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I enjoyed it, having been primed to enjoy it by jokes about it. I didn’t really understand this tweet before seeing the movie and I’m not sure I would have noticed but it was quite literal:
Dakota Johnson’s performance was winning. I understand not being charmed by her perceived IRL rudeness but I also think a lot of those incidents seem overstated. Shouldn’t have locked people in that coffee shop or whatever, though, for sure.


Son of The Answer Man
I'm going to be honest, I was only vaguely interested in Madame Web, but the fact that the internet's "usual suspects" have declared it the WORST MARVEL MOVIE EVER WORSE THAN MORBIUS WOOOOOOOORST makes me want to rush out and see it.
I'm going to be honest, I was only vaguely interested in Madame Web, but the fact that the internet's "usual suspects" have declared it the WORST MARVEL MOVIE EVER WORSE THAN MORBIUS WOOOOOOOORST makes me want to rush out and see it.

It's so universally panned that I wouldn't make any decisions based on bad people also disliking it. More or less everyone dislikes it, so that's going to include a lot of bad people also.

The compelling reason to see it would probably be if people with taste in camp or dumb movies you trust think it's fun. Personally, a lot of people with taste in dumb movies I trust think it's fun, but also I like Tom Hardy's Venom more than probably every MCU movie. This basically sold me on seeing it eventually (not in the theater):

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Son of The Answer Man
It's so universally panned that I wouldn't make any decisions based on bad people also disliking it. More or less everyone dislikes it, so that's going to include a lot of bad people also.

The compelling reason to see it would probably be if people with taste in camp or dumb movies you trust think it's fun. Personally, a lot of people with taste in dumb movies I trust think it's fun, but also I like Tom Hardy's Venom more than probably every MCU movie. This basically sold me on seeing it eventually (not in the theater):
Wait, there were people who didn't like the Venom movies? The first one was a little unsteady, but the second really understood that it was a monsterfucker romcom (not a superhero movie by any stretch) and worked really well for that.


Plus Carnage vs Venom just isn't a great pairing - they're too similar. Spider-Man vs Carnage would be much more interesting. Woody Harrelson does a decent job, but it feels like he's phoning it in a bit.


Staff member
If you've been waiting for Eternals 2, you may want to get comfortable, for your wait may end up being... eternal.

I think this is the right move. The first movie has its supporters but I have yet to meet an Eternals superfan, and if the goal is to winnow Marvel Studios' output down to some guaranteed winners, this seems like a pretty safe cut. It's a shame that any movie has to be canceled, of course, and I can't help but be curious whether a second outing with these characters would have interested me more.

Exposition Owl

more posts about buildings and food
It's a shame that any movie has to be canceled, of course, and I can't help but be curious whether a second outing with these characters would have interested me more.

I wonder if that movie might have worked better as a miniseries. Even as long as it was, it felt to me like it was trying to do too much in too little time.

Honestly, I can’t blame the execs at Marvel for wanting to be more selective with their screen output. Still, given the way AAA game development has gone, I worry that that will mean more focus on trying to make tentpole summer blockbusters and less on making TV series that can focus on more obscure characters and smaller stakes. (And probably also more stories about white dudes and fewer about women of color.) That would be a pity, because I’ve usually enjoyed Marvel’s TV productions a lot more than their movies for years now.
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I like Eternals. More than most, I’d wager. I don’t really see the purpose of a standalone sequel film, when like half the Eternals are either dead, detached from the hero business, or around but maybe irredeemably bad. It would make more sense to use the characters in some kind of team up, or where they are in supporting roles for heroes with bigger names/easier draws to the theater.

Pairing down the TV shows makes sense too. There were too many Marvel shows for things that didn’t draw enough eyes, and it would make sense to lighten the burden on their overworked CGI houses.


Same as I ever was
I liked the Eternals more than most of the post-Endgame movies, but I'd also be fine if they worked the characters into other movies instead of giving them their own sequel.

Octopus Prime

Mysterious Contraption
X-Men 97 was the Marvel Thing Ive, by far, been most excited for since Endgame.

based on the first two episodes, it lives up to that enthusiasm.


Staff member
Can confirm X-Men '97 is The Good Shit.

