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  1. K

    The Rage of the Ages burns for Eternity... Let's play Flames of Eternity!

    Remember me? The guy who did all those text adventure LPs, and also Odyssey: The Legend of Nemesis and about a third of Dragon Quest VI? I'm back, and with a Let's Play of… Well, not exactly. As the thread title says, it's going to be a Let's Play of Flames of Eternity. But just what isFlames...
  2. Falselogic

    Mainlining the Midnight Channel - Persona 4

    I think I'm ready to play Persona 4. Do I play the Golden version or the normal version? Why does Howlongtobeat show that Golden is about 4 hours shorter than the original? What is the best way to go about taking this sort of very long game on, when you have like. A lot going on? Help me...
  3. Lokii

    Worldless: captivating castlemania in celestial settings (no worlds allowed)

    Picked up the starry new metrovan, Worldless. It's pretty cool! Does some interesting things with the metroidvania formula. There are the typical progression locks that are solved by finding a new powerup, a double-jump or what have you, but the combat system is a rhythm-ish JRPG thing that...
  4. Torzelbaum

    Final Fantasy enemies - can't have a fighing fantasy without some foes

    So from the first Final Fantasy your forces have faced frequent fights with fearsome foes. So what are some of you favorite enemies/monsters from the Final Fantasy series?
  5. Torzelbaum

    Final Fantasy fight "prizes" - bliss after battle

    In Final Fantasy games you will always randomly encounter someone or something that is trying to prevent you from reaching your goals. You are rarely ever given any choice for dealing with the situation other than to fight or flee. If you fight and win you are able to continue on your journey...
  6. Torzelbaum

    Final Fantasy equipment - not everyone can be a monk

    Getting and using different gear has often been a large part of the game play in Final Fantasy games. So what are your favorite Final Fantasy weapons and non-weapon equipment? (These don't necessarily have to be the most powerful or final items in the game.)
  7. Torzelbaum

    Final Fantasy - don't forget about the 2nd part of the title

    I can't remember if we ever discussed this on TT 2 but even if we have that's never stopped us from doing it again here. So there has always been that mix in the Final Fantasy games but the balance of that mix has changed from title to title. So which Final Fantasy is the most fantastic i.e...
  8. Torzelbaum

    Final Fantasy - familiar faces and more

    No "main number" Final Fantasy game has ever been a direct sequel to the previous game but games in the series have included many different recurring elements throughout the years. So what are some of your favorite recurring elements from the series?
  9. Torzelbaum

    Forceful Final Fantasy

    Combat is an integral part of Final Fantasy games. Usually the characters start with some combat ability/strength but not an incredible amount - it's usually just enough to face the weak enemies that first appear. However that strength tends to grow through the course of the game until you can...
  10. Torzelbaum

    Final Fantasy - feeling blue (magic)

    As you can see - the Blue Mage character class is one of our favorite Final Fantasy classes. I think it's easy to see why since it provides for an interesting approach to a magic-using character - both conceptually and mechanically. So what are some of your favorite Blue Magic spells?
  11. Torzelbaum

    Final Fantasy - a question of character

    The first Final Fantasy game did not have unique designs for playable characters since you could give the same class to multiple party members. The second game changed things up by giving each distinct playable character their own design. Every game since then has usually used one of those two...
  12. Torzelbaum

    Final Fantasy summons - Carbuncle, I choose you!

    Summoned monsters did not appear in the first 2 Famicom FF games but were introduced in the 3rd and final one. They were also added to the first entry of the series on Super Famicom / NES and have been a staple of the series since then. They just provide so much character and personality to the...
  13. Torzelbaum

    Final Fantasy jobs and classes - preparing for the final interview / exam

    So currently there is a Top 21 list for Numbered Final Fantasy games being ran by Positronic Brain. As companions to that list I will be creating some Final Fantasy discussion threads that I have been wanting to create since TT 2.0 . This is the first of those threads. Now a job, class or job...
  14. Lokii

    Live-A-Live, in general

    Yowza that Remake news. I had conjectured that Live-A-Live would be a great candidate to follow-up Trials of Mana. Specifically, in the way that remake brought the SNES game to 3D in direct fashion but modernizing and fine tuning all its aspects. From character models down to map layout, its...
  15. Peklo

    Shin Megami Tensei V

    Releases on November 12th. Whatever tribulations Nocturne's recent remaster can be viewed to have as a port and rerelease, it's effectively done its job in reminding me of why I ever liked the series in the first place. I'm not going to carry all of that goodwill from a game almost two decades...
  16. Dracula

    Dracula's Dungeon of Classic JRPGs and Other Nonsense

    ~STEP INTO THE SHADOW OF THE HELL HOUSE~ Welcome! Enter freely, and of your own will. This thread is a continuation of my off-the-cuff Let's Play series from TT 2.0. I don't have the ability to capture video or screens from my CRT, so this isn't always a strict play-by-play. Mainly I'm just...
  17. Cadenza

    Crossing the bridge between dreams and reality - Let's Play Eternal Sonata!

    ~LP complete as of July 17, 2021~ (Note: this is a migrated thread from the old forums that originally started in May 2020, hence the lack of responses to this thread for the first few pages. You can read the archive of the old thread here.) Table of Contents Chapter 1: Raindrops Verse 1-1...