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Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption

The Mad Scientist Dr. Wily are worried that his robot masters are watching too much Earth television, most notably station KID-TV's interview with Santa Claus in his workshop at Earth's North Pole.

Consulting the ancient 800-year-old Martian sage Chochem (a Yiddish/Hebrew word meaning "sage", though pronounced differently from the film's version, though in Yiddish sometimes used ironically for "fool"), they are advised that the robot masters are growing distracted due to the society's overly rigid structure. From infancy, all their education is fed into their brains through machines and they are not allowed individuality or freedom of thought.

Chochem notes that he had seen this coming "for centuries" and says that the only way to help the children is to allow them their freedom and be allowed to have fun. To do this, Dr. Wily needs a Santa Claus figure, like the North Pole. Leaving Chochem's cave, the mad scientist decide to abduct Santa Claus from the North Pole and bring him to the Skull Castle.

Dr. Wily cannot distinguish between all the fake Santas, so they kidnap two children to find the real one. Once this is accomplished, one Robot Master, who strongly disagrees with the idea, repeatedly tries to kill Santa Claus along with the two kidnapped Earth children. He believes that Santa is corrupting the robots of the Skull Castle and turning them away from Dr. Wilys' original glory.

When they arrive in the Skull Castle, Santa and the children build a factory to make weapons for the robot masters. However, Protoman and his assistants, Enker and Sigma, sabotage the factory and change its programming so that it makes the toys incorrectly. Meanwhile, Mega Man, Dr. Lights assistant, who has taken a great liking to Santa Claus and Christmas, puts on one of Santa's spare suits and starts acting like Santa Claus. He goes to the toy factory to make toys, but Wily mistakes him for Santa and kidnaps him.

When Santa and the children come back to the factory to make more toys, they discover that someone has tampered with the machines. Enker and Sigma come back to the factory to make a deal with Dr. Wily, but when they see the real Santa Claus, they realize that their plan has been foiled. Mega Man, held hostage in a cave, tricks his guard and escapes. Dr. Wily then destroys Protoman, Sigma, and Enker. Santa notices that Mega Man acts like him and says that Mega Man would make a good robotic Santa Claus. Dr. Wily agrees, and threatens to kill Santa with an unstoppable robot army

Ahh, the middle of November. A time when we all collectively sigh with relief that Dracula has returned to the grave, the Nog Rivers run clear as their bounty has been redirected to grocery store shelves, rich misers are careful not to mix mustard, cheese and beef out of fear of being haunted and DR. WILY HAS ATTACKED THE NORTH POLE WITH AN ARMY OF EVIL ROBOT MASTERS!

That's right, it's the Festival of Fights, the Most Secular Time of Year and Talking Times favorite Winter tradition; MEGAMAS! A time when we all come together and BREAK ROBOTS APART! It's a tradition I started when I was a little scamp and haven't stopped even though I'm now an ENORMOUS scamp!

Santa Claus has a crippling fear of automation, and this has extended to an unbreakable ROBOT TERROR, if we can't collectively destroy 800 Evil Robot Masters (or their nearest equivalents) between us, he'll be too traumatized to even crawl out from under his bed, where he feels safest to make any toy deliveries so Christmas Will be Cancelled! And the kids were all so good this year too!

That's pretty straightforward, but maybe you have some questions that need answering! Let's see if I can't predict and address them!

Q: What's counts as a Mega Man game?
A: If you consult the food pyramid, you'll see that a Mega Man game is defined as "Any Video Game That Looks Like Mega Man if You Squint", so Mega Man? That's a Mega Man game. Shovel Knight? That's a Mega Man game? Gravity Circuit? Batboy? Krion Conquest? One Step From Eden? Gunvolt? All Mega Mens

Q: Well wait a second, what's a Robot Master then? Is it just a level boss? What about, like, big weird tanks or whatever?
A: Generally, as per the instructions of most biblical scholars, a Robot Master is a thematic boss at the end of a level who offers a thematically appropriate ability when you clear the level, but you listen to your heart; if a boss feels Like a Robot Master, it counts.

Q: Well what about when a boss comes back? You can't be surprised when that happens; it's a Mega Man like game for crying out loud!
A: Generally, we're looking at counting a boss once per game UNLESS the rematch is drastically different on the next go-around, then you can count it twice. The main exception is the Doc Robot in Mega Man 3, since that would mean we'd cross the finish line *way* too fast.

