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A Questionnaire, Part II: The Questioning

Johnny Unusual

1) What's the first Christmas gift you remember receiving?
2) Which is your favorite young adult book series?
3) Is there a place in your youth you weren't supposed to go that you did anyway?
4) Which rapper is the most unappreciated?
5) What's a great name for a bird?

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1. The Real Ghostbusters Proton Pack
2. Tough question, but the Tiffany Aching series comes to mind first
3. No, because I was a Good Boy
4. I genuinely love MC Hammer and I don’t care who knows it
5. Chardio

Johnny Unusual

1) A Rock Lord. Nugget, I think.
2) I missed a lot of the ones that would have been up my alley. Like, it was Goosebumps until junior high, and then I think I just skipped out on a lot of the series types books. I mean, more all ages, but I did go through the Hitchhiker's Guide in high school, which happened to be sitting in my Dad's office for years.
3) I was afraid to break rules but I feel like I must have. The closest was getting caught for going to the convenience store up the road without supervision at age 6 and getting in trouble for lying about it.
4) This is a tough one. I feel I'd need to go back to find out if "Young MC" still holds up. I feel like I found some classics after reading Hip Hop Family Tree (a hard recommend) but forgot them.
5) Talonclaw!


Plastic Vampire
1. Christmas Gift
A room full of stuff, mostly unwrapped. I remember the 1989 Batcave playset and the Ghostbusters Ecto-1 as standouts. Since they were unpackaged and missing parts, I have to assume my mom got them from consignment stores or thrift shops - but I didn't care a lick.

2. Young Adult Book Series
I'd be lying if I claimed it was anything other than Harry Potter, which means I probably need to go read more YA.

3. Forbidden Youth Place
Yes; the bowling alley. People smoked in there! They also had arcade games and pinball machines. Eventually I begged hard enough to get some quarters off my parents, which I used in the Baywatch machine.

4. Unappreciated Rapper
Oh gee. I'm not really the one to ask. I like hip-hop a lot but not enough to say.

5. Great Bird Name
Unappreciated Rapper

Johnny Unusual

1) What do you use to tell time?
2) What's something cool about your real name?
3) What would be a good planet to visit, where you capable of surviving it?
4) What pop culture did you love but would be hesitant to revisit, due to problematic portrayal of little people?
5) Who is your favourite member of NSYNC?

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
1) What do you use to tell time?
Depends on the time of year. When it’s reasonably cool out, I wear a nice watch that my in-laws got me for my birthday one year. I find that it’s uncomfortable when it’s hot, though, so during summer I just use my phone.

2) What's something cool about your real name?
This is not especially cool, but my first name is Tim, and my initials are only one letter off from being TIM. My mom says she kicks herself for not giving me the middle name “Ian.”

3) What would be a good planet to visit, where you capable of surviving it?
I’m a big fan of Mars, because it has an actual atmosphere and lots of cool topography. For a deeper cut, though, I think it would be cool to visit Neptune: the seemingly-endless blue sky, the strongest winds in the solar system … all kinds of fun stuff.

4) What pop culture did you love but would be hesitant to revisit, due to problematic portrayal of little people?
I remember really liking the movie Willow the last time I saw it years ago, and it’s great that it gave Warwick Davis the chance to be a leading actor without being stuck inside a concealing costume. Still, I’m not sure how well its conceit of little people as a separate, non-human species holds up.

5) Who is your favourite member of NSYNC?
Deep Chris.


Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1) What do you use to tell time?
2) What's something cool about your real name?
3) What would be a good planet to visit, where you capable of surviving it?
4) What pop culture did you love but would be hesitant to revisit, due to problematic portrayal of little people?
5) Who is your favourite member of NSYNC?

1. phone usually.
2. Apparently it means “Bringer of Peace”, so that’s pretty cool
3. I’d imagine Jupiter has got some cool scenery.
4. My first thought was Austin Powers, but Vern Troyer only showed up in the sequels, which I’m less eager to revisit.
5. Lance Bass was Sephiroth, wasn’t he? He as in NSync, right?


Mellotron enthusiast
1) What do you use to tell time?

Usually my phone. I used to have a pocket watch my dad got me for Christmas but it's long since stopped working, and also lost.

2) What's something cool about your real name?

I picked it myself!

3) What would be a good planet to visit, where you capable of surviving it?


4) What pop culture did you love but would be hesitant to revisit, due to problematic portrayal of little people?

I mean, I loved the Austin Powers movies as a kid, but there's no way those haven't aged like rotten milk left on a hot sidewalk.

5) Who is your favourite member of NSYNC?

