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A Questionnaire, Part II: The Questioning

Johnny Unusual

1) What is your ideal car color?
2) What, if anything, do you and your dad like to do together?
3) Which Marvel character is in need of a comeback?
4) What's the last fast food place you went to?
5) What's the weather right now?

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1. White with teal and pink geometric shapes; I want it to look like an 80s logo
2. Watching old horror movies is pretty high up there
3. I’m always excited to see Ego the Living Planet or Mangog show up, but in terms of lesser known s, definitely Deaths Head
4. McDonalds
5. Overcast and humid!
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Plastic Vampire
1) What is your ideal car color?


(this is also my ideal car)

2) What, if anything, do you and your dad like to do together?

It's a short list, but we liked to play Goldeneye 007. We'd go on hikes. That's about it. Like I said it's a short list

3) Which Marvel character is in need of a comeback?

ROM: Spaceknight
Yeah, he had an IDW series, but I'd honestly like to see him come back to the Marvel universe.

4) What's the last fast food place you went to?

Jimmy John's

5) What's the weather right now?

Friggin' hot. Hot as the devil's balls and twice as sweaty.

Johnny Unusual

1) This is tough. Red or blue is boring but it might be it. Just a nice solid color. I want it to be something unique like orange but whenever I see an orange car I'm like "thanks but no thanks". Same with green. Maybe Canary yellow?

2) So not as much as we used to. I feel like our film tastes have drifted apart a little too much. But we both still love board games, particularly Scrabble. That said, he's more of a "max-min" points guy and I like trying to get cool, unique words.

3) For higher tier characters, I think we need a full Adam Warlock series were he goes to what was originally considered for the character before they decided it wasn't feasible... a hero of non-violence. Its not like he's passive and he has power to exercise but seeing as he's a Christ allegory, that seems like the right path. Also, based on the story with characters with similar origins, have him just be gender fluid, since he can literally do that with his body. Also, I want a full Legion of Monsters series. I love the Marvel Monsters but have them being the militaristic "Howlin' Commandos" is just BPRD lite and less interesting to me. I'd rather them being like the original Defenders; a team barely keeping it together.

4) Inside? Probably Harvey's (a Canadian one). There's one next to my apartment and its the only one I've been inside for a long time (to order out).

5) Quite warm. There was so much thunder today but the sky was blue for most of it. Finally heavy rain hit in the late afternoon. Now it is rather humid.

Johnny Unusual

1) Which is your dominant hand?
2) If you had the day in LA, where would you go?
3) Have you ever studied a martial art?
4) If you enter a dimly lit room where everything was still visible (say during a cloudy day) would you turn the light on or leave it off?
5) What was/is your favourite stuffed toy?

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
1) Which is your dominant hand?
I’m a righty.

2) If you had the day in LA, where would you go?
Tough one! I have two friends there I’d love to see, but they live on opposite sides of the city. With one of them, it would be fun to finally visit the Getty Museum, and I’d like to get back to the Last Bookstore. With the other, I’d want to have some ice cream at the Long Beach Creamery and go to the Aquarium of the Pacific.

3) Have you ever studied a martial art?
I remember having one day of karate stuff in elementary school gym class, but never seriously. My brother, who was way into martial arts at one point, sometimes tells me that he thinks I’d really like t’ai chi.

4) If you enter a dimly lit room where everything was still visible (say during a cloudy day) would you turn the light on or leave it off?
I’d definitely leave it off. I don’t usually want things to be any brighter or louder than they have to be. Sunny days have their own charm, but sometimes a day of dim light can be really soothing.

5) What was/is your favourite stuffed toy?
When I was little I had a teddy bear named
Cinnamon that I really loved.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1) Which is your dominant hand?
2) If you had the day in LA, where would you go?
3) Have you ever studied a martial art?
4) If you enter a dimly lit room where everything was still visible (say during a cloudy day) would you turn the light on or leave it off?
5) What was/is your favourite stuffed toy?

