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The Return Of The "Not Worth Its Own Thread" Thread

I love the amount of effort that's going into forcing FeMC back into Reload via mods. Modding fans really outdoing themselves


Haven't got the chance to play more Phantasy Star IV since yesterday, but I can't stop thinking about

a) playing more
b) stop and replay PS II. That game has such a great, dark mood. And I would like to map the dungeons out myself.
c) Play through the whole series, instead of just IV, to get the whole experience.

I guess I really like this series.

q 3

here to eat fish and erase the universe
Harvestella has you pick your character's gender - male, female, or nonbinary which is pretty cool. Though from what I could tell, the choice did not affect literally anything. You can pick any appearance and voice (only two options for each but you can freely mix and match). It never comes up in the story or affects any relationships. All the way to the end I'm pretty sure I never even saw anyone use a pronoun for you (other than "you"). I was starting to suspect the game might not even have recorded your choice as AFAIK it isn't even reflected in the menu past that point.

But then I found what has to be the single most obscure dialogue in the game. The fourth in a series of optional conversations, which requires you to trigger the first three, then do probably the narrowest trigger for any optional conversation in the game, and then pick a specific dialogue option in that conversation, and you will finally have someone refer to you with a third person pronoun. 99.99% of players will not see that line. Incredible.


Backloggery has pushed out their remake. I never had time to be involved with beta testing the remake but was on the newsletters for it and a lot of care and thought went into this. Happy for 'em.


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Backloggery has pushed out their remake. I never had time to be involved with beta testing the remake but was on the newsletters for it and a lot of care and thought went into this. Happy for 'em.

Oh no. That means I have to update my Backloggery to reflect all the stuff I've sold. (I kept telling myself I'd re-do the whole thing basically from scratch for my non-digital games, but why do it when a new version is coming soon? So... well, yeah.)


..and his little cat, too
As someone who has a backlog, I should probably do something with that.


...what exactly do I do with that?

I mean, I'm assuming it's some sort of organized list, but is there more to it than that?


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
As someone who has a backlog, I should probably do something with that.


...what exactly do I do with that?

I mean, I'm assuming it's some sort of organized list, but is there more to it than that?
As I understand it you go through the following steps:
1. Look at your backlog from time to time and exclaim "I need to finish some of these games before I buy any new ones!"
2. Buy new games anyway.
3. Add new games to the backlog.
4. Return to step 1.


Unfortunate doesn't begin to describe...
There will always be more games than you have time to beat them. It's one of the downsides of us mortals

I have a similar problem, but mostly with books


I mean, I'm assuming it's some sort of organized list, but is there more to it than that?
Well, the entire internet is just an organized list (rimshot)

But yes, it is rather old-school and requires manual updating, but personally I like having something I can curate myself.

There is a social aspect which I must admit I didn't use very much. A bunch of TT people added each other a very long time ago so it's a cool way to see what your friends are playing. You could comment on the game someone just added, or their library as a whole, etc. It's also incredibly useful for gift exchanges when you need to share a list of what you own.

The new site added a lot of stuff and cleaned up/modified some others, so before I say anything that may not be true anymore I'll direct you to the FAQ.


hardcore retro gamin'
There will always be more games than you have time to beat them. It's one of the downsides of us mortals

I have a similar problem, but mostly with books
Which is why I choose to call it a library and not a backlog. :)


..and his little cat, too
My backlog is multimedia.

Okay might give that site a shot... though I'm more worried that filling it out will wind up being just one more thing in my backlog!


Power is fleeting, love is eternal
There's a game based on The Phantom in the works, set to be released in December. It's apparently a 2D beat 'em up:

As a fan of the character, I'm happy to see it, even if the teaser trailer don't show much variety in the level environments so far (but they're promising a "15 level global mission", so hopefully there will be more variety later). While I guess that beat 'em up is a fitting genre, it did make me think about other genres that might fit the character. Specifically, I would love to see a stealth game with The Phantom that focuses on his abilities to sneak around and take down bad guys one by one, as he often does in the comics. It would also be interesting to see him make use of his fearsome reputation in various ways, perhaps by allowing the player to "set up scenes" where the enemies are struck by fear by various amounts, depending on how much time you spend on creating a spooky environment before The Phantom reveals himself (bonus points if he's backlit!).

But if we're going with the beat 'em up genre, I would love a game that focuses on the generational aspect of The Phantom, since the character is the latest in a long line of Phantoms existing since the 16th century, all pretending to be the same immortal man. Ideally it would be a game with 21 levels, one each for each incarnation of The Phantom. There would be slight gameplay differences between them, with the earliest Phantoms fighting with swords and only rarely using one-shot pistols, and later incarnations using fisticufs and more gunplay. And just think of all the cool historical environments that would be possible!

Also, the third Phantom should have their Juliet dress as an alternative costume.


..and his little cat, too

I think this was the first I ever heard of the Phantom, and even that was through the video game -- I don't remember the cartoon airing in my market.


