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I can barely remember most of DS3 at this point. Which is a shame because I remember it having my favorite narrative as well as some pretty excellent bosses. I only played through it the one time and I think only did 1 part of the DLC? It's definitely top of my list for Souls game to replay.
It's been too long since I played it so I can't really speak to specific story beats. But from what I remember: it was a meditation on the nature of "ending" a story and what that could even mean. And specifically for the Dark Souls series it spoke to the futility of the choice a Lord makes to kindle the Flame or not, because ultimately another Lord would just come along eventually and make a different decision anyway, and the world would still keep going with that enforced dichotomy.Genuinely curious, what made this one your favorite?
I don't remember where the real Dark Souls starts in this game off the top of my head so let's just say it's hereVordt is down. Pretty great fight, and pretty demanding for how early in the game it is.
Been tooling around the Undead Settlement. The High Wall was kind of meh as levels go, but this area is really good so far.
The deacons are actually quite easy to cheese, which I only realized on my like 3rd or 4th time at them. Well, not cheese - it's perfectly legit, it's just a couple items that are both really effective against them, and are super effective when used together. There is a ring that usually doesn't seem very good, the Pontiff's Left Eye Ring. It heals you pretty significantly every X attacks that land in a short amount of time. That's normally pretty hard to do consistently in your normal playing through levels and bosses, but if you have a crowd of enemies and a weapon that can hit quite a few enemies pretty quickly, this translates into a lot of healing, a lot of the time. Something that synergizes really well with the above is the Hollowslayer Greatsword, a boss weapon from the cursed greatwood's soul. Since the deacons all count as hollows, it does bonus damage to them, and since it's a relatively fast greatsword you can slash through crowds of them many at a time and get a lot of healing. When I finally tried the combo on my last run, I just laughed and laughed as I waded into the crowd and mowed them down like grass while keeping myself basically unkillable.I thought the Deacons were going to be a roadblock. Then I realized that once you get a bead on homedude in the second phase you just go HAM. The others don't do that much damage and it's pretty easy to roll away if you need to heal.
Man, it was such a cool moment to suddenly find yourself there again.Anor. Fucking. Londo.
Seriously. One of my top gaming moments in recent memory.Man, it was such a cool moment to suddenly find yourself there again.