I don't know enough about them to answer the question =V


Summon for hire
This is not especially cool, but my first name is Tim, and my initials are only one letter off from being TIM. My mom says she kicks herself for not giving me the middle name “Ian.”

Apparently one of my cousin's would've had the initials B.E.N., but I got the name first so he ended up being named Michael instead.

Johnny Unusual

1) My phone and whatever is in eyeshot. I don't like wearing things around my wrist.
2) Each name in my name was provided by a member of my immediate family. My dad gave me my first name, Stefan, after a beloved uncle. My sister gave me a middle name because she always wanted a "little yellow brother" named Mark (we don't think it was a race thing but... we also don't know what this means) and my mother snuck Joseph onto my baptismal records.
3) Mars. Part of me wants to see a gas giant but I also like just walking around and stuff.
4) I don't think it would stop me from revisiting it but Buddy giving accidental micro-aggressions towards Peter Dinklage reads a little worse now.
5) Timberlake. He's got the goods!

Johnny Unusual

1) On average how much faster or slower than the speed limit do you drive?
2) Which is your favourite Godzilla movie?
3) What's something you know you shouldn't feel embarrassed about that you do?
4) What color of socks do you most commonly wear?
5) How often do you buy comics?

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1. Don’t drive so... probably like 45 miles an hour
2. Depends on my mood, either the original, Giant Monsters All Out Attack, 2000 or King of the Monsters
3.I know Scott Summers’ family tree better than I know my own, and the Mortal Kombat timeline backwards and forwards
4. Grey and Black! Not by choice, that’s just what’s in the pack!
5. I mainly subsist on my Marvel unlimited subscription so I guess technically once a month?

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
1) On average how much faster or slower than the speed limit do you drive?

I try to stay within 5mph (that’s about 8kph, for those tyrants in countries that use sensible units) of the speed limit most times, though I’m much more comfortable going slower than faster. I hate driving, and I’d love to move back to a place where I can take public transportation everywhere I want to go.

2) Which is your favourite Godzilla movie?

I’ve only seen a couple—my kaijucation has been sorely lacking—but of the ones I’ve seen, Shin Godzilla was my favorite.

3) What's something you know you shouldn't feel embarrassed about that you do?

It would probably be quicker for me to list the things I don’t feel embarrassed about, honestly. In that vast universe of embarrassment, statistically speaking there’s probably something I shouldn’t actually feel embarrassed about.

4) What color of socks do you most commonly wear?


5) How often do you buy comics?

I prefer to wait for collections rather than buying individual issues. I’d say I pick up four or five of those a year.

Johnny Unusual

1) 10 kph
2) I missed a lot. I suspect if I watched the original unedited, that. But... I guess the one with Bryan Cranston. It definitely had flaws but a good sense of scale.
3) My complete lack of romance experience whatsoever at an older age. Just never came up.
4) black and at time gray. But black is best.
5) I get collections every three weeks. At the height of COVID, I bought a ton in a go and waited a long time. Before that, it was every two weeks. Now, I feel comfy with three.

Johnny Unusual

1) What's your outlaw cowboy name?
2) What sea creature scares you the most?
3) Where do you go for a drink?
4) Which movie do you watch the most often?
5) Which is your favourite Mario game?

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1. Scruff McGruff
2. Lionfish are intensely poisonous and hard to spot. Pick one or the other, not both
3. Starbucks
4. Either Terminator, Robocop or Jurassic Park
5. Super Mario World

Johnny Unusual

1) Pistolfingers
2) Lionfish is hard to beat.
3) Home. I don't drink alcohol or anything so I rarely go out to drink, even pre-pandemic.
4) That's tough. Princess Bride, maybe?
3) Super Mario Bros. 3, with two close behind for nostalgic reasons.

Johnny Unusual

1) If you ran a summer camp for kids, what kind would it be?
2) What religion do you want to learn more about?
3) What film franchise let you down the most?
4) Who are your favourite celebrity couple?
5) What game does it take you longer far more time to get sick of than it does your friends?

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1. Haunted one. Give the kids a real bonding experience as they flee from ghouls, y’know?
2. Ah they’re all pretty good.
3. Toss up between Alien and Transformers. One cratered hard, and the other squandered all my affection
4. Bill S Preston and Theodore Logan
5. I’m usually the first to get sick of any given activity and move on to a different one.

Johnny Unusual

1) If you ran a summer camp for kids, what kind would it be?
2) What religion do you want to learn more about?
3) What film franchise let you down the most?
4) Who are your favourite celebrity couple?
5) What game does it take you longer far more time to get sick of than it does your friends?
1) Comics camp. Scripting, penciling, inking, layouts.
2) Most of them. I'm unhappy with my ignorance. But if I got to put a #1, let's say Islam.
3) The prequels. A boring answer but it literally made me indifferent to a movie I used to watch once a day when I was like 4-6.
4) Filliam H. Muffman
5) A lot of them. I don't get bored of things as quickly as other people. At least if its a game where you play it again and again. The exception is a long game where I have little hope of winning and we got to play the fucking thing out like a grim death march. But like fighting games and word games I can do forever.

