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Banrise finally released some info on their newest, upcoming Gundam show: The Witch From Mercury


Gonna star a female protagonist for the first time. Her mech is "Gundam Aeriel." It'll come out in October with a "Prologue Project" preceding it in the Summer. Here's another view of the hero-mech:


Consider my interests piqued!
Sunrise adapting the one episode of the original Gundam that Tomino disavowed into a feature film is both intensely disinteresting to me as a product/piece of media to consume, but intensely interesting to me in an academic sense. I suspect this might be a coal mine canary to both test the public's appetite for more 0079 no matter its form, as well as gearing up for an eventual full remake of the original series once Tomino kicks the bucket.


Summon for hire
Gonna star a female protagonist for the first time.
Yes please. Not that I really trust them to handle it well but still.

Decent looking Gundam variant too. I fell off the Gunpla building wagon a couple years ago and have quite a backlog of kits to get back to, but it seems like something likely to be a fun one after it’s inevitable mid-series upgrade. 😅


Summon for hire
Also, a related video just led me to Moon Gundam, something set between ZZ and CCA that was evidently a manga that got adapted into... a mobile game. Huh.
Yes please. Not that I really trust them to handle it well but still.
It really depends on who they get to write and direct. But I still think it's a good sign that they're even allowing this to begin with. It tells me that the old sexist dogs in control of Bandai have either relented or been replaced, because this has been a hard line the franchise has refused to cross despite incredibly strong attempts to do so by the creative side for decades, and despite Gundam historically being a very popular franchise among women.

Also, a related video just led me to Moon Gundam, something set between ZZ and CCA that was evidently a manga that got adapted into... a mobile game. Huh.
Coulda sworn we talked about it before. It's a manga (gorgeous one at that) written by the guy who wrote the original Unicorn Gundam novels, and takes place one year before CCA. It's pretty interesting, the main character is from Moon-Moon and iirc gets exiled for tampering with forbidden tech because when he was younger he was enthralled by when Judau & Co visited. The titular Moon Gundam is a prototype Sazabi that had a Gundam head slapped on the top. It's also not adapted into a mobile game, because that implies the game is just about Moon Gundam. It's rather just a generic Gundam game that showcased the Moon Gundam scenario in a cutscene. News on Moon Gundam has been pretty slow/sparse which is disappointing. It felt like it was being positioned to be the next big UC spin-off, but I haven't heard much of it. The High-Grade Moon Gundam though is an incredible kit. It's got MG level detail and looks drop dead gorgeous. It was a really fun build and I highly recommend it. Hands down my favorite HG I've ever built.


You're definitely gonna need stuff to do black, grey, red, and green panel lining though.


Summon for hire
Dang, that is a fine looking kit. Dammit, I bet I’ve let my supplies sit fallow long enough that half my paint markers have dried out and I’d have to buy new ones again. 😝


Staff member
Playing Super Robot Wars 30 has reignited my passion for Gundam lately, so I've been revisiting select series that I haven't seen in quite a while: CCA, Unicorn, 0080 and 0083 have all seen playtime in the last couple weeks, and I'm having a grand time. I'm even thinking of starting the process of shelling out to fill in the gaps in my pre-Turn A collection (MSG TV, ZZ, F91, Victory, Wing TV and X).

That's not what I'm here to talk to you about today, though. Remember Hiroko Moriguchi, the vocalist on Mizu no Hoshi e Ai wo Komete from Zeta and Eternal Wind from F91? She's back, baby, with a trilogy of gorgeous Gundam cover albums that span from the original TV series to Iron-Blooded Orphans. (Although to my disappointment G Gundam gets skipped; I would have loved to hear her take on Umi Yori Fukaku.) The first of these albums came out in 2019, and I only discovered this past week that she put out two more while I wasn't paying attention. Her covers feature a number of guest artists (including TM Network and Mami Ayukawa returning to cover their own works), and she employs a variety of styles, some of which hew close to the originals and some of which are rather surprising (such as her ethereal a capella version of Meguriai.) They're all immensely listenable, and I've been playing them nonstop at work the last few days.

But don't take my word for it! Here's the music video for Mizu no Hoshi, off the first album. And tracklists for your perusal:


Check em out, maybe!


