations, causes or both. I don't really know that many organizations but there are causes that matter to me.
I was going to do organizations. I feel causes could make it really hard to curate the list especially with people possibly phrasing things slightly differently.

Johnny Unusual

I'm pretty sure it's time to take nominations for the new list.

People who want to host submit their topics. Here are the general rules.

1) So I don't miss your submission, please BOLD your suggestions.

2) Please no joke suggestions. At least, not in BOLD. People have some whimsical ideas for lists so I don't want people submitting a list and I put it up and then they are like "jk, stupid!"

3) If you give a BOLD suggestion, YOU must host. Granted, if something comes up you are free to pass the duty onto another but I just don't want people submitting lists under the assumption that SOMEONE will do it.

4) One submission for person please.

5) Don't insult or put down another person's suggestions. Discussing feasibility, concerns or issues with it are fine, but please don't just say "well, that's a stupid topic". At least one person thinks it isn't.

And please...

If you have any other questions or concerns or I just bungled something up, drop me a line.

The deadline is exactly 4 days from this post dropping (so around Thursday afternoon). So look at the post time and imagine that same time but for this Sunday (depending on your time zone). If you lose this time around, never hesitate to submit again. Its usually worth it if you can be patient.

Johnny Unusual

I was tempted, and still am, to do just Top 50 Movies when I noticed considerable overlap on a top 10 movies list.

But I'm going with Top 50 Adventure Movies

Johnny Unusual

It is when paired with this...


Johnny Unusual

I'm pretty sure it's time to take nominations for the new list.

People who want to host submit their topics. Here are the general rules.

1) So I don't miss your submission, please BOLD your suggestions.

2) Please no joke suggestions. At least, not in BOLD. People have some whimsical ideas for lists so I don't want people submitting a list and I put it up and then they are like "jk, stupid!"

3) If you give a BOLD suggestion, YOU must host. Granted, if something comes up you are free to pass the duty onto another but I just don't want people submitting lists under the assumption that SOMEONE will do it.

4) One submission for person please.

5) Don't insult or put down another person's suggestions. Discussing feasibility, concerns or issues with it are fine, but please don't just say "well, that's a stupid topic". At least one person thinks it isn't.

And please...

If you have any other questions or concerns or I just bungled something up, drop me a line.

The deadline is exactly 4 days from this post dropping so Monday night.


Not submitting anything this time, as I went very recently, but how do we feel about people submitting a redux of past lists? I realize there would have to be some ground rules (my suggestion would be the original list has to be at least 5 years old, and it has to be either your list, or a list run by someone who no longer posts here). I'm just thinking it would be interesting to see how different some of these might be after some years have passed.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
I think if a contest was 2.0 era, a proposal for a revamped top 50 with the current community should be considered.

Johnny Unusual

It's a while away but I was thinking when we hit 100. But we haven't hit 50 yet so if someone REALLY wants to do it, I won't stop them.

That said, I have something planned for when we do hit 50 that... won't quite be that but will be adjacent to that.