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The Return Of The "Not Worth Its Own Thread" Thread


I'm writing a story, basically a creepypasta, with some weird game. It is supposed to have five levels, with the first being a very rudimentary plattformer (think Pitfall for the Atari), and the second similar to the first NES Zelda. So each level is supposed to be a step up in terms of how games developed. All very short, the second level is basically just a dungeon.

I'm wondering about what the next three levels could be. I thought about a DOOM level as the third, but am not sure about how to continue. Maybe the next being a 3D plattformer? And the last once some sort of action-adventure, like 3D Zelda? I keep thinking of Dark Souls, but have never played one of these, so that doesn't really work. Dunno, it should just get more and more modern and complex, I guess. I'm not really sure.

It should be something simple, action-y, that can be at least somewhat translated to a text description of what is happening, without being too boring.

So, any suggestions? The first two levels are fixed, I just would be curious if people have interesting ideas for future levels. Even if it's not quite clear what I'm trying to get here (not sure if my explanations make too much sense). Just looking for suggestions.


So two questions immediately come to mind:
- Wait why the hell isn't he playing the fridge? That's the whole gag!
- So like... when you're done hooking up with the tap water/toilet/trash bag whatever, does it go back to being just a generic utilitarian object? And you can just resume using it like normal?


So two questions immediately come to mind:
- Wait why the hell isn't he playing the fridge? That's the whole gag!
- So like... when you're done hooking up with the tap water/toilet/trash bag whatever, does it go back to being just a generic utilitarian object? And you can just resume using it like normal?
Honestly I already find the game charming but I do want to play just to know the answers to things like this.


..and his little cat, too
So two questions immediately come to mind:
- Wait why the hell isn't he playing the fridge? That's the whole gag!
- So like... when you're done hooking up with the tap water/toilet/trash bag whatever, does it go back to being just a generic utilitarian object? And you can just resume using it like normal?
I was under the impression that the glasses were making it into something like an AR/VR experience.


Power is fleeting, love is eternal
So apparently part of the game is that the protagonist can look at a list of people she's dated on her phone...

...but can you date the phone too?

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
So apparently part of the game is that the protagonist can look at a list of people she's dated on her phone...

...but can you date the phone too?

If it’s going to call itself “Date Everything,” it should be more ambitious. Dating the phone would be a start, but you should be also be able to date the fact that you can date your phone.


Power is fleeting, love is eternal
Careful, now we're getting into Chuck Tingle territory.

...I wonder if you can date the house itself?


If it’s going to call itself “Date Everything,” it should be more ambitious. Dating the phone would be a start, but you should be also be able to date the fact that you can date your phone.
The game specifically lists "Overwhelming Sense of Existential Dread" as a dating option (I suspect that's the character ProZD shared, no real reason just something about it) so this could happen!

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
Ah, when you gaze into the abyss, and the abyss gazes back from across a crowded room and you both hear music in your heads