I finished TNG the other day and was really sad to see it go. Not really in a mood to articulate right now but this has been an awful year for me and Star Trek has been really uplifting.
Anyway, watching the movies now. I love that the climax of Star Trek: Generations involves Captain Picard breaking Captain Kirk out of heaven to do what he does best: fistfight a guy in a rock quarry.
The more I reflect on the TNG movies over the years, the more I end up liking them. As you say, when you think about it, they're extremely Trek in the funnest of ways. Well, except Nemesis. The ideas of that movie were solid but oh man the execution was so bad that it basically killed the franchise. Not even Tom Hardy can keep me from resenting it.
A thought, regarding Prodigy. You think they'll ever reach a point where the emergency training program gains sapience and has an existential crisis about looking, sounding, and acting just like Janeway, but not really being Janeway?
Seems a little heavy for a kids show. Also doesn't really fit the role this holo-Janeway is gonna fill as the matronly teacher who guides her flock. The Doctor had plenty of internal crises but they were never centered around his identity as a replica of a real person, even in the episode where he had to meet that person face-to-face. And assuming holo-Janeway's personality is more or less a carbon copy of the real deal, real Janeway is such a stone cold badass she'd never suffer those kinds of problems. Janeway's inner struggles came in three basic flavors, listed in increasing severity:
1) I'm mildly sad that I have no love life.
2) I'm very annoyed at whatever bullshit I have to put up with this week.
3) I am fully and solely responsible for 140 people who are family to me, and them even being in this shitty situation to begin with. I have to make sure they get home safe even if it kills me.
That last one is what really makes the character for me, and probably makes her my favorite Captain at this point in the franchise. It drives me crazy when
certain people whine about how she's a poorly written and inconsistent character. Those people aren't watching Star Trek: Voyager. Literally everything Janeway does, is informed by that inner motivation/struggle of the guilt of marooning these people she loves, and her determination to get them home. Sometimes that may lead her to coming close to compromising her values when things get tough, but that struggle and imperfection is interesting and compelling to me rather than frustrating and off-putting. And her growth as a captain, who learns when and how she can cut corners or bend the rules is one of her character arcs for the breadth of the show. Mama Janeway is gonna protect her pack no matter what.
I do think though that at some point late in the show
holo-Janeway will probably sacrifice herself heroically for sads because there's still the real Janeway out there, so it's not like they're actually killing off Janeway forever.