Staff member
I've revised my estimation of certain entries in the Gundam canon from my recent rewatches. Behold my bad opinions:

Char's Counterattack: I must have been in a bad mood or something the last time I watched this, because I had a way better time with it than I expected. Amusingly, most of the cast goes to war because they're horny: Gyunei and Hathaway are horny for Quess, Quess is horny for Char, and of course Char's horny for Amuro. There's plenty of secondary horny about, but those are the ones that really drive the plot. The body count would probably be a lot lower if everyone would just have a nice wank in their quarters before suiting up. Really helps clear the mind.

Gundam Unicorn: I actually love this series. It feels like it has a lot of insight into the roots of the Federation/Zeon conflict -- maybe those same insights can be gleaned from the previous works, but Unicorn really crystallizes them. The answer to the central mystery is laugh-out-loud stupid, but the series sells it so hard that you kind of want to believe it. Ultimately I can't decide whether to view it as a message of hope or despair for the Universal Century -- here is a society that has discovered the existence of Newtypes but can't think of any use for them other than as weapons. Unicorn presents us with something that could change that status quo... but since it was written after the works that follow it in the timeline, it can't have any meaningful effect on them. Or can it? Is the opening of Laplace's Box the cause of the slow decline of the Federation through F91, Crossbone and Victory, and is that a good thing? It gives rise to the existence of terrifying entities like Cosmo Babylonia and Zanscare, but maybe in the long view those are just missteps on the way to figuring out a proper system of governance. I guess I should watch Reconguista in G if I want to know the answer.

Gundam 0080: Still brilliant and heartbreaking. You know that "WOW, COOL ROBOT" meme where the Gundam shoots its "war is bad" message over the viewer's head? The secret second part of that meme is the message striking and killing poor Bernie Wiseman. Did you know David Hayter voiced Bernie in the dub? It's true! I flipped over to the dub track to spot check it and it's absolutely him. He's not doing his Snake voice, obviously, but you can still hear a trace of it in a couple of syllables.

Gundam 0083: I still have a few more episodes of this to go, but whereas years ago I would have told you it has a pretty good first half before going off the rails in the back half, it is unfortunately actually dumb as a box of rocks all the way through. I hate absolutely every single character. Kou is a pile of wet cardboard mushed into the shape of a man, Nina is a shrieking, weeping lunatic, and every second Monsha is on screen feels like my entire body is on fire. At least it's pretty to look at.

Anyway. As long as I'm riding this wave of Gundam enthusiasm I figure I might as well check out some of the series I've missed in the past 20 years of not really paying attention. I feel like I've heard people speak favorably about one or more of the Gundam Build ______ series, but there's like a half-dozen of them and I don't know what's what. It looks like Build Fighters and Build Divers are separate continuities from each other? What's worth checking out?


Gundam 0083: I still have a few more episodes of this to go, but whereas years ago I would have told you it has a pretty good first half before going off the rails in the back half, it is unfortunately actually dumb as a box of rocks all the way through. I hate absolutely every single character. Kou is a pile of wet cardboard mushed into the shape of a man, Nina is a shrieking, weeping lunatic, and every second Monsha is on screen feels like my entire body is on fire. At least it's pretty to look at.

I still can't get over Burning's death. It was the point where I went from "wow this show seems a little bit... Silly?" to realizing it was actively trying to waste my time and had no respect for its audience.

Anyway. As long as I'm riding this wave of Gundam enthusiasm I figure I might as well check out some of the series I've missed in the past 20 years of not really paying attention. I feel like I've heard people speak favorably about one or more of the Gundam Build ______ series, but there's like a half-dozen of them and I don't know what's what. It looks like Build Fighters and Build Divers are separate continuities from each other? What's worth checking out?

There's at least three separate Build continuities:

- Build Fighters involves gunpla being animated and controlled by "plasovsky particle" fields; Build Fighters and BF Try are both solid tournament fighter series.
- Build Divers involves gunpla being scanned into an MMO; Build Divers is 100% .hack-style "digital world" shenanigans; Build Divers reRise wants you to think it's that but is actually an old-school sci-fi story in the John Carter tradition. (Spoiler for things that should be obvious a few episodes in to reRise)
- Breaker involves gunpla being scanned into a LAN tournament fighter; the setting is essentially a Gundam-style "dawn of space colonization" world, but instead of that resulting in colonial exploitation of forcibly relocated space-dwellers, everyone decides to do gunpla instead, which is hilarious.

