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The Game Sales and Deals Thread, With No Apologies to Anyone

q 3

here to eat fish and erase the universe
Atlus has most of its 3DS eshop library on sale for $8-10, some Sega too (7th Dragon, 3D Classics). Might not be many more such sales left...

Positronic Brain

Out Of Warranty
The EU version of the sale is really decaffeinated (no 3D classics, not all the SMT series) but Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 *is* on sale. Mmmm....


Soul Hackers is on sale, at least. £4-odd is a steal for possibly the best game in the series, imo. Treat yourself - it's Christmas!

Positronic Brain

Out Of Warranty
Soul Hackers is on sale, at least. £4-odd is a steal for possibly the best game in the series, imo. Treat yourself - it's Christmas!
Got that one in physical back when it was on every sales bin. Although getting it digital means I'll never have to remove the wrap.... 🤔


Awesome, thanks for the heads up, I was hoping we'd get one more round of sales.

A bunch of Ace Attorney games too, although those have been ported so much it's hard to track prices now. I finally picked up Legend of Kusakari too, it's been on my wishlist for a while but sounded quite silly and something where I might lose interest in quickly.

How was Steamworld Heist? It looked repetitive to me but still interesting, and if it's $3 instead of the normal $15...


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Steamworld Heist is one of the best games I've played in the genre. Huge recommendation.


Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
Does... does it have a genre? 2D XCOM w/ hat bling and bullet physics feels pretty dang unique to me.

R.R. Bigman

Coolest Guy
There sure are a bunch of different ways to buy the recent Hitman games in the End Of Year PSN sale. I don’t which ones to get for maximum Hitmanning!


Fearful asymmetry

Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-Tered is just three dollars on the Switch right now. It's not the greatest port from my understanding, but still, three dollars to re-unite with the Space Asshole ain't a bad admission fee at all.


Same as I ever was
I remember trying to see how much of the bridge I had to disintegrate before it would fall down in that game.

Octopus Prime

Mysterious Contraption
I swear, bringing down that bridge was the single hardest challenge the game had to offer.

they build them sturdy on Mars


Codenames Duet is $8 at Target. I haven't played this version but have had several friends say it's their favorite version of Codenames, and sounds like a good thing to try now when cases are surging!


Fearful asymmetry
Lots of Xbox 360 and classic Xbox games are on sale this week, including the two Timesplitters games for $2.49 each, and three Max Paynes for $8.99 each. I think GunValkyrie is also available for $5.99, for those who can put up with its awkward control. What's not for sale, frustratingly, are the two Otogis, which remain $20 apiece.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
In a move I'm surprised we didn't see a lot sooner, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel is out on pretty much every modern console (and later mobile)! This dealer of pachislots with erotic violence has released a F2P version of their card game.

If you don't want to deal with the F2P nonsense Konami is having a sale until the 25th which includes their (one time purchase only) game that covers almost the entire history of the card game and a cliff notes version of all of the associated animes/cartoons then you could get:

It's more or less fun but can be kind of frustrating especially if you don't like grinding or going up against BS decks.

Also, you might want to avoid that game's predecessor which is a DLC fest.


Me and My Bestie
(He, him)
If you don't want to deal with the F2P nonsense Konami is having a sale until the 25th which includes their (one time purchase only) game that covers almost the entire history of the card game and a cliff notes version of all of the associated animes/cartoons then you could get:

It's more or less fun but can be kind of frustrating especially if you don't like grinding or going up against BS decks.

Also, you might want to avoid that game's predecessor which is a DLC fest.
I appreciate the recommendation, but a few things though:

1) I don't have a computer for Steam stoofs
2) The Switch version is not on sale right now.
3) I consider Master Duel's general lack of anime/manga stuff in favor of just being a card game simulator to be a feature, not a bug.

Honestly I've more a casual interest in Yu-Gi-Oh! (the card game) anyway, so a F2P game with online multiplayer is just right for me.