Experiences like that are why I've always been and likely will always be fiercely anti-spoiler.
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I mean, it's just Dark Souls traditionIf you play the DLC, just know that the big dragon you fight is an absolute mother fucker
Dex with Lucerne and Grass Crest Shield.What build and gear are you running with??
DS3 was my first entry in the series, Ocerios was the only boss I beat on the first try. Honestly, he probably was the only boss I beat in less than a half dozen tries. I distinctly remember being confused and thinking there was a second phase that didn't trigger or something.
And done. It's amazing how easy it is to find help with bosses on a game that's still got a heavy user base. Soul of Cinder got me with his 2nd phase (trickeration!), and I came back with 2 experienced warriors and beat him down. I'll probably try to beat at least Cinder solo next time I play through the game, but I'm fine with winning dirty the first time.
Great game, but then all Souls games are good. It definitely did not have any truly easy bosses (although I never did all the optional areas, so who knows). Even Bloodborne had a couple.