Oh, I'd argue that most of them are better than Paladin's Quest! I've been replaying a bunch of early PS1 jrpgs, and I'd argue that your average KEMCO game can compete with the first Wild ARMs game pretty heartily, and is significantly more playable than Beyond the Beyond. The fact that they're made for a modern audience with casual play in mind means they generally end up better than the shovelware jrpgs that (eventually) got fan-translated for the SNES. And they vary the systems a lot more than RPGMaker steam games generally do.Yeah they ain’t gonna break your knees or nothing, they’re just kind of… acceptable.
They’ve built their entire corporate identity out of games on the same tier as the original Lufia or Paladins Quest
I can dig out the reviews I wrote for all the ones I played, if people are interested. It could be an entire thread.