I'd recommend starting with the first few episodes of Build Fighters, and deciding where to go from there if the premise interests you based on what Gundam models you most want to see beating each other up.


Staff member
With 0083, I'm just reminding myself "these are the assholes who eventually became the Titans, and all probably got murked by the AEUG at some point" to find solace.

Thanks for the recommendations! I will do as you say and start with Build Fighters. Deep down I guess I'm hoping for something to scratch that G Gundam tournament itch, but I don't know if that particular lightning can be re-bottled.


Thanks for the recommendations! I will do as you say and start with Build Fighters. Deep down I guess I'm hoping for something to scratch that G Gundam tournament itch, but I don't know if that particular lightning can be re-bottled.

Build Fighters and Try do a decent job at that; Try even implies that one of the protagonists was trained by Domon.
I guess I should watch Reconguista in G if I want to know the answer.
Please do. The series is a little bit obtuse, in that the pace is blistering, there is zero narration/hand-holding, and it wants you to figure everything out based on context clues. But if you can manage that it's a wonderful watch. Regarding your I assume rhetorical question, the answer is that the Universal Century got so bad that at one point people resulted to cannibalism sooooo 😂 But seriously, it's the best Gundam thing since Turn-A, it's a must watch.

Anyway. As long as I'm riding this wave of Gundam enthusiasm I figure I might as well check out some of the series I've missed in the past 20 years of not really paying attention. I feel like I've heard people speak favorably about one or more of the Gundam Build ______ series, but there's like a half-dozen of them and I don't know what's what. It looks like Build Fighters and Build Divers are separate continuities from each other? What's worth checking out?
What Egarwaen said is a pretty good overview. I also echo the sentiments of starting with Build Fighters, and just a few episodes will probably be a good enough gauge if you'll find this formula interesting or bounce off it. Just to add a few notes and personal opinions:

The first build-thing is Model Suit Gunpla Builders Beginning G - Which is a pretty short OVA series that serves mostly as a proof of concept for the later series. It's entirely disposable, but it's a cute little ode to the hobby.

Gundam Build Fighters - A decent show with some serious moments, but is mostly a low stakes, amusing rhomp through a lot of self-congratulatory fan service that celebrates all the cool robots and other aspect surrounding the fandom. It's filled to the brim with references and tropes that touch upon almost every corner of the franchise. It's a good of a place to jump into as any, and will probably be a good barometer if the rest of the Build shows are worth your time.

Gundam Build Fighters Try - Is the Zeta Gundam to the original Build Fighters. Taking place like 7 years later, following a different cast of characters in the same world. Same basic scenario, minus some of the more fantastical fantasy bits of the original show, and focusing on 3v3 battles instead of 1v1. I had a lot of fun because it wants to be a spiritual successor to G Gundam, it has a much more likable cast, and takes the "Gunpla is Freedom!" mantra of kitbashing whatever you can imagine into the extreme. It is a bit more polarizing show among fans, who wanted a more direct sequel. I enjoy this show more than the former, but I feel like I'm in rare company with that one. It's also a bit more horny than the first show which is a big disappointment. It also opens up seeming like it might have a female lead, and then she quickly gets shoved aside by a boiler plate male co-lead which felt like a cruel bait-and-switch. (Fumina is a fun character and was wronged by the show.)

Gundam Build Divers - Is a soft reset and takes place in a nebulously different setting where something like Build Fighters happened, but then they democratized Gunpla Battles by making it all digital and online so everyone could play from the comfort of their own homes. The story itself and the characters are generally not as strong as Build Fighters, and the show itself is pretty consistently panned by fans. But I enjoyed it, and I enjoyed where they took the story regarding sentient AIs It's also worth noting that Build Divers and its sequel are imminently less horny for underaged teenage girls than their predecessor, which is a big plus in my book.

Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise - Is another Zeta-style sequel following a different cast in the same setting several years later. I don't wanna spoil anything, but while four previous things I described are essentially feel-good, navel-gazing, elaborate toy commercials, Re:Rise is a legitimate Gundam show and the best Gundam thing in the franchise since G-Reco. If you bounce off of Build Fighters or any of the other shows, at least give this one a try. It builds upon the foundations of the original Divers, but nothing happening in it is so complicated that you couldn't figure out what's going on by the context clues and the show doing callbacks to the original.

Gundam Breaker Battalog - my understanding is that this isn't a real show, but a collection of short vignettes that tie into a mobile game that tries to be a facsimile of gunpla battle. I haven't bothered watching it yet, but I'll get around to it eventually.


Staff member
I am further enlightened. Thank you both! I'll probably finish off 0083 tonight and then start on Build Fighters tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it!


Staff member
Regarding your I assume rhetorical question, the answer is that the Universal Century got so bad that at one point people resulted to cannibalism sooooo 😂

I couldn't help myself and clicked the spoiler. Jesus Christ. This is the worst Gundam-related thing I've ever read, and I got into the franchise through bad Wing yaoi fics

...and I watched Turn A with incomprehensible nonsense fansubs that called the Turn X's Shining Finger "the sunshine ring"

...and I've read Ground Zero

...and I used to post on the Gundam Project forums

I can keep going. No? We got it? Okay.


Staff member
Finished 0083 last night. What a fucking slog. (Reconguista in G spoiler) If they're going to eat anyone it should be these idiots. Some stray thoughts:

- We never learn why the Federation built the GP02A, whose sole purpose is to violate the Antarctic Treaty's ban on nuclear weapons. I mean, I understand that the Federation is corrupt, arrogant and incompetent, but surely they had a specific use in mind for it? Some reason why they couldn't just launch a nuke from a battleship? While we're on the subject, shouldn't its very existence have been super double turbo top secret? It gets transported to a random base in broad daylight and any officer on the base is allowed to wander into the hangar and take a look at it, which leads to Gato getting close enough to steal it with his false credentials of [checks notes] a Fed uniform. (Gato even complains that it's of low rank!)

- There's clearly a conspiracy within the Federation to allow Operation Stardust to succeed (presumably to then use the resultant tragedy as an excuse to further crack down on Spacenoids) and this is the cause of practically every stupid plot twist in the series. However, it seems like Basq Ohm didn't get the memo, as despite being a future Titans leader he seems genuinely desperate to stop the colony drop with the Solar System II. Was he really not part of the conspiracy? Was he acting? Was the plan to let it ALMOST happen and then stop it at the last second? Sure would have liked more detail on that!

- I can't get over how funny the naval review was. Conspiracy aside, you know the enemy has a weapon of mass destruction, and your idea is to gather all your forces in one place and then sit around and wait. There are a couple lines that seem to indicate this is some sort of tactic to draw out the Delaz Fleet... but when the GP02A inevitably shows up, everybody just panics and dies. It seems like they set the bait but then forgot to include the part that's a trap. (Nitpicks: Why does the nuke come out of the bazooka as a giant energy blast instead of a physical warhead? Did it detonate inside the barrel? That seems dangerous! Also, I know nuclear explosions are big, but space is even bigger. Would it really have wiped out 2/3 of the assembled fleet? How close were these ships parked to each other?)

- At one point someone goes "But what would Zeon want with an uninhabited colony?" Really? REALLY?

- Cima's brilliant plan is to betray her current employers and switch to the losing side at the last minute? Okay... But then she's fighting both Federation and Zeon forces in the final battle. She initially presents as kind of an interesting character but it seems like she actually has no idea what she's doing and is just flailing around randomly. (I just realized I forgot to watch the Mayfly of Space short that's about her, so maybe that will shed some light on her. Probably not.)

- The Kou/Nina/Gato love triangle is a crime against storytelling.

- Kou gets court martialed for interfering with the conspiracy and stealing a Gundam, but he only gets one year in the slammer and then even gets sprung early when all data on the Gundam Project is deep-sixed? Sure. The last shot of the series should have been his smiling face as seen through a sniper rifle's crosshairs.

