1) When did you last go on a road trip?
Hmm. It's been a long time. Maybe the most recent one was with my wife and my in-laws in November of 2018. We criscrossed the state of New Mexico from south to north, stopping in Las Cruces, Carlsbad, Alamogordo and Roswell before ending up in Santa Fe. It was really cool to see the Día de Muertos ofrendas that people had set up in Las Cruces. Carlsbad Caverns was amazing. I'm not sure that there's enough stuff to do in Roswell that I'd want to go back, especially now that the amazing diner we ate at has closed, but I'm glad to have seen it.
2) For what seasons do you decorate your home?
My wife and I have a whole routine about decorating the house for Christmas starting on the first Sunday of Advent, but that's the only seasonal decorating we do, really.
3) Do you play an instrument?
Unfortunately, no. I've wanted to learn to play piano for a long time, but realistically speaking I'm not sure I'll ever get to it. I'm one of those people who find it hard to hard to do something if they know they're going to do it poorly, and that really stands in my way here.
4) Which is your favourite Mortal Kombat character?
I've never been a big MK player, but I always thought the robot characters were kind of cool.
5) Who do you want on your team for a two-on-two game of hoops?
If we're sticking to real people, Steve Kerr would hit the intersection of "people who could carry my non-athletic self on the court" and "people I'd find it really interesting to talk to."