1. righty
2. Literally the only part of LA I know off the top of my head is that concrete tunnel from Terminator 2
3. Nope
4. Depends on what I was planning on doing in that room
5. When I was tiny, I had a stuffed Alvin the Chipmunk I took everywhere

Johnny Unusual

1) Which is your dominant hand?
2) If you had the day in LA, where would you go?
3) Have you ever studied a martial art?
4) If you enter a dimly lit room where everything was still visible (say during a cloudy day) would you turn the light on or leave it off?
5) What was/is your favourite stuffed toy?
1) Boring all righty
2) I would like to go to a good comedy show but I'm sure there's a cool aquarium to go to.
3) I studied Hap Ki Do for a couple years.
4) Rarely. I like nature light, even when there's not a lot of it.
5) His name was HQ Bear and he's still in my house.


Plastic Vampire
1) Which is your dominant hand?


2) If you had the day in LA, where would you go?

I actually did have this, back in February, at the end of a very long two-week job, and I used it to just walk around Beverly Hills and visit a friend from high school. Given another day, and no COVID, I'd probably go visit Hollywood just to see it with my own two eyes.

3) Have you ever studied a martial art?

I came closest to this when I visited a taekwondo dojo in college, but never pulled the trigger. A friend of ours also gave us a couple of lessons, but not enough to really learn anything.

4) If you enter a dimly lit room where everything was still visible (say during a cloudy day) would you turn the light on or leave it off?

I'm leaving it off, of course!

5) What was/is your favourite stuffed toy?

Me an my younger brother had a whole cinematic universe populated by stuffed animals (and all our other toys), so it's hard to pick one. There was a bear named fluffy that I think I had as an infant which was my nominal fave. I don't have it or any of them anymore.

Paul le Fou

24/7 lofi hip hop man to study/relax to
1) Which is your dominant hand?

2) If you had the day in LA, where would you go?
As far from LA as I could.

3) Have you ever studied a martial art?
I study and teach historical German swordfighting (among other sword stuff)!
I've also studied a couple years of judo and a tiny bit of Tae Kwon Do in high school.

4) If you enter a dimly lit room where everything was still visible (say during a cloudy day) would you turn the light on or leave it off?
Depends on how dim; I don't like sitting in the dim or dark, but if it's bright enough to not just see but see well, I'll leave the lights off.

5) What was/is your favourite stuffed toy?
I had two, Pinkie and Brownie. Pinkie was a stuffed rabbit with her hands sewn together to make a little loop; I used to put my hand through there and wear her on my wrist. Brownie was a dog with floppy ears and a little tongue that hung out. I lost them when my house burned down 15 years ago, and writing this is making me not just tear up but triggering some kind of adrenaline-dump panic response in the back of my head.

Johnny Unusual

1) What's a good gorilla name?
2) Are you going to dress up for Halloween?
3) Who is your favourite Daredevil character?
4) What board game have you played last?
5) If you were a master thief, what item would you target?

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1. "Sir"
2. I specifically bought Clark Ken-style eyeglasses, so I guess him?

5. Dungeons and Dragons
6. Billionaires wallet seems like a good thing to go after


Plastic Vampire
1) What's a good gorilla name?


2) Are you going to dress up for Halloween?

Of course, although honestly, my costume is usually what I spend the least amount of effort on in the season.

3) Who is your favourite Daredevil character?


4) What board game have you played last?

If a TTRPG counts, Starfinder.
Otherwise, the new version of Fireball Island.

5) If you were a master thief, what item would you target?

Naturally I would steal a variety of world-famous landmarks.

Johnny Unusual

1) What's a good gorilla name?
2) Are you going to dress up for Halloween?
3) Who is your favourite Daredevil character?
4) What board game have you played last?
5) If you were a master thief, what item would you target?
1) Bananas T. Cordova III
2) I'm not sure. I might be encouraged to for work (or at least a little make up)
3) Kingpin. Classy villain. Best part of the Daredevil TV show where... boy did the Netflix shows completely go downhill, huh? But he was still the best part.
4) Played Trivial Pursuit for Kids with the kids I'm watching. But each had different ideas of what the game was: one wanted to roll the dice and got bored when it wasn't her turn, another just wanted to read questions and the third just wanted to tell stories about cool stuff he saw.
5) Probably something comic book-y. Action Comics #1, things like that.