On to better things, I hope!
It's worth noting that G-Reco takes place a good 1000+ years after the Universal Century ends. So all of that stuff is in the rearview mirror, the show never gets remotely that dark, and the spoiler'd bit is really just background flavor for why we can never go back to how things were because the consequences are dire. And also the descendants of the caste of humans used for eating now form a culturally discriminated against minority, the "Kuntala" -- used mostly to demonstrate how stupid ethnic divisions/discrimination is.

I used to really adore 0083. It was my first Gundam that I picked up a few VHS tapes in grade school from the bargain bin of a Hastings bookstore. To a little kid, it was an insane looking and "adult" cartoon compared to the Looney Tunes and whatnot, or even the DBZs and Sailor Moons I was more accustomed to. But like the rest of you guys, flash forward to present day and yeah, my estimation of the show has increasingly cratered as time has gone on. At the very least, it's the definition of vapid, fanservicey, meaningless, filler, UC-fanwank that has no stakes because none of the events here are designed to interfere with the canon of the Early UC. I don't particularly mind the plot being spaghetti, but the characters being dumb as brick and completely unlikable, and the casual misogyny makes sitting through it painful. Like, Kou's single most defining characteristic is that he... doesn't like to eat carrots. :sleep:


Staff member
It's worth noting that G-Reco takes place a good 1000+ years after the Universal Century ends. So all of that stuff is in the rearview mirror, the show never gets remotely that dark, and the spoiler'd bit is really just background flavor for why we can never go back to how things were because the consequences are dire. And also the descendants of the caste of humans used for eating now form a culturally discriminated against minority, the "Kuntala" -- used mostly to demonstrate how stupid ethnic divisions/discrimination is.
and the spoiler'd bit is really just background flavor


(I just realized I forgot to watch the Mayfly of Space short that's about her, so maybe that will shed some light on her. Probably not.)

UPDATE: It didn't!


What's Shenmue?
What's so frustrating about Stardust Memory is that, though it's nowhere near good, it has just enough going for it make you think it could be. It's not exactly "wasted potential", because "fixing" the show would require a massive overhaul, but every element in it has a kernel of a good idea buried within. Even Kou and Nina's relationship, which is normally unconvincing, has a brief moment where the two have a fun, easy chemistry (their secret handshake is a show highlight) that makes their budding romance actually believable.
Last edited:


Summon for hire
And like, in a vacuum, Gato and Cima could be great villains, it’s just that as everyone’s said the entire show is full of literally all the characters making incredibly stupid decisions for no reason, which undermines any amount of cool design and character building.

The Gundams themselves are also a nice chunky alternative design branch to the main Z through-line.
Cima Garahau seems like a delightful Haman-clone, and then they go and make her backstory even worse than Haman's and have her go out like a chump. Very upsetting.


Staff member
Agreed on the mech designs, Kirin. The GP02A in particular is a delightful chonky boi, even if its existence doesn't make a whole lot of sense. (That's 0083 in a nutshell, really: looks great on the surface, but doesn't stand up to any kind of scrutiny.)

Meanwhile I've started Gundam Build Fighters, and so far I'm having a good time with it. It feels a little like eating a cake made entirely of frosting, but it also makes for kind of a refreshing change. I have about a billion questions about the actual mechanics of the Gunpla Battle system, but I get the sense you're not supposed to look too deeply into it. The characters are all likable, the action's pretty good, and I find myself pausing frequently to take in all the details and references they stuff into the backgrounds.

ME: Hey that guy looks like Ramba Ral.
MR. RAL: What a nice Gunpla you have there!
ME: Hey that guy sounds like Ramba Ral.
SEI'S MOM: Good day, Mr. Ral!

