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The Game Sales and Deals Thread, With No Apologies to Anyone


I do enjoy hypercards quite a lot, though the only thing on the list I don't have is Firmament because I'm waiting for the PSVR2 port. Only thing missing from this sale is the new version of Riven, which people should also get.

Paul le Fou

24/7 lofi hip hop man to study/relax to
It's not a massive sale, and Switch performance leaves something to be desired, but Another Crab's Treasure is 20% off on the eshop right now.

Square-Enix is also having a massive sale on a ton of their library, including 40% off SaGa Emerald Beyond.


the :motion: stands
Costco is running its $50 eshop cards for $40 sale right now. I turn them into $40 Game Vouchers for a good time.


Same as I ever was
No Gravity Games is doing its usual holiday giveaway this year, starting today. Some of these will be duds but we've found a few fun ones over the years, and the price is right.



Oh fun, like you said some of these can be pretty fun. I am curious how they make this work on the back end. Nintendo is so weird about online stuff that linking together games like this seems like a decent amount of work? Fun though.


Same as I ever was
Yeah I'm not sure! I think the main thing it does is check your library somehow, because when you already own a game you can skip that game. But the mechanics of it are mysterious.


Same as I ever was
I think you can get back on the chain if you buy the one you missed (usually also on sale while the promotion is running), if you wanna.