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If they did this and still sold it at the normal $60 price range, I would be very surprised. I suppose if they did separate releases and also bundled it all together that could work too...Some people are getting themselves worked up about how it must now be a full I-III trilogy package because they don't say DQIII in the teaser anymore, and also Horii mentioned wanting to eventually do I and II as well in an interview a while back. That would be interesting if it happened, but I'm not going to set myself up for disappointment by assuming that will be the case.
I wonder if there are any significant changes taken to accommodate that fact now they're being treated as one serial work through this project.
Hmm, I might be interested in playing through this trilogy again, but it is going to be interesting going from a party-based job system to single guy trading blows with slimes.
Pettiest of petty quibbles: Don't like the battle transition. Feels unfinished somehow. And I suppose it could be.