Johnny Unusual

1) What is your favourite kind of snake?
2) Pencil or pen?
3) What would be worth selling your soul for?
4) What is your hometown like?
5) If you were in American Idol, what song would you sing?

Johnny Unusual

1) Boa constrictor, followed by trouser.
2) Pencil. I love the feel of a sharp pencil and hate when a pen fails me. Though there is something to be said for a fancy metal pen.
3) My soul. Or the end of the suffering of my loved ones.
4) Very clean and quiet. Its a university town and it definitely has that vibe. Very laid back.
5) I'm In Love With My Car by Queen or Queen Bitch by David Bowie.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1) What is your favourite kind of snake?
2) Pencil or pen?
3) What would be worth selling your soul for?
4) What is your hometown like?
5) If you were in American Idol, what song would you sing?
1. Gonna go with Cobra; fashionable and a close association with my favourite Chris Latta character
2. Pencil; I refuse to accept the No-Takeback rule that pens force upon you
3. A better soul. Like trading up your phone after the upgrade period expires.
4. S’fine.
5. The Perfect Product by TWRP


Plastic Vampire
1) What is your favourite kind of snake?


2) Pencil or pen?

The pen, as it is demonstrably mightier than the sword.

3) What would be worth selling your soul for?

A sword which is mightier than the pen.

4) What is your hometown like?

Idyllic, former working-class coastal tourist town that's now apparently controlled by a billionaire who bought up the local businesses, expanded the golf course, and put in traffic circles. Basically a great setting for a novel or teen movie.

5) If you were in American Idol, what song would you sing?

The intro to Getter Robo.

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
1) What is your favourite kind of snake?
I have a soft spot for the garter snakes I sometimes see around here. They’re cute li’l guys.

2) Pencil or pen?
I used to be a pencils-all-the-way guy, because I loved being able to erase mistakes, but I grew to hate the way that graphite would spread all over the pages of notebooks that I left on the shelf for a while. So, it’s pens for me now.

3) What would be worth selling your soul for?
What doth it profit a person to gain the whole world and lose their soul?

4) What is your hometown like?
Fantastic architecture, fantastic food, fantastic museums, gorgeous lake, horrible racism.

5) If you were in American Idol, what song would you sing?
I think R.E.M.’s “It’s the End of the World as We Know It” would play to my strengths (remembering lyrics) while minimizing my weaknesses (actually singing).

Johnny Unusual

1) Have you ever DMed a tabletop RPG?
2) Which is your favourite Spice Girl song?
3) If you were a Street Fighter character, what would your fight stage look like?
4) Where's the beef?
5) What song has been going through your head lately?

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
1. I have not!
2. Wanna B is literally the only one I could name if you put a gun to my head
3. One of those really distractingly complicated ones where you’re constantly losing because you’re too busy focusing on that than the actual fight
4. Inside the freezer. Not going to leave that just laying around, geez
5. I Write Sins, Not Tragedies

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
1) Have you ever DMed a tabletop RPG?
Nope! I’m more than happy just to be a player. My wife really wants to, though.

2) Which is your favourite Spice Girl song?
The one where they really really really want to zig-a-zig-ah is the only one I know of. Is that Wanna B?

3) If you were a Street Fighter character, what would your fight stage look like?
A library, with people trying to get the fighters to keep it down.

4) Where's the beef?
Don’t worry about that—we squashed it.

5) What song has been going through your head lately?
“Heaven” by Talking Heads, as seen on my status page.


Plastic Vampire
1) Have you ever DMed a tabletop RPG?
Yes! Since 2011 or so I have almost exclusively run TTRPGs as a DM/GM, and I have been running at least one game more or less continuously since then. The first game I ever GM'd was the remake of Gamma Worlds in 2008. After that one-shot I moved onto 1E AD&D a few years later. Nowadays I run two games - a 5E Curse of Strahd campaign for a group of TTers, and a Starfinder campaign for local friends.

I'd probably GM infinity games if I had unlimited time.

2) Which is your favourite Spice Girl song?
"You must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer."

3) If you were a Street Fighter character, what would your fight stage look like?
I could come up with something, but it'd probably end up being the same as the Iron Horse, Iron Terror level from Darkstalkers.

4) Where's the beef?
Precisely where it intends to be.

5) What song has been going through your head lately?
No Destination, by The Garden.