Johnny Unusual
What popularity contests would you like to see happen but maybe don't want to host. For me, I want top 50 Sports. I'm not a sports guy but I love sports manga/anime and that would make it easy for me to make a list.
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Depending how loose this is, I might have enough for this...Rogue likes
I saw this and thought you meant as in "lawyers" (and I definitely want a top 50 lawyers list).Top 50 Advocates
But don't have the spare time / energy.I think all of the ideas I have are ones that I want to do.
Despite only playing tiny bits of the original games, after almost 6 years of GO I feel almost qualified to run that one - except that it’s *crying out* for original art and I don’t think I can afford to commission that many pieces.Pokemon (this feels like the next natural step after Mario and Zelda characters)
Ah, something was vaguely making we think we did this and that was it, thank you! Also after thinking about it a little more I would host this one just not for a month or so, I'll bring it up next voting round.We had a Top 50 for sidekicks but that wasn't animal focused so very few animals placed on that list.
Top 50 Sidekicks - The League of Extraordinary Second Bananas
Heroes and villains are great, but they wouldn't get anywhere without the people watching their back, helping them, teaching them, or just giving them someone to show off to. Here are our picks for the 50 best sidekicks in the history of fiction. Ties will be presented in order of
At first I thought there might not really be enough "top" games for this to be interesting but there have been a lot of remakes, revivals and newcomers to the genre the last few years so maybe there are more than enough (depending on what is allowed in the Top 50).Not being very good at the genre, for the most part, I wouldn't have the breadth of knowledge to run a list like this myself, but I'd love to see someone do a Top 50 Beat 'Em Ups at some point because I do love the genre, even if I can never make it very deep in most games in the genre.
anyone can steal it if they want but I've definitely been considering a list of "top 50 mounts"
I feel like the silly title for one of the threads for that 50 would have to include the phrase "what's all the hubbub".Top 50 (maybe a smaller number) Hub Worlds