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Already surpassed both long ago imo. Loki is only really good because it is buoyed by the incredible charisma of its main leads. But its shenanigans are almost nonexistent for a show about jumping about in time with trickster gods. Ms Marvel is very good at what it is - which is a teenage hero origin story. But I'm now at the point in life where I've lived more years as an adult than all the years pre-adulthood combined, so it's not particularly relevant or engaging to me anymore. And that's fine, I'm just not its audience.
I felt that the later episodes with a bunch of Lokis and the finale elevated the show. Plus, Owen Wilson is just a lot of fun. Ms. Marvel offered a look into a different culture and did a wonderful job with the supporting characters & community.

But, also, I posted about which shows were my favorites. Your opinion about how good you think the shows are or how much you engage with them doesn’t have any bearing on that.


I am the other hand am judging you all VERY HARSHLY for watching the Disney show that I haven't watched and don't plan on watching.

I am the other hand am judging you all VERY HARSHLY for watching the Disney show that I haven't watched and don't plan on watching.

It’s for the best. You probably would have had an aneurism over the Mouse-mandated episode where the very real, everyday, normal person problem of identity theft is morally and legally equated with copyright infringement.


Threat Rhyme
She-Hulk: I really like Blonski and his group of misfits. I really hope that they're legit and not part of some apparent conspiracy against Jen, which could certainly be a possibility considering Blonski's status as former villain and that his sharing circle included one of the goobers that attacked Jen a few episodes back.

I hope that when Jen eventually faces off against whoever HulkKing is (my guess is still The Leader, finally getting his follow up after being hinted in The Incredible Hulk) Blonski and crew show up and everyone assumes they're there to side with the villain but they all go 'Nah we're here to help our friend Jen.'

Octopus Prime

Mysterious Contraption
The Leader feels like an obvious choice, given that this is a She-Hulk show, and The Intelligencia has already been established as The Bad Guys. But MCU also likes to swerve in a way that really throws comic fans for a loop, so instead I'm going to say It's Teddy Altman, because "Hulk King" sounds like "Hulkling", and I think he's the only Young Avenger to not show up yet


Me and My Bestie
(He, him)
I'm impressed that they got Namor at all. Thought those rights were way too tied up with bullshit or something.

I mean, Disney bought FOX to get around the licensing bullshit with the X-Men and Fantastic Four, but I mean, like...X-Men and Fantastic Four, you know. Didn't think the Submariner had a chance of getting in the MCU.


Post Reader
Might be a Hulk situation where Marvel doesn't have the rights to distribute a solo movie but can add him into a larger Marvel thing


Geno Cidecity
She-Hulk is, like Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, a comedy show about a California lawyer who is having a crisis about her current circumstances, and doing so with a relatively grounded feminist lens. The most obvious difference is that the aspect of heightened reality from which the comedy derives its identity is big punches instead of song and dance. The trouble is that She-Hulk, as enjoyable as I'm finding it, is simply not as focused in its storytelling as CXG was, and as a result the more overtly feminist bits sometimes feel less like a joke about or involving the main characters as it is about feminist concepts themselves -- and part of that is simply that I'm not at a point where I feel any sense of charity toward Disney. CXG might be the single most remarkably narratively focused show ever on television (and at least some credit to CW renewing the show until the showrunners and writers came to the conclusion that the story was done).

Of course if you've been watching she-hulk and wandavision and haven't seen CXG, you really owe it to yourself to do so.

That said, She-hulk is overall pretty decent and enjoyable so far, and given how these Marvel shows can be, who knows where it's going to end up.


Staff member

I am blown away that Namor has the foot wings.

This looks so fucking good.

It has not escaped my notice that "WAKANDA FOREVER" is about eight hundred times bigger than "Black Panther" in the logo, so I wonder if the story of the succession of the Black Panther mantle is going to take more of a backseat here. Given that Letitia Wright has come out as an anti-vax wackadoo, I really hope that Nakia ends up becoming the BP instead of Shuri. I guess it's tradition that Wakanda's monarch also serves as the Panther, and Shuri is clearly next in line for the throne, but there's no reason they couldn't split those roles up and it makes in-universe sense to do so. I guess we'll see.


Post Reader
T'Challa died for a bit in the comics and Shuri became Black Panther and when he came back he was king but she was still the Panther for a while, so there's precedent.


Staff member
I unfortunately had the identity of this week's guest star spoiled for me by an A.V. Club headline, but it was still great!

Daredevil! I don't like his new suit! Hallway fight!!!


Jen's hurt, helpless look at the camera in the final shot of the episode! I'm so sad!

This show is great. Wait, is next week really the finale!? Shit, I thought we had two episodes left.
Yeah, I like this show a lot. Depending on how the finale wraps up it might be my favorite MCU show. (Admittedly not saying all that much.) Loved the Daredevil walk of shame, I want that pairing to be a thing forever now.


does the Underpants Dance
I had big stupid grin on my face the whole dang time. Matt Murdock!! Ahhhhhh! Those cheeky fucks even had the audacity to give him a hallway fight and then have Jen Hulk smash it instead. And that little tease of the Daredevil Netflix theme? Amazing. It's me, I am the sucker for this fanservice.


I read the words "DAREDEVIL HALLWAY FIGHT" and was legit excited for a second and then I saw it and was like "oh that's a fucking shame"


Like yes I get it it's a "JOKE" but goddamn you couldn't even make the parts BEFORE the punchline feel right? Like, to act as setup at least?


The Goggles Do Nothing
The setup for the joke was that Disney let Netflix produce their silly little shows. Ha ha. Silly Netflix. That is over now. Laugh at them. Smile, darn ya, smile.

Seriously, it felt like the modern equivalent of when comic book movies used to point to the comics and be like "you expect us to wear spandex," every chance they could get. Same kind of joke.

(Mind you, the rest of She-Hulk has been a pleasant/amusing lil' show)


I thought it was a great episode, and I laughed at the hallway gag. I guess it's just not for everyone. Still loving She-Hulk.