Entirely unrelated to watching a show about the joys of building Gunpla models, I've got the itch again to put a few together myself. My main supplier used to be HobbyLink Japan, but I'm so out of touch with modern Gundam that all the kits I actually want are "backordered" and have probably been out of print for years. I looked around at other options for a while and finally found a few US sellers on eBay who sat at the intersection of somewhat good selection and somewhat reasonable prices. Now I've got a 1/144 HG Gouf Custom, God Gundam and V2 Assault Buster Gundam on the way, due to arrive Saturday, It's gonna be a good weekend!
Glad GBF is clicking with you! Most of the nonsense in the battle system is indeed handwaved with "Plavsky Particles" and "you're not supposed to think too hard, we're trying to have fun here" mentality. Which suits the show just fine IMO.
Entirely unrelated to watching a show about the joys of building Gunpla models, I've got the itch again to put a few together myself. My main supplier used to be HobbyLink Japan, but I'm so out of touch with modern Gundam that all the kits I actually want are "backordered" and have probably been out of print for years. I looked around at other options for a while and finally found a few US sellers on eBay who sat at the intersection of somewhat good selection and somewhat reasonable prices. Now I've got a 1/144 HG Gouf Custom, God Gundam and V2 Assault Buster Gundam on the way, due to arrive Saturday, It's gonna be a good weekend!
The whole gunpla 'industry' is in the middle of a bunch of flux right now. Historically, you had to import through suppliers like HLJ. But Bandai very recently and publicly asked/demanded that Japanese retailers/outfits to stop shipping the US. And that's primarily because they're attempting to open/expand their own official distribution channels here in North America*. They just acquired the previous domestic distributors Bluefin, and are ramping up production and distribution to meet America's ever ballooning demands. You can find a selection of Gunpla models at places like Barnes & Nobles, Targets, and your LCSs. But in the past few weeks, they've been transforming a few HobbyTown USAs into Bandai stores with gigantic Gunpla sections in Atlanta and San Diego and maybe others I haven't seen yet. So hopefully in the not-too-distant future it'll be a lot easier to find kits. Older, out of print kits that don't have recent reprints will likely still require grey market acquisition. But as of right now, anything new or reprinted in the pipeline can be found pretty easily on a lot of major retailers; I've bought a lot of stuff from Amazon directly over the past few years at very competitive prices b/c of Bluefin expanding their Gunpla distribution.

You'd be surprised how often Bandai reprints old, out of print kits as well. They keep the molds to every kit they make and do semi-regular reprints of things that are in high demand on the secondary market. If you really have your heart set on something, but have the patience to wait a year or two for it, just keep your eyes out and it'll likely come back.

*This isn't just a money grab, but to also more effectively meet demand. Sales of Gunpla skyrocketed during the pandemic when everyone was stuck at home. Japanese hobbyists have long resented 'scalpers' buying Gunpla off of their store shelves to sell at marked up prices overseas. Marked up prices American hobbyists have long resented as well. And that dynamic began affecting everyone even more during the pandemic. Redoing their distribution channels so more kits can go out to where they need to be so that demands are met more evenly is a plus for everyone involved.


Staff member
I didn't know any of that, so thank you! I did look at Amazon briefly before settling on eBay, but the prices seemed pretty exorbitant for what I was looking at so I didn't spend a lot of time on it. Maybe I just didn't dig deep enough.
Amazon hosts lots of 3rd party sellers, so the exorbitant prices were probably on out-of-print kits or ones with low stock from third party sellers. You kinda have to just do some searching and research on your own and keep tabs on prices. It's always helpful to look up the MSRP on the Japanese side of things to know just how much of a markup you're seeing. If a 1200 yen kit is being sold for like $18 that's not a bad markup, but if you're being asked to pay like $35-50 you might as well import at that point. The stuff being sold directly from Bandai on Amazon is usually a fair bit better priced:

Also, Bandai doesn't make just Gundam stuff. Their Star Wars kits are crazy impressive. (I wish they'd make Star Trek stuff instead of Eaglemoss 🤮) Their anime/character lines are mostly really good too/a lot of fun to make. And lately they've been branching out into all kinds of interesting, quirky kits like this meticulously designed 2:5 scale PS1: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZTDRSM5/?coliid=I3N77Q2MJURKGV



I have about a billion questions about the actual mechanics of the Gunpla Battle system, but I get the sense you're not supposed to look too deeply into it.

You put in the models, Plavosky Particles happen, and then you get to reenact a Gundam battle in miniature!

Why does it work? Idk why do Minovsky particles block radar, let a battleship float, and make laser swords and helicopter blades?