Johnny Unusual

1) When did you last go on a road trip?
2) For what seasons do you decorate your home?
3) Do you play an instrument?
4) Which is your favourite Mortal Kombat character?
5) Who do you want on your team for a two-on-two game of hoops?

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1. Not a long one, but a couple of weeks ago I had to travel to my cousins wedding. Had all the road trip staples, at least.

2. Entire house gets done up special for Christmas; otherwise have at least some Halloween decorations up all year round

3. Nope

4. This is one of the hardest questions ever posed to me. I’m going to say Cassie Cage, but that’s just because she has the highest ratio of personality to how fun she is to play. Ermac wins for most bonkers premise and Kano is having the most fun being a dirtbag.

5. Gonna say Cassie or Ermac again.


Mellotron enthusiast
1) When did you last go on a road trip?
A few years ago I think. More recently I was in the beginning stages of planning a big road trip before covid happened; that plus needing to have my car fixed put a stop to those plans, sadly.

2) For what seasons do you decorate your home?
Usually around Halloween or Christmas, if I remember to decorate at all (and usually I don't).

3) Do you play an instrument?
Yes! I'm a percussionist so technically I can play several different instruments. I'm also starting to try teaching myself to play piano.

4) Which is your favourite Mortal Kombat character?
I've always been a Liu Kang main.

5) Who do you want on your team for a two-on-two game of hoops?
Mario, obviously

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
1) When did you last go on a road trip?
Hmm. It's been a long time. Maybe the most recent one was with my wife and my in-laws in November of 2018. We criscrossed the state of New Mexico from south to north, stopping in Las Cruces, Carlsbad, Alamogordo and Roswell before ending up in Santa Fe. It was really cool to see the Día de Muertos ofrendas that people had set up in Las Cruces. Carlsbad Caverns was amazing. I'm not sure that there's enough stuff to do in Roswell that I'd want to go back, especially now that the amazing diner we ate at has closed, but I'm glad to have seen it.

2) For what seasons do you decorate your home?
My wife and I have a whole routine about decorating the house for Christmas starting on the first Sunday of Advent, but that's the only seasonal decorating we do, really.

3) Do you play an instrument?
Unfortunately, no. I've wanted to learn to play piano for a long time, but realistically speaking I'm not sure I'll ever get to it. I'm one of those people who find it hard to hard to do something if they know they're going to do it poorly, and that really stands in my way here.

4) Which is your favourite Mortal Kombat character?
I've never been a big MK player, but I always thought the robot characters were kind of cool.

5) Who do you want on your team for a two-on-two game of hoops?
If we're sticking to real people, Steve Kerr would hit the intersection of "people who could carry my non-athletic self on the court" and "people I'd find it really interesting to talk to."

Johnny Unusual

1) When did you last go on a road trip?
2) For what seasons do you decorate your home?
3) Do you play an instrument?
4) Which is your favourite Mortal Kombat character?
5) Who do you want on your team for a two-on-two game of hoops?
1) I mean, I went on a trip that involves quite a bit of driving but I feel like the last real "focus on the car" trip was a weekend trip to Prince Edward Island nearly 15 years ago with friends. Though there was also a road trip aspect to a trip to Australia about 7 years ago.
2) Just Christmas. This year, the tree stayed up until March. It was that kind of year and I needed to twinkly lights.
3) No. I once was gifted a drum but I kind of grew disinterested fast.
4) Goro. I know he's not playable (in the games I played) but he's just a fun looking dude.
5) Goro.

Johnny Unusual

1) What is the last fantasy novel you've read?
2) If you were to enter a fighting tournament, what fighting style would you want to master?
3) Lights on or lights off?
4) What fictional prison would you most want to be in?
5) If you were taking a soul searching trip across the country, what would your vehicle of choice be?

