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Two will enter, one will leave: The Thunderdome Thunderdome


I'm assuming Korra will be in her kaiju form, and Gozilla never ultimately loses a kaiju fight


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
okay. watching this scene of normal korra and friends fighting a giant mech, i have determined that (as sicknasty as the waterbending at play was) normal-sized korra doesn't stand a chance against the Biggest of Bois himself in a 1v1:

on the other hand, kaiju korra (naturally) puts up a much better fight:

the fight is far enough away from any measuring yardstick (e.g. buildings) to get a reasonable measure of scale, but we see her blocking energy blasts, doing fancy wrestling lifts, and doing funky spiritual intangibility stuff, so it's really feels like she could hold her own against Godzilla (at least for a little while)

the real question is if Godzilla has ever been depicted lying down flat on his back. my intuition is telling me that he'd be as helpless as a turtle in that position and kaiju korra could easily pin him down for the count there, but if there is documented evidence of him getting back up from that position i might have to revise my position.

there appears to be some nonsense in the video about the kaiju avatar form only activating during a "harmonic convergence," but we all know what that explanation really is: nonsense. she's a protagonist of a shonen anime*, so the writers will always bend** narrative logic to provide her with the means to face her challenges in the end (and this happens to be the end of the tournament). the only complicating factor here is that Godzilla himself is also a protagonist, of a different variety.

provisionally voting for Korra, pending a solid counterargument.

*don't get pedantic with me here

**intentional pun


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
the fight is far enough away from any measuring yardstick (e.g. buildings) to get a reasonable measure of scale, but we see her blocking energy blasts, doing fancy wrestling lifts, and doing funky spiritual intangibility stuff, so it's really feels like she could hold her own against Godzilla (at least for a little while)

the real question is if Godzilla has ever been depicted lying down flat on his back. my intuition is telling me that he'd be as helpless as a turtle in that position and kaiju korra could easily pin him down for the count there, but if there is documented evidence of him getting back up from that position i might have to revise my position.
I understand your position and where you're coming from but I do have some follow-up questions.

Would that intangibility stuff only work against another giant spirit entity? Because she used that to reach inside her opponent not to dodge any attacks.

Also, Korra did have an assist there but that was only because her enemy was trying to corrupt or absorb her (as far as I could tell). And Godzilla doesn't try to do any lame ass shit like that.

I can't find a good video but Godzilla has been knocked down quite often and has been able to get back up. Also I feel like he would maybe have more raw power then her since her Giant form is slimmer so he could probably kick out right before the 3 count if she tried to pin him.

Godzilla has demonstrated that he has pretty good hand speed when he boxed King Ghidorah's heads.
And getting in to try wrestling moves might not be a good idea because Godzilla can throw good punches and grapple fairly well. Also wasn't Korra only able to do that wrestling move after winning a beam war against Vaatu? Korra is powerful and all but beam wars is something that Godzilla is a master of and he rarely ever loses them.
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Lapsed Threadcromancer

(on multiple occasions Godzilla has fallen down. Back, front, etc. he has not had any problems getting up. This is a dinosaur who used his breath to fly remember. Getting off the ground is not going to be a challenge for him.)


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
I saw a clip the other day of Godzilla rolling up on his side like a kitty cat, so I am contractually obliged to change my vote from Korra to Godzilla.

(Also Torzelbaum made some good points. While I think the intangibility thing would be more effective against corporeal entities, the facts about Godzilla's track record in beam wars and general mobility are still quite salient.)

sorry giant woman. maybe another day


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
This is a dinosaur who used his breath to fly remember.
And also this:

Godzilla's track record in beam wars
You've fallen victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia beam war with Gojira.
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Round and round I go
Staff member


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Godzilla takes a job at Dunder-Mifflin, incinerates Dwight Schrute, and then promptly gets fired.

...the only problem with this contrived slice of life crossover AU setup is that I'm not even sure if Michael Scott is constitutionally capable of firing someone.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Is there any world in which Michael can triumph? Tell us how Michael wins, giving him whatever advantages you feel are necessary.
Challenge accepted.

