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The Return Of The "Not Worth Its Own Thread" Thread


Son of The Answer Man
Do you guys not have Barcade? I feel like there's a whole bunch of those now. We have one here in Jersey City; I've been looking into having a party there at some point.


Me and My Bestie
(He, him)
I just came to an unfortunate conclusion. If the Xbox is Microsoft's Master System, an overlooked yet promising start to a console empire, and the Xbox 360 was their Genesis, the system that went toe to toe with a dominant industry presence, that would make the bungled Xbox One the Saturn, and the Xbox Series... Microsoft's last console. :(
Sega was in a much more financially dire situation though.


Geno Cidecity
To my knowledge Microsoft isn't locked into lawsuits with any potential GPU manufacturers for their consoles right now, so they at least have that going for them


Summon for hire
We’ve actually got a couple barcade-type places near me and I think they’re both independent, Baxter in Chapel Hill and Boxcar in Durham. Both decent.


Son of The Answer Man

Beowife used the Miyoo Mini+ as her model for my birthday cake this year.


Fearful asymmetry

I've never liked fake Game Boy Advance cartridges, or "Nintondos," but this is a whole new low for Nintondos. You can buy an unlicensed copy of Pokemon Emerald with a battery save that never works, from a vending machine that used to contain Doritos and Handi-Snacks ten years ago.

Honestly, if you told me that I could buy video games from a vending machine, like in a Japanese 7-11, twenty years ago, I would have said "Hey, that's pretty cool!" But then you'd tell me they're just Nintondos that smell vaguely of Andy Capp Hot Fries, and I'd say, "Damn, the future blows." And I would say to me, "Yes, it very much does. Remember the guy with the bad toupee from the NBC game show? Yeah, better get used to seeing him for a while."


Watching a LP of Xenogears. That game has really nice character sprites. So much animation within the fights, but also outside. I really enjoy looking at this game. It also can be goofy as hell, which is a plus.

I forgot the details of the story, but key parts stuck, like when someone used an ability of a Gear that shot the pilot out, and would kill him, or the Soylent Green bit, or the Walruss captain, or when said Gear was activated by a bunch of kids using the playground in the correct order. And the part where the enemy group turns into Voltron. I need to replay this at some point, really enjoyed my first playthrough. But I guess Chrono Cross is first. And Breath of Fire III and IV. And, of course, playing through FF XIII first. Too many games, and all of them insanely long.

Oh, I just saw that evil gear, standing dramatically in front of an orange, full moon. I love how melodramatic this game like to be.

Oh, I just remembered that white room, where Fey and Fey talked to Fey. I love this game. Just thinking about it is so great.

Reading Grahfs babble is so great. Also: "My father?! You mean my dad?!" Amazing line.


Honestly, if you told me that I could buy video games from a vending machine, like in a Japanese 7-11, twenty years ago, I would have said "Hey, that's pretty cool!" But then you'd tell me they're just Nintondos that smell vaguely of Andy Capp Hot Fries, and I'd say, "Damn, the future blows." And I would say to me, "Yes, it very much does. Remember the guy with the bad toupee from the NBC game show? Yeah, better get used to seeing him for a while."
Ah, but you could! Give or take a few months! The biggest selling point of the Famicom Disk System was that the disks were rewritable, so if you were a real cheapskate and you figured "after getting through as all 4 characters I don't think I really have a reason to play this Doki Doki Panic thing again" you could just take it down to your local 7/11 or whatever and pop it into one of these obelisks of joy, overwrite it with Metroid or Zelda or something for... holy crap just 500 yen!? That's half what that sketchy thing charges.

Or get a new blank disk for still pretty damn cheap. Some quick checking says these kiosks were officially still in service until some time in 2003. Pretty sure similar sorts of "rewrite your software here" deals uh... probably still exist to this day. At the very least you can go download a pokemon at a corner store somewhere I'm sure.


Ah, but you could! Give or take a few months! The biggest selling point of the Famicom Disk System was that the disks were rewritable, so if you were a real cheapskate and you figured "after getting through as all 4 characters I don't think I really have a reason to play this Doki Doki Panic thing again" you could just take it down to your local 7/11 or whatever and pop it into one of these obelisks of joy, overwrite it with Metroid or Zelda or something for... holy crap just 500 yen!? That's half what that sketchy thing charges.