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1. I’m actively reading A Deadly Education
2. Capoeira; seems like it’s a good workout and completely unpredictable for my enemies
3. Lights On, yo
4. One of those JRPG prisons where you’re always sharing a cell with a locksmith and none of the guards think to take away your weapons or anything.
5. Helicopter

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
1) What is the last fantasy novel you've read?
I'm currently reading Forced Perspectives by Tim Powers. I think the last one prior to that was Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire.

2) If you were to enter a fighting tournament, what fighting style would you want to master?
Aikido. No one would lay a hand on me; ultimately, they would defeat themselves.

3) Lights on or lights off?
Lights off, usually. A dimmer space tends to feel cooler and calmer for me.

4) What fictional prison would you most want to be in?
Probably the one from "Minority Report," where the prisoners are unconscious and dreaming the whole time.

5) If you were taking a soul searching trip across the country, what would your vehicle of choice be?
Definitely an airship. That seems like a really meditative way to travel.

Johnny Unusual

1) What is the last fantasy novel you've read?
2) If you were to enter a fighting tournament, what fighting style would you want to master?
3) Lights on or lights off?
4) What fictional prison would you most want to be in?
5) If you were taking a soul searching trip across the country, what would your vehicle of choice be?
1) Kafka on the Shore. I only liked half the story (as it was two stories with alternating chapters that merge sort of)
2) Drunken boxing. It just looks fun.
3) Lights off. I'm shy.
4) The Village from the Prisoner. Yes, it's evil and oppressive and wants to break my will but, shit, this place looks nice. Plus, they are so friendly.
5) The Batmobile or a grotesquely big RV. I like Batman but I also like comfort.


the room is full of ghosts
1) What is the last fantasy novel you've read?
2) If you were to enter a fighting tournament, what fighting style would you want to master?
3) Lights on or lights off?
4) What fictional prison would you most want to be in?
5) If you were taking a soul searching trip across the country, what would your vehicle of choice be?

1. Joy Chant's Red Moon and Black Mountain. That was a year ago.
2. Tai Kwan Leap
3. Lights on
4. Arkham Asylum. Everyone's always escaping from that place.
5. A Chrysalis Highwayman


Plastic Vampire
1. Joy Chant's Red Moon and Black Mountain. That was a year ago.

I have owned this novel for years thanks to its inclusion in Lin Carter's Adult Fantasy series from the 60s and 70s, which I've been slowly collecting for quite a while. I've always heard it's among the worst in the set and I haven't read it yet. How did you like it?

Johnny Unusual

1) Do you look after kids?
2) Do you own any stuffed toys?
3) Is it a nice day out today?
4) Have you ever trod the boards?
5) What is your favourite Mariah Carey song?

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1. Nope; got a dog though. Dog is like a small fuzzy kid that don't talk.
2. I have several stuffed video game monsters, yes. They're ACTION figures.
3. Yes
4. In middle and high school, a few times, yeah
5. The only one I know off the top of my head is Where are You Christmas, so... that one

Johnny Unusual

1) Do you look after kids?
2) Do you own any stuffed toys?
3) Is it a nice day out today?
4) Have you ever trod the boards?
5) What is your favourite Mariah Carey song?
1) Yep. That's my job. It's after school stuff.
2) Yep. Still considering giving my niece and nephew my old stuffed Platypus and HQ Bear. I don't know why HQ. I probably heard the term in GI Joe or The Real Ghostbusters.
3) It's a little cloudy and was rainy earlier but it's not bitterly cold or anything so... not bad, I suppose.
4) No. I kind of wish I did but no.
5) She's not really my thing but Fantasy is a decent song that doesn't put me to sleep.


Rated Ages 6+
(He, Him)
1) Which is your dominant hand?
2) If you had the day in LA, where would you go?
Star Wars Galaxy's Edge
3) Have you ever studied a martial art?
I've read a number of articles but not physically practiced any
4) If you enter a dimly lit room where everything was still visible (say during a cloudy day) would you turn the light on or leave it off?
I prefer brightly lit rooms
5) What was/is your favourite stuffed toy?
A small off white puppy with soulful eyes and black ears. I named him Cartwheels