Q: What Robot Master Weapon is Most effective against The Grinch
A: The Grinch was canonically defeated when his heart grew three sizes too big, which is a condition caused by high blood pressure. One cause of that is a lack of physical activity, and, of the Robot Masters, Astro Man is the one who sits around on a big floating orb instead of walking so, therefor, the Astro Crush is the weapon that works best against The Grinch

Well, those are all the questions I was posed; so Good Megamas to all, and to all an Everlasting Fight


Round and round I go
Staff member
10/10 thread title. I'll kill a few robots just for that.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
and four bosses taken down in One Step From Eden (specifically, Engineer, Shiso, Selica and Terra)



does the Underpants Dance
So I got to thinkin... is Final Fantasy 16 a Mega Man? You get new Eikon abilities by defeating bosses (...usually, not always).


Unfortunate doesn't begin to describe...
I swear I'll play Hi-Fi Rush one day. There's a lot of robots

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
So I got to thinkin... is Final Fantasy 16 a Mega Man? You get new Eikon abilities by defeating bosses (...usually, not always).
As always, listen to your heart, but I don’t think that passes the “Looks like Mega Man if You Squint” test.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
Just for discretions sake, this is the current state of what I have on tap for MEGAMAS this year;


Will I get to them all? Probably not. But it is the nature of a goal to be unreqchable.


Staff member
Hooray! The most metaliest boyiest time of year! I opened up with an old hack I've never tried before, Rockman 4: Rase Fall of Wily." An ill-omened start, this was... not good. Some interesting ideas but not well implemented. Very romhacky, in the most pejorative sense.


Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
Mega Man 3 is done and dusted

8 Robot Masters, the enigmatic Break Man, and Doc Robot makes for ten!



Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Just for discretions sake, this is the current state of what I have on tap for MEGAMAS this year;


Will I get to them all? Probably not. But it is the nature of a goal to be unreqchable.

I... when did Mega Man Battle & Fighters get a standalone Switch release?! I thought it was only in Capcom Arcade Stadium.


Staff member
Rockman Exhaust, a hack of 2, was mostly very pleasant but a little rough around the edges. The worst bit was Flashman's Stage which is constantly lighting up and going dark every couple of seconds. Really painful on the old eyeballs. Crashman's Stage is Kirby themed though so all sins are forgiven.


Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
Good heavens! The mysterious Break Man was nice afterall, he was being framed by Dr. Wily using his powerful DARKMAN robot!

That's 8 Robot Masters, and 4 Darkmans, brinign our new total to 65/800!

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
And I fired up 20XX and took out
Rollster Beta
Astral Twins
Vile Visage
Death Lotus
Eternal Star



Mischief Maker
Mega Man 1 (NES) - 7 (Initial 6, Copy Robot)
Mega Man 2 (NES) - 8 (Initial 8)
Mega Man 3 (NES) - 10 (Initial 8, Doc Robot, Break Man)
Mega Man 4 (NES) - 8 (Initial 8)
Mega Man 5 (NES) - 12 (Initial 8, Dark Man 1-4)
Mega Man 6 (NES) - 8 (Initial 8)

My feast has begun in earnest.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption

8 Robot Masters, Three (unique) Bass fights, and Gutsdozer feels enough like a Robot Master that I'm counting this for 12


Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
Mega Man V is done!
Thats 8 Stardroids, Terra, four Mega Man Killers and SUNSTAR for a total of 14



Staff member
Rockman: Install Metal. This was excellent! 5 hack bursting with strong design and great ideas. This is what the holiday is all about. Opening a present under the megamas tree and finding something special.



Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Rockman: Install Metal. This was excellent! 5 hack bursting with strong design and great ideas. This is what the holiday is all about. Opening a present under the megamas tree and finding something special.


Interesting. Is it one of those that's way too hard for the sake of it, though?


Mischief Maker
Mega Man 7 - 11 (Initial 8, Bass, Super Bass, Mash)
Mega Man 8 - 10 (Initial 8, Duo, Super Bass)
Mega Man 9 - 11 (Initial 8, Fake Man)
Mega Man 10 - 11 (Initial 8, Enker, Punk, Ballade)
Mega Man 11 - 8 (Initial 8)
Mega Man Powered Up - 11 (Initial 8, Copy Robot)
Mega Man: Dr Wily's Revenge (GB) - 9 (Initial 8, Enker)

I was going to do more but I got asked about Bob and George elsewhere and aged 300 years and turned into dust so I had to stop.