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did i do all of that?
Looking forward to the eventual PC release, no way am I buying a PS5 just for one game (this looks cool though, and Remake was fantastic so I assume this one will be good too)


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
it'd be pretty funny if they went in that direction tbh
I mean, he's lying, because he's a rascal, and we know he's lying because we the players have experienced a Tifa solo point of view already. But him trying to sow that distrust in Cloud is a new element in his whole general sort of deal.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
I want to believe that the writers are braver than that Bongo.

Pajaro Pete

i think the gag is he's probably actually talking about A Different Lady In Final Fantasy 7 and the trailer is just being misleading

(also the opening scenes of Avalanche being carried away in stretchers... that's gonna be from the Zack timeline yeah?)


It will be hilarious if the twist is “surprise, Tifa dies instead of Aerith, and in fact died before the game even started!”

Though yeah, I think sowing paranoia in Cloud could be a good angle, since Tifa is already paranoid about him. They could have a pointing Spider-Mans moment!
i think the gag is he's probably actually talking about A Different Lady In Final Fantasy 7 and the trailer is just being misleading
Japanese version of the trailer, Sephiroth is not being vague and says Tifa should be dead b/c he killed her.
Interesting that they're adding a new angle to the Nibelheim flashback, with Sephiroth insinuating that Tifa is a John Carpenter's The Thing (JENOVA).
Thing I find most interesting is that Tifa is addressing the party about how Cloud wasn't there 5 years prior, even though IIRC she keeps that bit of info to herself for over half the game. So either Part II is going to go way further than we imagined, or characters are going to be confronting ideas about each other way ahead of pace/we'll be seeing significant departures in how the story plays out.


does the Underpants Dance
(also the opening scenes of Avalanche being carried away in stretchers... that's gonna be from the Zack timeline yeah?)
Oh fuuuuuck I didn't even consider this but yessss. I want to see Zack Content so much. They fucking got me good with that stuff in Remake.
Something worth pointing out is that at one point in the trailer at roughly 2:20, there's Red XIII, Cloud, and Barret in the party in a battle. But Tifa and Aerith are in the far background of the fight like they're rooting you on. The very next scene, in seemingly the same fight in the same location, Tifa and Aerith are seemingly swapped into the active fight. It really seems to imply to me we'll have an FFX-style hot-swapping in of party members on demand.

Edit: Also pay attention to the distances on the markers on the compass at the top of the screen. At one point, there's markers that are 12km away. This is gonna be yuuuuge
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Everyone is talking about WHAT IF AERIS LIVES but the change that would earn my respect would be Tifa telling cloud he's full of shit 2 minutes into his weird longwinded flashback.

Just an immediate "That's not how it happened dumbass I was there."


Also skip the date entirely. Just make it cloud sitting in his room all alone having been stood up by everyone.

One of those Sephiroth ghosts shows up and goes "Damn nobody wants you fr."


duff mcwhalen megafan
this looks so good

so hyped to play rebirth, ff7r was probably one of my favorite 2020 games (along with yakuza: like a dragon) so the sequel coming this soon is so exciting.
I feel like Sephiroth's deception game HAS to start sooner this time because Remake already has Cloud actively not buying his bridge so this works out fine. And yeah, after giving us Tifa already lightly questioning Cloud's story, having her lay into him about not being there so early would be GREAT. I love when characters JUST TALK. Though of course Cloud probably won't play ball.

R.R. Bigman

Coolest Guy
How big of a game was FFVII for it’s remake/sequel to take up three HD video games?

Also, this seems to be getting more promotion than FFXVI, which is releasing two weeks from today.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
How big of a game was FFVII for it’s remake/sequel to take up three HD video games?

Also, this seems to be getting more promotion than FFXVI, which is releasing two weeks from today.
Asset size and perceived game size don't correlate.


FFXVI has been getting press junkets and trailers pretty regularly and has a big launch event scheduled, it's hardly being sold short on the marketing front.


I've been following it fairly closely so my perception may be skewed but I've seen more PR for FF16 in the past six months than I can ever recall seeing for an upcoming game in the franchise.


Summon for hire
Well I guess the problem is nobody has been cross-posting enough of the new trailers onto the forum for our convenience. ;)


(He, Him)
I haven’t seen much about it but I think I’ve managed to completely train myself to tune out video game marketing. Tears of the Kingdom coming out was a fun surprise!


I think the Main problem with FF16's marketing is nobody cares because it looks bad.
it also appears they put a lot more money into lip synching for the Rebirth than they did for 16
Probably not a money, but maybe a talent or distribution of resources issue. The general facial animations for FF16 look on par with what FF14 brings to the table. Which is kind of bad/inadequate and fairly stiff/procedurally generated. FF7R had industry leading facial animations from the get go, but also had the benefit of being a much more focused project. FF7R2 thus, also benefits from getting to reuse a lot of what FF7R put down. Or maybe Business Unit 3 just doesn't have good face animators. Who knows. But animating faces is easily one of the hardest jobs there is.

I think the Main problem with FF16's marketing is nobody cares because it looks bad.
I said boo-erns


XVI features a playable wolf who AFAIK does not talk, and therefore it can only be half as good as VIIR2, which features a playable wolf who can talk.
Man this looks good. I kinda hope something else comes out or at least gets announced as a PS5 exclusive before next year so that I won't have to become a person who bought a Playstation for Final Fantasy VII decades after Final Fantasy VII came out.

The trailer shows Bugenhagen, but not Cait Sith, who joins before Bugenhagen is introduced in the original game. Cait Sith was on screen for like two seconds in Remake, so we know he's around. Maybe the order of events is going to be different this time?