Me and My Bestie
(He, him)
I remember seeing The Phantom in the local newspaper. Saw a lot more talking than fighting in the strips I saw.


Reminding everyone that a cartoon happened in 1986 where Flash Gordon, The Phantom, Mandrake the Magician and Lothar were Defenders of the Earth.The cartoon's quality is middling, but if you were born between 1975 and 1995 the quaity doesn't matter it waw just a cool cartoon.


..and his little cat, too
Reminding everyone that a cartoon happened in 1986 where Flash Gordon, The Phantom, Mandrake the Magician and Lothar were Defenders of the Earth.The cartoon's quality is middling, but if you were born between 1975 and 1995 the quaity doesn't matter it waw just a cool cartoon.
I was just about to mention this (slipped my mind last night).

Slapping theme song, if nothing else:

Brief summation, if anyone is interested:

And the whole thing is on YouTube-- officially!

And just for funsies:



Power is fleeting, love is eternal
I remember seeing The Phantom in the local newspaper. Saw a lot more talking than fighting in the strips I saw.
Yeah, I think the character would fit well in a point-and-click adventure game too, with just a few pieces of punching and other action here and there. Kind of like the LucasArts Indiana Jones games.


Summon for hire
So I've never been subscribed to NSO, but my wife was itching to play something on the NES/SNES services and signed up for the free trial, so I also dipped in a spent a bit of time with Rygar. Interesting game with some great aesthetics, but man, I'd really love to see a lightly-modernized remake of this thing with auto-mapping and a scrutable menu/powerup system. And I guess also enemy placement/respawn that doesn't nearly ensure cheap hits when you re-enter a screen from the non-primary direction more often than not.

Anyway, stumbling around blindly, I managed to luck into the grappling hook upgrade (the one that lets you make vertical ladders between platforms basically) which opened up huge swathes of the map... enough for me to get really lost in and find some probably out-of-order bosses that beat me senseless as well as a view of a floating castle I couldn't reach that seemed like it might be end-game-ward. I'm sure I missed other important items, including at least one that the gurus told me was needed for traversal, but probably some helpful for combat as well, but by that point I'd totally lost track of where I hadn't gone and hung it up.


hardcore retro gamin'
I like Rygar myself. It's a bummer that it didn't have any sort of password system, although it's not an issue now if emulating. And it's not completely unforgiving like some of its ilk - if I remember right you don't lose any sort of progress on game over, and have infinite continues.


My coworker came up to me in the lunchroom today and we had a baffling yet kind of adorable conversation.

Him: Oh hey, you like videogames! My nephew has been making a game and it just came out today!
Me: Oh, cool, sure I'll check it out. Is it on Steam?
Him: I don't know what that is.
Me: Ah, well, do you know if it's on a Switch?
Him: Oh yeah, I know what that is. I don't think so. He said it's a "shooter" and it's "going to be League of Legends"!
Me: (internal: that makes no sense) oh well I'm sure I can find it, what's it called?
Him: Supervive! S-U-P-E-R-V-I-V-E.
Me: Oh sure, let me look it up wait there's a bunch of articles from major news outlets?
Him: That's great! I'll tell him people are hearing about it, he'll be thrilled.
Me: Uh yeah I think if CNet, PCGamer and IGN are already writing about it just because they announced a beta he might already know that.
Him: Well I don't know those websites but that's great! Thanks for checking it out! All I know really is how to spell it.

So anyway, it appears my coworker's nephew is working on a rather big budget game but my coworker has absolutely no idea it's this big. But he's proud of him and trying to drum up interest so that's amusing and cute. The game doesn't look like my style but wanted to share if only to report back to my coworker that I did.


Unfortunate doesn't begin to describe...
Funny enough, I think that's happened here. There was someone here who had a cousin who released a relatively popular game


I don't have any cousins in game dev but I do have an uncle that works at Nintendo. He told me Kirby's going to be in a Starfox RPG.


I rented Tchia and while I love the concept,I'm still deciding if I like playing it or not.

The beauty, world and passion behind this game is incredible. It teaches lovely traditional customs and the music and language are lovely. I was unaware of Drehu or a lot of specifics of New Caledonia before I started playing, only vague notions of it being a tropical island where a lot of French people go so I'm glad I learned a lot.

The problem is a lot of parts of it drag, and I've run into a lot of glitches and awkward animations. Some of the story parts like the guitar bit below don't actually matter if you fail or not, it's just for you to accompany someone singing which is cool. I do wish I knew if these songs are traditional ones or made for the game, there are several where I can't tell.

I dunno, there's a ton of accessibility options and everything is forgiving, there's even a straight up "skip gameplay segment" option which moves you forward to the next bit. But it's hard to recommend a game where I'm skipping over some sections because they aren't fun to play while other are great. But the passion here is so evident and I'm still enjoying it? Hmm.