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Threat Rhyme
Yeah same. Though wow Gravik is kind of all over the place as a villain, isn't he? For the supposed mastermind of a world-conquering scheme he's kind of an unstable putz. Sure dude, straight up murder that one guy for the slightest bit of pushback on your plan in front of your entire crew then be shocked when they finally turn on you. Are they seriously setting it up to be a big surprise when all of his forces inevitably turn on him in the finale next week? Because I can see it coming a mile away.

Overall the show is kind of a mess but it's had just enough entertaining performances (Coleman) to keep my interest.

Also, has no one commented on how bad a look it is that this is a show all about refugees from a war secretly trying to infiltrate and conquer their new home? Because that's a decision.


I don't want to be EXCESSIVELY MEAN about Secret Invasion, but I kinda expected more... everything.

This was a "spy thriller" where at no point did I find myself going "oh shit he's gonna do it. oh shit he's gonna do it... maybe he's not gonna do it OH FUCK HE DID IT." In my mind that's the single most important part of anything calling itself a "thriller."

The ending was a CGI overdose, but it was a weirdly muted one? I dunno, like, if you're gonna give both your guys EVERY POWER EVER I feel the resulting sequence of two motherfuckers absolutely destroying each other should have a little more oomph? Like, if you're just abandoning the whole cold war thriller THING for two Gokus beating eachother to death, shouldnt' the goalpost for excitement be set at that time two Gokus beat eachother to death.

Sam the Man is the man as always, and I loved that one English lady who was like "Oh actually I do have a skrull detector IT'S A GUN" was a blast but on the whole the show left me cold.

Johnny Unusual

I'm on four and I feel like the actors are very good but muted is definitely the way to describe the whole thing. It feels like the show has good smaller moments but all the big stuff is less interesting to me. In theory, I don't mind a more down to Earth approach in the same way Deep Space Nine could drop high concept stuff in favour of tense thrillers that just happen to be in space but sadly Secret Invasion (as of four) feels more like it spent all it's money on Sam Jackson and then realized it doesn't have anything fun to do with him that isn't a well-timed quip or acting choice on his part.

But yeah, it depressingly low on actual intrigue. I feel like one idea is... implicit and maybe it will be dealt with in the last two episodes but as it stands the story just isn't that interesting.


Staff member
Pretty weak finale. This series could have been so, so good, but it just turned out middling.

The G'iah vs. Gravik fight was very silly, and the entire plan hinged on Gravik arbitrarily letting "Fury" stay in the Super Skrullifier machine for no reason while it was running. What if he decided not to do that, since there's no benefit to it? What if he just shot "Fury" in the head instead? I guess Earth would be fucked!

I was unimpressed with Gravik overall. Kingsley Ben-Adir plays him well, but I sort of lost interest in him as a character as soon as he revealed himself to be a megalomaniac who murders his own people for daring to question him. "Oh, he's one of those." Very disappointing. A leader like Gravik should be smooth, charismatic and seductive, and make the Skrulls under him want to give their lives for his cause. He should inspire love and loyalty, not fear. It'd be a more interesting conflict if Gravik were truly beloved by the Skrulls, and Fury and his allies realize "holy shit, if we kill this guy we'll just make a martyr out of him and spark an open revolution. How do we stop him without making this situation worse?" I realize that's a little similar to the Namor dilemma in Wakanda Forever, but a story like this should be mired in shades of grey and difficult decisions, not a clear, bright line between good and evil. Give me something, here.

The central conflict of the series needed some massaging as well. Why do the Skrulls -- an advanced, spacefaring race with knowledge of the cosmos -- expect humans -- a species whose reach has barely extended beyond our own moon, even in the MCU -- to be able to find them a new planet? Is there no one else the Skrulls can turn to for help? Hey, what about the "garden" planet Thanos retired to after Infinity War? The one that was lush with vegetation and explicitly stated to be uninhabited? The one that's easily reachable from Earth via jump gates? Can we put the Skrulls there? Oh I guess not, because ??????

I liked the stuff with Fury and his wife, and as always I loved Olivia Colman. Please please please bring her back.

In the end, Secret Invasion was a series about two conflicting and incompatible ideologies... about how the name Talos should be pronounced.
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Post Reader
Also they never really explained WHY Carol was unable to find a planet for them. She was gone from Earth for over twenty years! What was she DOING?

ALSO how do you reveal that Rhodey was a skrull for a "long time" without actually revealing how long?


Threat Rhyme
1. The biggest kicker with the 'we can't find a planet' thing is that didn't Thanos have like an entire planet to himself that he effed off to at the end of Infinity War? That was supposedly unpopulated and super lush?

2. I think the implication is that Rhodey was swapped out after Civil War, due to his hospital robe being the same as the one he was wearing at the end of that, though that's some flimsy evidence, and if so he's missed A LOT.


Post Reader
I have watched literally every movie and TV show in the MCU and I did not make a connection between what he was wearing and the last time he was wearing something like that.


Staff member
2. I think the implication is that Rhodey was swapped out after Civil War, due to his hospital robe being the same as the one he was wearing at the end of that, though that's some flimsy evidence, and if so he's missed A LOT.

