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Interesting idea but I'm failing to see how that could be anything other than a multi-way tie for every entry."Top 50 items you forgot to submit to a top 50 list"
I had not thought about that but I say yes.A merchants list could be fun. Would in include PLAYABLE merchants?
Lol. This would be pretty great."Top 50 items you forgot to submit to a top 50 list"
I like this idea but I feel like we will really need to drive for a lot of participants this time around.Top 50 Fictional Characters
I dunno, this seems rather broad. The point spread would be nuts.Top 50 Fictional Characters
Could you maybe explain what exactly you mean by duos?Top 50 Duos
Via the dictionaryCould you maybe explain what exactly you mean by duos?
- two persons commonly associated with each other; couple.
I've decided to sit this one out, but I'm thinking that an unranked celebration of our own OCs would be cool someday, if enough people are into that.perhaps a Top 50 Original Characters () list would be more interesting
perhaps a Top 50 Original Characters () list would be more interesting
We've had a few shorter dorms before (top 20 comedy sketches top 21 number Final Fantasy games).Perhaps Top 10/25 Hub Worlds? I'm not sure if 50 is a good number, with how many different kinds there are
Did you mean Top 50 there?You know what, let's do it.
(are we allowed to submit our own lists?)
My personal approach to making a list is to not include entries that other people bring to me that I didn't think of beforehand (I try to finish my list early when I can). If I think of an entry by myself, then I can change my list an if I'm reminded of something I had considered before, I might put it in but if I look at someone else's choice an realize I did not think of it, I won't allow it on my list. I just don't want to abuse my power to game the list.
Yep, lolDid you mean Top 50 there?
And I'm not aware of any "rule" against submitting your own list for a Top X that you're running. If you're going to all the effort of running a list then I think you're entitled to join in the fun. But you might want to consider Johnny's approach if you do. But as the host you are the one who would set the rules for your Top 50.
The most basic idea is "in-game area between levels". I want to keep it quite vague, since coming up with 50 might be a hard task. Anything that you think could be a hub, will be included in the list. For example, open-world starter cities that lead to the more challenging areas in the game.What exactly IS a Hubworld. I can kind of guess but I need a bit more