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excused from moderation duty
Staff member
Sutte Hakkun was, until now, exclusive to the Satellaview. This is an exciting precedent.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
per wikipedia, Sutte Hakkun was also released via the official "Nintendo Power" flashcart service in 1998, and on a normal cartridge in 1999
It's also a super fun game, GameFAQS or just using Google Translate on the game itself will give you the basics you need. It gets puzzling pretty quickly.

I'm one of the few people happy that Culture Brain stuff is getting re-released. Please stick The Magic of Scheherazade on NSO at some point.


Summon for hire
Yeah Sutte Hakkun looks like a really interesting puzzle platformer concept!

And then Super Ninja Boy there is doing the relatively uncommon Zelda II thing of RPG overworld map plus side scrolling action encounters… pity the action bits look super jank.


Jogurt Joestar
Super Ninja Boy is super janky in all of its game modes:
  • Top-down adventure
  • Beat-em-up random battles
  • Turn-based RPG boss fights
  • Side-scrolling platforming stages
The translation is incomprehensible, too. I think I rented it four times as a kid. Glad it's on NSO!


did i do all of that?
There was a Gameboy/GBC port of Sutte Hakkun in the gigaleak from a few years back, both of those play well as well.


chat.exe a cessé de fonctionner
Staff member
Whomever is cutting these trailers is fucking killing it. I’m not even much of a racing fan but goddang that made me excited for fuckin’ RR64.

I know we had thought in the thread that the N64 had basically been forgotten about, but apparently not!