If that's what they're going for then he was abducted during the events of Civil War, as he's wearing a t-shirt and comfy pants for the final scene of that movie, when he's testing out the leg braces Tony designed for him. In which case, Rhodey doesn't know about the Snap, or that Tony's dead. Yikes. (Actually, that would explain Rhodey's abrupt about-face regarding the Sokovia Accords during Infinity War: he's literally not the same person who was hard-line in favor of them during Civil War. Hmm. Hmmmm!)

Obviously there are plenty of occasions subsequent to CW that he could have been wearing a hospital gown; the Skrulls could have grabbed him during a routine physical.
I agree that it's super weird that they don't make it clear how long it's been.

You can poke holes in just about anything if you try hard enough, but Secret Invasion's premise raises a lot of very fundamental questions that the show seemed entirely disinterested in addressing. I'm hesitant to say "lazy writing," because who knows what studio mandates the writers were subject to, or what happened in editing, but the result was a pretty flimsy and unsatisfying story.


I get the feeling this show was originally a LOT heavier on the RUSSIA STARTS FLEXXXING side of the plot.

Then real life happened and Marvel freaked the fuck out and tried to reinvent the whole show with a shitload of edits and some panicked reshoots.

I can't really point out any single moment that PROVES that we're seeing a show salvaged from what they had. It's just a feeling.
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As for Space Monster Don Cheadle, I think it would be stupid as fuck to claim that he's been a space monster since midway through Civil War.

So I'm pretty sure the top brass at Marvel is gonna be like "OOOH IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN" in the hopes of trending on Twitter, only to have war machine say an offhand line 2 movies down confirming he was grabbed exactly one day before the first episode, and he was at the hospital for a routine checkup.

He's of a certain age and his back is broken/full of super science. He's probably in a hospital gown every other week.


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
I just realized the guidance counselor was supposed to be Madam Web (or at least a reference to her).









Threat Rhyme
It honestly was a pretty good premiere, probably the best episode of a D+ Marvel show in a good while. We'll see how long it lasts.
I thought it was ok, but not great. The obvious backtracking of “oh Loki was just in the past, not an altered reality” was - while probably a necessity for a coherent Season 2 to happen - a bit disappointing and an obvious sign of “oh we didn’t expect this to get a sequel”-itis. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it took me out of the moment when it happened.

I am not a hater of Marvel-banter by any means, but I thought this week's episode's wasn't particularly interesting and didn't really integrate well into the surrounding events. I also thought that the show just felt like it was going through the motions, versus having any of the weight or emotional resonance of the first season.

That said, it's great to see Eugene Cordero again, and Ke Huy Quan is delightful as always. More Asians getting to be more than token Asians! It's a step in the right direction, Disney. Overall, it was fine. It wasn't actively boring like a lot of D+ shows, and I'm more than willing to keep seeing it through. I just hope it doesn't turn into a typical boilerplate D+ Marvel show where I need to be baked to keep watching.


So I've been Vomiting my THOUGHTS on loki into the Talking Time discord on a weekly basis.

Basically, it's probably the BEST Disney Plus show... meaning it's about a 6/10.


I cuss you bad
Yeah, it's a lot of people running around going "oh no, this is important" and it's beautifully done and acted, but I have very little idea of what's actually going on and why I should care

Also the abrupt volte-face from the TVA

to "oh no the baddies are wiping out timelines, the monsters"

Mate, you were doing that like an hour ago


(he / his / him)
I've been enjoying Loki Season 2 so far, hopefully the last episode those good feelings don't get deflated a la Season 1.


Comes and goes with the wind
This show still has both great performances and great art direction, but plot-wise it has spent this entire season practically spinning in circles, focused on one crisis. The first season leapt around in time and space, and kept pushing the characters forward with it. This season feels like it is bidding its time so it can pick up where the first season left off. (and all of the Disney execs shouting "oh no" the entire time)

My husband, after most recent episode: "I think the credits might be the best part of the show."
Me: "It happens."


Staff member
Marvel Studios Presents The Marvelous Ms. Marvel: A Marvel Story does not deserve the critical and (preemptive) fan drubbing it's been getting. This I declare, as Talking Time's MCU Pope. It's not incredible, but I liked it! It's a breezy, fun hang-out movie with occasional punchin'.

My rule these days is not to watch more than the first trailer for a given MCU movie, but I do sometimes watch Youtube on my TV and am therefore involuntarily subjected to the first five unskippable seconds of whatever trailer they care to throw at me. Friends, the marketing for this movie got real weird real fast. I caught footage from Endgame, and what appeared to be new (or unused) voice lines from Thanos implying a connection between this movie and his plan where none exists. I know you can't necessarily trust a trailer, but there's a difference between using a different take in the final film, vs. positioning your largely inessential fluff movie as being the end-all be-all lynchpin of destiny. Marvel seems to be getting kind of desperate in the face of the increased backlash against them, but this kind of deception's only going to work once, guys. Take a step back and really think about what you're doing here.

