It's that time again...
Most people probably know all this but in the event someone who hasn't tried it before wants to, I want to make sure that there's no sense of a barrier to entry/enjoyment. If you don't know what the Popularity Contest is, basically we come together to make a list based on a particular topic. For example, the top 50 fantasy novels or top 50 detectives. People who want to participate submit their personal top favourite 25 things in that topic and all the lists are taken and points tallied and a top 50 list is made from all of that. Its fun. But first, we need to decide on a topic AND a host. And that's where YOU come it.
People who want to host submit their topics. Here are the general rules.
1) So I don't miss your submission, please BOLD your suggestions.
2) Please no joke suggestions. At least, not in BOLD. People have some whimsical ideas for lists so I don't want people submitting a list and I put it up and then they are like "jk, stupid!"
3) If you give a BOLD suggestion, YOU must host. Granted, if something comes up you are free to pass the duty onto another but I just don't want people submitting lists under the assumption that SOMEONE will do it.
4) One submission for person please.
5) Don't insult or put down another person's suggestions. Discussing feasibility, concerns or issues with it are fine, but please don't just say "well, that's a stupid topic". At least one person thinks it isn't.
And please...
If you have any other questions or concerns or I just bungled something up, drop me a line.
The deadline is exactly 4 days from this post dropping (so around Thursday afternoon). So look at the post time and imagine that same time but for this Sunday (depending on your time zone). If you lose this time around, never hesitate to submit again. Its usually worth it if you can be patient.