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As I understand it, it basically cuts out the filler from the show. But as it is, I feel like I would prefer a slower paced show, with more room to breath? So, is the stuff that has been cut for the movies worth watching? I do enjoy filler, if it isn't godawful. But do you guys feel that the filler adds to the show, and to the characters?

Yes, absolutely!

I also first experienced the original series through the compilation movies, and I thought I hated it. It turns out that I only hated the pacing of the compilation movies. I think this is one of the cases where more is more, and the cuts if anything make it feel longer and more meandering. The original show absolutely holds up. If you feel like you would enjoy a slower paced show with more room to breathe, you are almost certainly right in this case.


did their best!
I would say the compilation movies are absolutely an "only if you're revisiting" watch. All of 0079 is important. The Zeta compilations change the ending to a non-canon one, so they're even worse.
The Zeta: New Translation’s new ending is definitely different, but it doesn’t actually change anything super significantly that would get in the way of the rest of the UC timeline aside from ZZ. (Which already occupies a weird space in the timeline where it’s events don’t super matter to much else besides a few references in Unicorn.) So if you’re only watching UC movies and skipping shows it isn’t the worst thing you could do.


did their best!
puts on his ZZ Gundam is the best UC Gundam hat
If you're not gonna watch ZZ Gundam, I'm not sure why you'd waste your time with Zeta's misogyny marathon.
Oh, I am with you, ZZ is tops. But it's also pretty polarizing/ymmv, is still not free of being problematic, and represents a heavy time investment for a show that isn't as impactful on the broader UC timeline/lore as others. If you dig UC Gundam and have the time to spare, yeah go ahead and watch it. But there's lots of people who aren't ready to take the plunge/commitment of watching multiple 50 episode TV shows, and just want a noncommittal, cursory understanding of UC Gundam, which I suspect the compilation films would be better suited for.

Zeta has its problems, but it has its strengths too, and how you view and weigh those against each other is ymmv. And it's worth pointing out that as much as Zeta is plagued with misogynistic characteristics, the compilation films do a decent job of mitigating them since they abbreviate/cut out a lot of it.


Thanks for the comments. I watched to first three episodes of the original show now, and enjoy it a lot more. Part of that is likely just due to it being broken up in much smaller junks - with the movie, it was way harder for me to take a break, which seems to have been bad for my focus, too.

Anyway, lots of great stuff in there already. Love the animation. Might be nostalgia, doesn't matter, it looks beautiful to me. The one scene with Amuros dad gave me a slight flashback to Gendo Ikari. That guy seemed cold. I guess there is some heart of gold, or at least real affection for his son there, unlike that horrible monster from NGE. But I guess I found the inspiration. Or not, it was only a scene from a stressful situation, so who knows.

Do I need to use spoilers, if I talk about later stuff from the show? Did everyone here watch that show, or is it new ground for people here?

Yes, that's BOTH G-Reco movies, officially subbed, free to watch on YouTube. Both are great films and definitely worth the watch, even if you've seen the TV show. GOGOGOLAUNCH!!!


Anyway, lots of great stuff in there already. Love the animation. Might be nostalgia, doesn't matter, it looks beautiful to me. The one scene with Amuros dad gave me a slight flashback to Gendo Ikari. That guy seemed cold. I guess there is some heart of gold, or at least real affection for his son there, unlike that horrible monster from NGE. But I guess I found the inspiration. Or not, it was only a scene from a stressful situation, so who knows.

Amuro's dad is a callback to a long tradition of cold, demanding father figures from super robot anime. You're probably farther along by now, but Amuro's family is a running theme in the show, and effectively deconstructs the broken family as heroic motivation trope.

Do I need to use spoilers, if I talk about later stuff from the show? Did everyone here watch that show, or is it new ground for people here?

I think a 40-year-old series is reasonable to discuss without spoilers, especially since it's impossible to discuss later UC series without spoiling the events of MSG. But that might just be me.
Sure would be nice to know more about these projects than just a vague title/logo.

"The Witch from Mercury" will be a TV show, but who knows if that means it'll be the next big entry to the franchise, or if it'll be a Gundam-san sized thing. I'll hope for the best but expect the worst.

"Cucuruz Doan's Island" will be a feature film, but I'm not exactly chomping at the bit for a film based on the one episode of the original show that was so bad that Tomino didn't want it included in international releases. Like, who asked for such a thing??

And the last I don't know the first thing about but that I can tell from the logo it's an IBO spin-off and therefore persona non grata in my house.

Banrise should be doing better than this.


Summon for hire
Hmm, I actually didn't hate Orphans so I was momentarily interested, but if it's just a short special to tie-in with a game launch it's probably nothing terribly exciting.
LOL Gundam Cafe has always had gimmick items on the menu. Glad they're continuing the tradition.

On the real, those Pilot Meals look fun. I'd happily order one.


Summon for hire
Aw, but apparently they're all shutting down early next year? That's a shame. I mean, it's overpriced nonsense, but it's fun overpriced nonsense.

Ah well, the Gundam dive bar I found in Tokyo was cooler, though I have no idea if it's still operating either.


Still just a dad
Mobile Fighter G Gundam episodes 1-20 is up on the Gundam.info YouTube channel. I haven't seen it before!

Wow he really hid his Gundam in the Statue of Liberty and subsequently blew it the fuck up.


Staff member
G Gundam is so, so good. If you can swallow the goofy and kinda racist mecha designs, and the very different premise and tone from most other Gundam series, you will find yourself rewarded.
It's worth noting that while G Gundam has been up on YouTube and other parts of the internet before, this time it's the hd remastered version. It's not remotely BD quality, but 720p YouTube still looks night and day better than the old SD, VHS rips that used to get put up on the internet.

And yes, G Gundam is a treat. Blowing up the Statue of Liberty is probably one of the least ostentatious things that happens in the show. You're in for a real treat Strider.


Still just a dad
Also got Turn A for Christmas. It's really good! And I have an EFSF hoodie.

I've got it bad, baby. Mecha fever.


Post Reader
I started watching Zeta now that it's on Funimation. Very interesting to sort of turn the tables and have the apparent child protagonist join up with a Zeon-aligned faction. The original series wasn't exactly black and white with good guys and bad guys, and this is complicating it even further.
Turn-A is goated. Unironically, legitimately, factually, the best Gundam show there ever was and probably ever will be. Always great when more people get onboard.

Zeta switching POVs fully to oppressed spacenoids was a very intentional subversion of the original series. But in practice it mostly just turns into the same kinda thing. The bad guys are still Nazis, with the same general M.O. - they're just using the specter of the last batch of Nazis to justify being Nazis themselves. Which is a very Nazi thing to do. Ostensibly, the AEUG has nothing to do with Zeon - that political structure collapsed; Side 3 is governed by an independent placeholder government; etc. AEUG is actually supported by factions within the EF, especially a lot of the EF's corporate interests. so it's not as different from the original series as it first seems. And post ZZ, the AEUG essentially gets folded back into the EFSF.


Staff member
Currently obsessed with the idea that, somewhere out there, someone must have written fanfiction where Al Izuruha grows up to be an ace mobile suit pilot with dozens of confirmed kills