Or get a new blank disk for still pretty damn cheap. Some quick checking says these kiosks were officially still in service until some time in 2003. Pretty sure similar sorts of "rewrite your software here" deals uh... probably still exist to this day. At the very least you can go download a pokemon at a corner store somewhere I'm sure.
Wow I did not know any of this! Very cool.


Fearful asymmetry
2003!? For NES games? Evidently the Japanese weren't down with NESticle, or even aware of its existence. How long did the Satellaview for Super NES last?


did i do all of that?
Ah, but you could! Give or take a few months! The biggest selling point of the Famicom Disk System was that the disks were rewritable, so if you were a real cheapskate and you figured "after getting through as all 4 characters I don't think I really have a reason to play this Doki Doki Panic thing again" you could just take it down to your local 7/11 or whatever and pop it into one of these obelisks of joy, overwrite it with Metroid or Zelda or something for... holy crap just 500 yen!? That's half what that sketchy thing charges.

Or get a new blank disk for still pretty damn cheap. Some quick checking says these kiosks were officially still in service until some time in 2003. Pretty sure similar sorts of "rewrite your software here" deals uh... probably still exist to this day. At the very least you can go download a pokemon at a corner store somewhere I'm sure.

The crazy thing is, as far as anyone can tell, Nintendo successfully retrieved all of these disk rewriters from wherever they were in service in Japan when they retired them in 2003, too. Like there are none in the wild, their software hasn't been dumped, etc. Also see those little yellow cartridge things in that picture? Those are NES (as in, North American NES) shells, only yellow. Pretty much all of those haven't been dumped either!

IIRC, the unit we have the most footage of in use was brought out of retirement briefly by Nintendo for the Game Center CX movie. After filming, they took it back lol

The ability we have now to rewrite Disk System disks was hacked, not dumped from these machines like you may think. There's speculation that these machines have different hardware inside from the consumer units, because disks rewritten using the actual consumer Famicom Disk Systems by hacking work best on the disk system they were rewritten on, and have trouble loading on other units.


Geno Cidecity
Just gonna say it again. Space Hole. Whole series, though I've only spent any real time on 2016.



Fearful asymmetry
I just want to say, fuck Nintendo for its current hostile attitude toward emulators. The video game industry has done dick-all to preserve its culture, and you're vilifying emulators, the backbone of your shitty online service? YOU are using emulators. You know it, I know it. You're making mad bank from it, because there's no other valid reason to get a Switch online subscription. Stop trying to make emulators a boogeyman when you're actively profiting from them. There are lots and lots of game systems that have nothing to do with Nintendo, which desperately NEED to be preserved, which may not be, because you're being a possessive, aggressive asshole!
Regarding the Famicom Disk kiosks, I believe this is also at least part of the reason why we didn't get the Japanese Super Mario Bros 2 in America, besides it being frustratingly difficult. Most people getting the game in Japan would have the option to get the game for only 500 yen or about $5, but in the US you'd have to charge full price for the cartridge.


did i do all of that?
Regarding the Famicom Disk kiosks, I believe this is also at least part of the reason why we didn't get the Japanese Super Mario Bros 2 in America, besides it being frustratingly difficult. Most people getting the game in Japan would have the option to get the game for only 500 yen or about $5, but in the US you'd have to charge full price for the cartridge.
If you had a blank disk, yeah, but otherwise you'd have to pay, iirc, $20-$30 for the game with the manual and everything. A lot of people apparently bought cheaper games and wrote Mario 2 to the B side of the disk, when it'd cost $5, but Nintendo sold plenty of full price (at least at FDS rates) SMB2 disks.

Exposition Owl

more posts about buildings and food
So, we all know that our beloved forums take their name from the dialog boxes in Clash at Demonhead for the NES. I just learned that, a few years before Clash was released, the seminal electronica group Cabaret Voltaire released an album with a song called “Talking Time.” Here it is:

Is it possible that somebody at Vic Tokai was a Cabaret Voltaire fan?


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Do you guys not have Barcade? I feel like there's a whole bunch of those now. We have one here in Jersey City; I've been looking into having a party there at some point.

I think Barcade, proper noun, is a specifically tri-state area thing.