Anyway. The real draw here is the characters: Iman Vellani is irrepressibly adorable as Kamala and I enjoyed every bit with her and her almost equally adorable family. I think the main trio bounce off of each other well, and their growth into a team feels natural, as expedient as it is. I'm sure a longer cut of this movie exists that we will never see, and that's a shame: I would have liked to spend more time with these three and give their scenes some more room to breathe. Kamala getting to play Nick Fury at the end was wonderful.

The central conceit of the movie, that every use of the Marvels' powers swaps them in space, made for some fun and chaotic sequences but also seemed incredibly inconsistent in practice. Also, if it's the bangles which cause this effect, shouldn't it just be Kamala and Dar-Benn switching places? I don't quite understand how Carol and Monica got looped into it.

The villain didn't do much for me. Where is it written that every Kree Accuser must be dull as dishwater? Ronan left a proud legacy.

Real dick move for Carol to fly up into the stratosphere early on, knowing it would cause her to switch, without first making sure the other two can also fly. But that led to Fury's casual "Oh it's cool, it's just Carol" line upon the landing, which got a big laugh in my theater, so I'll allow it.

Tessa Thompson is always welcome on my screen, but her cameo felt oddly dry and perfunctory. It also raises some difficult questions: she shows up to take the Skrulls "somewhere safe." If that means Earth, the end of Secret Invasion already established it as being in planetwide open season on Skrulls. If it's not Earth, that means she's found someplace else that Skrulls can live... which renders the entire conflict in Secret Invasion void. Awkward!

I think it would have been hilarious if, when the final jump gate started sucking up the sun, it also brought out Ikaris' corpse.

Loved the S.A.B.E.R. escape sequence. "Attention all personnel. Please stop running and let the Flerkens eat you." (I've already forgotten what S.A.B.E.R. stands for but it was very clunky.)

When Monica woke up in the hospital bed I immediately thought "I bet she's in the X-Mansion," because I'm an ultra clever lad. This really is the year of Kelsey Grammer.

There is a mid-credits scene but no post-credits scene.


Staff member
This was a great finale.

I wasn't the biggest fan of Loki S1 -- it certainly had its moments but I thought it largely squandered the potential of its premise (or at the very least it didn't deliver what I was hoping for), but I was open to seeing what they'd do with a second season.

S2 saw me sighing impatiently and checking my phone a lot. Ke Huy Quan is an incredibly enjoyable addition to the cast, and again it had its bright spots, but the central dilemma -- a big machine is going to explode and kill us all -- did not give me much to hook into emotionally, and it felt like the show was spinning its wheels a lot of the time. I don't know that the finale redeems all that, exactly, and perhaps they could have taken a more interesting road to get where they were ultimately going... but it is a very strong ending, with beautiful imagery and solid character work, that makes me glad I spent the time getting there.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
Yeah season 2 largely left me cool (not nearly enough Ms. Minutes for one thing), but the finale was… exactly what I was hoping to get from the show in the first place.


The Marvels didn't do much for me, which was disappointing, as I love the cast. I couldn't feel any chemistry between the main trio, the jokes didn't land very well (although I did laugh at the gag about the transparent top-secret tablet computer). The Cats segment was funny in theory, but it went on for too long. Musical ocean planet could have been good, but they clearly didn't feel confident enough in it so it was cut short. Cap M's hard decision about letting the rest of the Skrulls die didn't feel like a big deal.

The last fight was really dope and I did enjoy Kamala's family as before.
The Marvels for me was fine, a bit of light fun with a few disappointments and a few more weak elements.

There was no real sense of urgency, all the stakes and threat just seemed very low and unthreatening even as they tried to tell us they were high and very scary. Poor Rambeau Jr felt under-served by her key character scenes being directed without any sense of drama, not helped by a bit of a stiff performance (she also started feeling stilted at the end of Wandavision after she powered up, after being a standout lead for the first half of that show... no idea what's going on there. And yeah, the musical planet felt like they were moments away from doing a big Broadway musical/Bollywood movie song+dance number and then just kinda dipped their foot in that without committing before backing off without a proper song. That was a real shame. And they then noped right out of that planet moments later, making it feel like it was a lot of setup for nothing.

But still, Kamala was dorky and fun with the same infectious enthusiasm from her show, Danvers had a few good lines and moments, and there were several good laughs throughout. This would've been an upper-end-of-the-middle-of-the-pack movie in Phase 2 or 3, I feel. But apparently the discontent from multiple stumbles has boiled over into anti-hype (assisted, no doubt, by the usual "grr no girls" haters) and so this movie is tanking all that negative sentiment to some degree, seems like.
Ok so I watched Loki S2. It was good? I don't really get what's going on at the end. So Loki is just gonna sit in that room clutching ropes for all time? Feels like there won't be a S3 which is sad and upsetting, but the story concluded well enough I guess.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
Just watched The Marvels, starring Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel/and. Marvel and Ms. Marvel, based on the Marvel comics, but not the Marvel comic The Marvels or The Marvels, which had nothing to do with the aforesaid The Marvels.

I thought it was Marvelous