I was enjoying the episode and was surprised how it started and Purin being reintroduced to the group so soon, I thought we wouldn't get development from her till at least the 6th episode possibly the 8th but I was happy!
Then they had to FUCKING RUIN IT with my least favorite trope, when Jobko just broke into her house, invited herself in, hacked and took over her stuff! I'm sorry NO FUCKING NO! THAT IS NOT OKAY! THAT IS NOT FUNNY! THAT IS NOT CUTE! THAT IS NOT CHARMING!!!
I'm sorry if it seems petty but the entire second half completely ruined the episode for me and I couldn't appreciate anything else, and Jobko is trash tier least favorite character in the show.
I cannot stand the trope of people either forcing people to do a thing/join a club, blackmailing, or otherwise violating another person's will or autonomy. There are some situations where I can justify it in the story like Haruhi to show how much of a bitchy self-ish woman-child to build her character for the story and her antics are treated as a kind of Dark Comedy were the joke is she is a bitch and its not okay, I can understand the Student Council in Girls Und Panzer blackmailing the MC into joining considering the extreme dire circumstances they were in.
But here there is no reason why she could just have just Asked Purin if she could stay over and made her offer with the apps?
Oh you are going to miss the curriculum because you got the forms wrong? TOO FUCKING BAD!
Use your rich ass connections to transfer to the other school!
If it were me I wouldn't just call the cops I would demand they get out and if they didn't comply physically remove them by force WITH VIOLENCE if need be. Trespassing and breaking into people's house is something YOU DO NOT DO! Interfering with someone's autonomy is the biggest thing you can do to piss me off.
So I'm disliking this episode, and I don't care if this post gets me lots of downvotes, if this post (on the very very unlikely chance) Kills my Karma I've built up over Reddit for years, I will consider it worth it to shit on this trope.
This was my favorite anime Original and New Show this season and this episode had to come out of nowhere and tank it.
If you liked this episode or thought her taking over her house and inviting her in was funny. FUCK YOU! YOU ARE A SHIT PERSON WITH SHIT TASTE!
I do not want to hear anyone commenting to be an apologetic for this episode. I will block you, even if we have been reddit buddies for awhile. You are disowned.
Maybe not that far, but I'm pretty pissed and need to calm the fuck down.
TL;DR: Don't break into people's house and say its cute.