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Final Fantasy fight "prizes" - bliss after battle


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
In Final Fantasy games you will always randomly encounter someone or something that is trying to prevent you from reaching your goals. You are rarely ever given any choice for dealing with the situation other than to fight or flee. If you fight and win you are able to continue on your journey but you also receive in-game rewards (and that sweet, sweet victory fanfare). So which Final Fantasy has the most rewarding random battles?


7, by its nature, has the most little bars that might become full after a given fight. The only thing in life that truly matters.
I guess FFV has the most, like, stuff you can get from random battles? EXP, AP and dropped items are common across the series and RPGs in general, but it also has lots of good stealable items, blue magic and catchable monsters that are actually kinda broken in older versions of the game. There are even a few summons that appear as random encounters.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Final Fantasy 6 does have some of the same things. It also has the dances which Mog can learn and you can metamorph enemies into items. Instead of catchable monsters it has Gau's Rages which are very different but have a common thread.

And I see you mentioned stealable items which you can get during the battle instead of at the end of it. But isn't 5 the only game that lets you run away with your stolen loot? I'm trying to remember how that works in other entries.
Hm. This question makes me wonder which FF games have the best stealing? There are some interesting items you can steal in IX, but I think there’s a lot more to be stolen in X for upgrading items and Aeons.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Hm. This question makes me wonder which FF games have the best stealing? There are some interesting items you can steal in IX, but I think there’s a lot more to be stolen in X for upgrading items and Aeons.
I don't know if if has the best but FFTA can have the easiest. How impactful / interesting a stolen item is in that game depends on if you're sequence breaking or not.