Godzilla is attacking Scranton, Pennsylvania for some unfathomable reason. Maybe he just wanted a change of pace, you know? Michael refuses to let his branch be destroyed so he rallies the employees to defend the building. They quickly build a makeshift trebuchet and use it to launch a large pallet of paper at G. The pallet hits G in the face and bursts open sending papers flying everywhere but doesn't do any damage to G. Godzilla starts breathing in and sucks a bunch of paper into his nose. And lo and behold it turns out that G is allergic to a chemical in the paper. G's attempt at using his Atomic Breath turns into a sneeze that destroys Michael's car but doesn't affect anything else. G is annoyed because he forgot his allergy medicine so he turns around and stomps off to find somewhere to get a refill or a substitute. G stomps out of bounds while doing some minor damage here and there with his Atomic Sneezes and so Michael is begrudgingly declared the winner by the the tired and exasperated refs. But Michael ultimately loses later when he find out that his auto insurance doesn't cover Acts of God ... zilla.

Godzilla takes a job at Dunder-Mifflin, incinerates Dwight Schrute, and then promptly gets fired.

...the only problem with this contrived slice of life crossover AU setup is that I'm not even sure if Michael Scott is constitutionally capable of firing someone.
Godzilla and the fallout over what happened to Dwight becomes a huge problem for Dunder-Mifflin and Michael is under ever-increasing pressure from higher management to fire Godzilla.

Eventually Michael can't take it any more and pays out of his own pocket to hire an external axe-man to do his dirty work while Michael takes the day off to "attend to urgent personal matters."
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Godzilla simply does not register any given human being's existence, nor does he have reason to as nothing humanity has ever done or created even causes him mild annoyance (with the arguable exception of some versions of Mechagodzilla, I guess). There is no scenario in which an actual fight would occur here.

HOWEVER, the most recent outing of Godzilla, in that there new Kong movie, has a scene in which
Godzilla, after defeating a random monster in Italy, spots the Colosseum, and has one of those "if it fits, I sits" sort of impulses, curling up inside for a nap until the next time some big monster needs to be shown who's boss.

There is a formal inquiry into what anyone can do to solve the problem of Godzilla cutely napping in one of the wonders of the world like that, to which the top Godzilla experts just throw up their hands and admit that this is simply one of those problems that has no solution and anyone wishing to visit the Colosseum will just have to wait until Godzilla gets up and goes somewhere else.

Aside from just being a fantastic scene, this clearly establishes a precedent for how the towering Godzilla could possibly play a role in any sort of mundane sitcom situation. Something you care about is incidentally underneath a resting Godzilla. There are all sorts of things you can try and fail to do to retrieve this item, but none of it can possibly result in anything but embarrassing buffoonery as he is an outright immovable object in this case.


If Godzilla were to end up working at Dunder-Mifflin, I could see him getting enraged over some banal red tape, and then being assigned to an anger management class with Michael Scott. This would then lead to them both completely missing the point of the class and engaging in a competition of who manages their anger better. They play out scenes where a carefully scripted conversation tells them how to behave in a workplace scenario where they're expected to behave like reasonable adults, and both just manage to read the correct lines with extremely sarcastic voices. Once Michael and Godzilla are paired together in a final well-meaning attempt, they enrage each other to the level of a three-year-old having a tantrum, and Godzilla finally eats Michael. Michael Scott wins, but also is dead. Tie.


Godzilla takes a job at Dunder-Mifflin

If Godzilla were to end up working at Dunder-Mifflin
Maybe it's just me, but I kinda feel like I need a bit more on-boarding to these scenarios. Godzilla is pretty consistently portrayed as being rather staunchly against large-scale industry, shipping, and really, big business in general.

Surely the circumstances causing him to compromise on such strong principles and accept a standard nine-to-five are significant enough to bear mention in these hypotheticals?


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
It just occurred to me that if we're entertaining the Godzilla-as-office-worker AU, we have to consider the flipside of that equation:

kaiju michael scott





Round and round I go
Staff member
That's all, folks

I guess I should formally wrap this up. Thanks for joining me on this ride, and thanks for your patience. Hopefully, you enjoyed participating as much as I enjoyed reading your comments.

Congratulations to Godzilla and Michael, who triumphed over their respective brackets.


Rated Ages 6+
(He, Him)
Agreed, but if we do this again, can we leave out characters like Goku and Godzilla? I knew one of them would come out at the top and it really killed any suspense for me about the finale.