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Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
Dibs on Donny

I don't know what platform its out on or what the release date is, but... dibs on Donny.



????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
I love how Mikey's run is different from the other Turtles'.

I also love the part with the Foot Soldier office workers / salarymen.


(Fem or Gender Neutral)
Looks to made by the same people who did Streets of Rage 4, so it's in good hands.


Sir Knightbot
Clearly this announcement was timed to coincide with the current Thunderdome match.

Looks to made by the same people who did Streets of Rage 4, so it's in good hands.

It looks like it's actually Tribute Games developing this, though DotEmu was involved with SoR4. Tribute was formed by people who worked on the Scott Pilgrim game, among others. Their most recent game is Panzer Paladin.


Sudden chomper
I'll be happy if this is good, but I've played enough mediocre retro-style games with incredible pixel art to be a little wary.
I am so excited for this, you have no idea!!! Day one purchase for me!

Also, did we ever talk about the TMNT fangame from a while back? That game was awesome, and a great option to play while waiting for this!


(Fem or Gender Neutral)
It looks like it's actually Tribute Games developing this, though DotEmu was involved with SoR4. Tribute was formed by people who worked on the Scott Pilgrim game, among others. Their most recent game is Panzer Paladin.
Oh, that's my bad, still being made by some good people who know beat-em-ups.

It's DotEmu? I've been calling it like Dote MU? and it's a mouth...


Lapsed Threadcromancer
Holy shit?! 60 playable character?! (referencing the fan game not this newly announced game)


AO Tennis no Kiseki
This looks really good!

Hoping that it plays great. Knowing that there's Scott Pilgrim devs on it makes me rest a little easier though.


i hope April is playable and fights with a news camera like in the trailer
Holy shit?! 60 playable character?! (referencing the fan game not this newly announced game)
April is playable in this fan game and uses a microphone whip, which is also acceptable


The Season, It's Here
(he / his / him)
Apparently I didn't react here, but I sure didn't see this coming, but I'm all for it!


i hope April is playable and fights with a news camera like in the trailer

April is playable in this fan game and uses a microphone whip, which is also acceptable

I hope so too and dammit now I want to play that fan game even more, I really should just segment my Mac's drive and install bootcamp or whatever to play random games.


..and his little cat, too
Also, did we ever talk about the TMNT fangame from a while back? That game was awesome, and a great option to play while waiting for this!
Last time I tried it, there was no controller support, and they dropped the number of lives you got on a continue substantially and sent you back to the map instead of where you died.

Is it still like that?