Ah, but you could! Give or take a few months! The biggest selling point of the Famicom Disk System was that the disks were rewritable, so if you were a real cheapskate and you figured "after getting through as all 4 characters I don't think I really have a reason to play this Doki Doki Panic thing again" you could just take it down to your local 7/11 or whatever and pop it into one of these obelisks of joy, overwrite it with Metroid or Zelda or something for... holy crap just 500 yen!? That's half what that sketchy thing charges.

Or get a new blank disk for still pretty damn cheap. Some quick checking says these kiosks were officially still in service until some time in 2003. Pretty sure similar sorts of "rewrite your software here" deals uh... probably still exist to this day. At the very least you can go download a pokemon at a corner store somewhere I'm sure.

Yeah! They did this again in the '90s with the NINTENDO POWER system (no relation), which were rewriteable SNES and Game Boy carts. A little more expensive, but still cheaper than brand new games. I have two of the Super Famicom carts, but there's nothing especially interesting on either (Super Mario All-Stars is on one, but it's identical to the retail version, afaik).



Fearful asymmetry
You know those cute smiley faced Blue Landers who give you power ups and sell you weapons in Compile games? Evidently they started out as monsters in C-SO. Monsters you crush with the business end of a seesaw, or launch into the ceiling, squishing them flat. It's jarring to see the Blue Landers as antagonists, pests to be exterminated. Look, I know I'm killing you in the most humiliating ways possible, but I swear it's nothing personal. Please don't raise the price of the wave cannon in The Guardian Legend out of spite! I've only got so many chips!

Ghost from Spelunker

Don't know if this goes in this thread, the Mega Man thread, or the YouTube thread, but here it goes:
I revisited somebody's YouTube vids from...(checks) 13 years ago where a guy goes through Mega Man X games without taking damage + no upgrades and the guy's commentary was this reminder of how bad games criticism can get.

Basically, whenever the guy comes across something he doesn't like in a game:
1. Take it personally
2. Say that the programmers have absolutely no talent, none whatsoever
3. Accuse the producers of hating us and intentionally making it bad
4. Say how you could have done a better job in just one minute

How many times did I hear these things in the 2000's-2010's?


I cuss you bad
I just want to say, fuck Nintendo for its current hostile attitude toward emulators. The video game industry has done dick-all to preserve its culture, and you're vilifying emulators, the backbone of your shitty online service? YOU are using emulators. You know it, I know it. You're making mad bank from it, because there's no other valid reason to get a Switch online subscription. Stop trying to make emulators a boogeyman when you're actively profiting from them. There are lots and lots of game systems that have nothing to do with Nintendo, which desperately NEED to be preserved, which may not be, because you're being a possessive, aggressive asshole!
If you think Sony or Microsoft like emulators any more than Nintendo then I have news for you. The only reason we know for certain that emulators are legal is because Sony's lawsuits failed many years ago.

Emulators are absolutely vital for preserving video games in a playable form, but idiotic choices like the one the Dolphin developers made make it possible to take them down. Dolphin's situation has been known about for a while, it's a miracle it's taken this long for Nintendo to act.


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
Also, in this particular case it was Valve taking the initiative asking Nintendo about it (which replied it was violating DMCA, because well... it is) and then subsequently taking it down under its own TOS before any legal actions could be taken either way.

This specific issue with Dolphin was with the Disc dumping util in the PC build, right? I can see how that could be brushed aside for so long. Many of the devs may not even have a DVD drive anymore in their PCs, let alone one compatible with Wii discs.


Summon for hire
Yeah it’s specifically the decryption keys being compiled in that’s the issue, because based on other legal precedent from previous lawsuits, those are magic copyright-able numbers.

Yeah! They did this again in the '90s with the NINTENDO POWER system (no relation), which were rewriteable SNES and Game Boy carts. A little more expensive, but still cheaper than brand new games. I have two of the Super Famicom carts, but there's nothing especially interesting on either (Super Mario All-Stars is on one, but it's identical to the retail version, afaik).
Whoa, I had no idea there were SFC and GBA disk systems! Learned something new.


hardcore retro gamin'
I'm hoping the Dolphin devs will take this opportunity to get all that sorted out and legal as it should be. I don't see any real advantage to being on Steam, though - you're still going to need to jump through most of the same hoops as downloading directly, not to mention setting up ISOs and whatnot.