The original series was a fixture of my Saturday mornings, even though I didn't read the comics -- its serialized storytelling was pretty unique among the shows I watched at the time, and it felt more mature as a result. I think I fell off of it after discovering anime, though, and haven't revisited it beyond jamming to the opening theme on Youtube now and then. But this revival targets my nostalgia with a precision optic blast. Styling it as a continuation of the '90s series rather than a reboot allows it to be both familiar and surprising, and it's lovely having so much of the original voice cast back. My understanding is that two seasons are already in the can and work is beginning on a third, so we should be eating well for the foreseeable future.
I really hope it is the sequel to the show in my memories, and not the show that actually existed. Because I've gone back to that show not too long ago and it really doesn't hold up in the same way other contemporaries like the Batman, or Superman, or Spider-Man shows all do.

Rascally Badger

El Capitan de la outro espacio
I agree the new show is good, and that the old show doesn't quite hold up.

I became an X-Men fan because of that show, and thought it was superior to Batman: TAS as a kid. Then I revisited, and its not. I mean, its not bad, but my memories of the show are more entertaining than the actual show.

X-Men '97 is good times.

Pajaro Pete

It is truly, truly shocking how good X-Men 97 is. I expected it to be Fine, but they have exceeded expectations. eXceeded eXpectations?


I saw Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 on Friday. Yes, I'm almost a year late, but I have a 1 year old, so that's my excuse.

I went in to this expecting to either like or love it, since I like most marvel movies and I'm a fan of GOTG. Surprisingly, I absolutely hated it. I looked up impressions afterward, and it seems like it's universally beloved, so I think it's just a me thing. There were a lot of little things in there I liked too, but there was one thing that just turned me off and took me out of the movie constantly - the animals.

Rocket's friends, the creatures on Counter-Earth, the cyborg animal guards, all of them. They all repulsed me, and every time they were on screen it bothered me. There was other stuff I liked and I wanted to like the movie more, but I just keep feeling like I couldn't focus on the movie and none of the emotional beats hit for me.

I tried to think back to other media that I had a similar response to, and I remembered We 3, a Grant Morrison comic from like 2000 that I read back when I worked in a bookstore. It has a dog, cat, and rabbit who were experimented on and turned into weapons, and I remember having a similar repulsed reaction to it. I've never been into Isle of Dr. Moreau stuff either, but not to the same extent.

So I guess that style of story/character is just not for me. That sucks, because I really wanted to watch a fun space adventure movie, and instead I felt awful at the end. I'm glad other folks enjoyed it.


Staff member
Sorry it didn't land for you, Patrick. I agree that there's some super uncomfortable and sometimes upsetting animal content in GotG3. For me it worked in the movie's favor (making me hate the villain more) rather than against it, but your reaction is totally valid too.


(He, Him)
I didn’t love it either but all of those movies glorify violence in a way that just doesn’t work for me. The mass murderer mohawk guy did not really deserve a hero’s death.


Staff member
Deadpool & Wolverine's X-cellent Adventure is wonderful fun. Please go see it before you get spoiled.

I don't think anyone was seriously concerned Deadpool was going to end up Disney-ified and sanitized, but he's just as ultra-violent and ultra-vulgar as ever. Not all of the jokes landed but most did, and some landed hard. There was more poking fun at the MCU's current slump than I expected ("Welcome to the MCU. You joined at kind of a low point"), and I hope this movie does a lot to re-energize audiences. It sure did for me.

Of course there's a lot of bones made about joining the MCU, but more than anything this film serves as an affectionate send-off to the Fox Marvel universe, warts and all. I absolutely howled when Chris Evans turned out to be not Cap but Johnny Storm, and was giddy at the reveal of "The Others," including the long-deferred fulfillment of Channing Tatum's wish to be Gambit. Good for him. I also experienced a genuine emotion seeing Laura/X-23 all grown up.

There is a truly excellent fight in a Honda Odyssey.

Huge Ackman acts his fucking ass off in this dumb fart joke movie and I was fucking there for it. Emma Corrin's a great Cassandra Nova.

Got a little misty-eyed during the montage of all the BTS footage from the Fox Marvel movies. Everyone's so young!!

I dunno, I actually don't have a lot to say about this movie other than it's exactly what I hoped it would be. I'm glad it exists.

There is a mid-credits montage and a post-credits scene.