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Oh! Create!
(they/them, she/her)
If they have any joy in their hearts and confidence in the original work, they're saving up the big stuffed Moogle for a grand reveal... but this is one of the points I've been most skeptical about for years, since they have barely ever acknowledged that half of Reeve's puppet show in the years since, always defaulting to the cat alone. I don't think the presentation of the character works nearly as well without that part of it.


Me and My Bestie
(He, him)
I feel like there's a good shot of Cait Sith having the giant plush Mog this go-around. Remake isn't afraid to deviate from the original story, but also it has largely kept faithful to some of the more outlandish aspects of the original game.

The bigger questions for me are 1) Will we get to Vincent in this ep, and 2) will his monster transformations look as silly as in FF7 instead of trying to be more serious like in Dirge. Just give me the hi-def slam dunkin' Frankenstein and I'll be happy.
When I played FFVII as a kid, I never even recognized the stuffed moogle as a moogle. There's an arcade game in Gold Saucer with readily identifiable moogles, and it looks nothing like those. I actually thought for a long time that the "Mog" mentioned in the manual was the cat, because mog does mean cat in British English, and that the part about Cait Sith riding it was a mistranslation or something and it was actually the other way around. I thought the big pink whatever-it-was was Cait Sith. Even knowing better now, I can barely think of the character without his mount, so yeah, I do hope it's there.
The trailer shows Bugenhagen, but not Cait Sith, who joins before Bugenhagen is introduced in the original game. Cait Sith was on screen for like two seconds in Remake, so we know he's around. Maybe the order of events is going to be different this time?
The game isn't going to be released for another half year. They didn't show any new playable characters, and only hinted at many of the games locations. They'll save a lot of those reveals for later trailers, building the hype up later. Also, they'll probably leave at least one of them to be a surprise while playing. (IIRC they didn't show Red XIII at all in the lead up to FF7R)


I still don't understand how you can spend this much money on a game and then cheap out this hard on the voice acting.


Oh! Create!
(they/them, she/her)
Personal highlights:
  • the discussed worry abated; big moogle real
  • Dio also real, but I need to see that bod from the neck down
  • Sephiroth smirk-mugging the camera
  • Vincent's dumbass coffin escape backflip returns. I hope Aerith still roasts him.


does the Underpants Dance
I am so damn stoked for this. Everything from the Gold Saucer looked wonderful. I might be setting my expectations too high wrt. the bonkers narrative pull they're surely going to pull at the end of this entry; Sephiroth sure dropped an incredibly foreboding line saying "The Reunion... when worlds merge." so my mind took that and ran with it, and there's no way the reality of what they do can live up to what I've built in my head. But I can hope...


The Goggles Do Nothing
Why does Cloud look MAD about it

Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me! It's because "that" Cloud is actually Zack, as this is Cloud recounting his story where it is eventually revealed that the "Cloud" SOLDIER that was partnered with Sephiroth was actually Zack, and Cloud was just a nobody who was along for the ride (and eventually may have been tube-fed Zack's memories). And, while we all know Zack is a friendly dude, Cloud always assumed he was a tough-as-nails SOLDIER, so of course Cloud would "remember" being cool and grumpy through the whole experience.


What's the problem with the voice acting?
I mean if you don't hear it, good for you, but to my ear it sounds like they just grabbed a bunch of aspiring VAs off the street, fed'em random lines that they just kinda read in their best "dramatic" voices without any real concern for the context or intended emotional weight, and like Sephiroth and Red 13 in particular both sound decidedly Some Random Guy.


Staff member
I think it's difficult to judge "context or intended emotional weight" from a trailer for a game that isn't out yet. The performances sound on par with the first game to me, which I thought was fine.
Well the good news is, if you don’t like the English dub, you can always play it subbed which is definitely my preferred way to play a game like this. The Japanese cast is a bunch of industry All-Star vets who at this point have been playing the characters for almost 20 years so they do a great, even iconic job.

Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me! It's because
"that" Cloud is actually Zack, as this is Cloud recounting his story where it is eventually revealed that the "Cloud" SOLDIER that was partnered with Sephiroth was actually Zack, and Cloud was just a nobody who was along for the ride (and eventually may have been tube-fed Zack's memories). And, while we all know Zack is a friendly dude, Cloud always assumed he was a tough-as-nails SOLDIER, so of course Cloud would "remember" being cool and grumpy through the whole experience.
My serious take is simply that Cloud isn’t necessarily upset but is exerting a lot of effort to just keep up, and this is all a walk in the park for Sephiroth, like how the Nibelheim flashback was in the original game.

Sephiroth sure dropped an incredibly foreboding line saying "The Reunion... when worlds merge." so my mind took that and ran with it, and there's no way the reality of what they do can live up to what I've built in my head. But I can hope...
They keep showing an alternate timeline where Zack lived and how radically different things were as a result. I’ve long suspected the purpose of which is they’ll end up doing timey-wimey stuff where they merge worlds so that Cloud and Zack get to pair up in earnest in order to fight Sephiroth


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
A more flat affect to a line delivery might work perfectly well in the game context while not being that great in a trailer.



Same as I ever was
A more flat affect to a line delivery might work perfectly well in the game context while not being that great in a trailer.

It also might not, and it's odd to pick a line delivery that's bad for a trailer for a trailer.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
It also might not, and it's odd to pick a line delivery that's bad for a trailer for a trailer.
If for some reason you consider it a priority to use the same video and equivalent lines for all languages, you might not have a choice.
In tonight’s Video Game Awards (🤢) Squeenix debuted another trailer for Rebirth. This one IMO showing just a little too much. Seems like it’s time to go offline for this game.

The trailer focuses on Aerith singing this game’s “theme song.” For those of you who are subtitle-enjoyers, the song is in English by the same singer in Japanese as well. Which quite frankly is a massive disappointment/failure. You’ve got THE Maaya Sakamoto voicing your main heroine, and you’re not going to have her sing the song her character sings? Smh


The Goggles Do Nothing
I'm glad they are continuing the trend of Final Fantasy 7 Remake and identifying that the one thing Final Fantasy 7 needed was more musical stage productions.