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(And it means I don't have any more excuses not to do the livetweet read-through and literary analysis I've been planning since 2019.)
#you'll like orange road
tagged to the old anime thread.It's really odd to me that I haven't seen much about this mentioned over the years when this series gets talked about. (Or if it has, none of it has stuck... If there are good examples, point 'em out to me.) I really hope the objectification and damsel in distress plots lessen in the back half, but I don't have my hopes up.
I'm watching the TV show right now, they age them up unto high schoolers in that but it's still eliciting the same reactions like god damn
I'm gonna stick with it partially out of wanting to see the conflict finally resolve itself, but mostly due to the long standing#you'll like orange road
tagged to the old anime thread.
I miss Dr. Jones. And AmpVig. No opinions on Orange Road though, I'm surprised to see anyone discussing it at all, honestly
Neither of the two dudes quite literally on top of her tied up on a bed actually manage to do anything because they get in a fight over who gets to go first, then Kyosuke kicks down the door in the nick of time and is the big damn hero for it with all the other female characters in awe of his heroics. Then he smacks his head again and we're back in the story proper. Gross gross gross no stop it why did these chapters need to happen.Hey so that hope I had about pumping the breaks on all the objectification? Good news: Omnibus 4 opens with an alternate reality Madoka getting beat with a whip and then nearly molested. 80 or so pages later we get a full view of her in the shower.
I'm still early in the TV show, but from what I've read - if the worst that happens to her is that her tool of a high school crush finally stopped leading her along and kicked her to the curb, then I'd say she had the best ending? It's always funny to me to see a love triangle finally resolve and the thing you're reading/watching wants you to feel bad for the "loser" - except they totally dodged a massive bullet because there's no way she would have had a happy/fulfilling life with such a massive tool/jerk. Also, it's... high school! P.sure if this was all happening IRL, the overwhelming odds are that Kyosuke and Madoka break up in a few months years anyways. Good to learn these lessons now, it'll make ya a better adjusted adult a lot quicker.Hikaru is the more accurately written portrayal of a pre-teen / teen girl and did not deserve the treatment she got in the end.
It's got the mood/pacing of other great 80s 'romance' shows down pat tho. Coming to it way after the fact, it feels like a discount store version of Ranma/Maison Ikkoku and that's kinda good enough to keep me going for now. Most shows these days just don't let a scene breathe like these shows do, or let a gag play out in slow motion, or take the time to just really soak in a melancholic/mono no aware feeling.A great '80s soundtrack, a much shorter version of the "story," and Akemi Takada's character designs did a lot for this title among U.S. fans, I guess.
Y'know what? Completely fair. I think Hikaru's whole getting caught up in crushing on the older guy without having the emotional maturity or experience to take a step back to ask herself "why tho?" is a very realistic character trait for someone her age. Most of my "did not deserve that" is in regards to story pacing. It was just amazingly jarring to go from Hikaru crying in a phone booth to big series ending love confession as quickly as it did. Really hammered in this feeling of "Oh yeah, she's been a roadblock the entire time, but not any more! Ain't that great? Huzzah!" and it just... eugh. Don't do that! I've read the synopsis for the I Want to Return to that Day movie, and it sounds like it's nearly nothing but Hikaru dealing with the heartbreak that came after and I've been wondering if it does her more justice. Maybe I should give it a watch? Dare I put myself through more of this?I'm still early in the TV show, but from what I've read - if the worst that happens to her is that her tool of a high school crush finally stopped leading her along and kicked her to the curb, then I'd say she had the best ending? It's always funny to me to see a love triangle finally resolve and the thing you're reading/watching wants you to feel bad for the "loser" - except they totally dodged a massive bullet because there's no way she would have had a happy/fulfilling life with such a massive tool/jerk. Also, it's... high school! P.sure if this was all happening IRL, the overwhelming odds are that Kyosuke and Madoka break up in a few months years anyways. Good to learn these lessons now, it'll make ya a better adjusted adult a lot quicker.
Also, I've greatly enjoyed reading your recaps Ixo, thanks a bundle for biting the bullet on this one.
You're welcome! I haven't looked through the TV show / OVAs to see which stories got included, but I'd be curious to see the ratio of how many got pulled from each omnibus. It honestly feels like you could adapt a lot from Omnibus 1, skip a whole ton, drop in the stories that introduce new characters in that appear later, and then adapt the ending and it'd be no worse for wear.Thanks for the in-depth look into the "classic" KOR, Ixo. A great '80s soundtrack, a much shorter version of the "story," and Akemi Takada's character designs did a lot for this title among U.S. fans, I guess. (Like MI, the fact that it was a romance [very loosely defined, in this case] made it a good sell as a non-action title, also, I'm sure.) Since I paid actual money for omnibuses 3 and 4, I suppose I'll get around to them eventually, but I won't expect any actual development except in the art.