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I'm really quite excited by this. It's very traditional Japanese business for Nintendo to have not even considered the idea of a Zelda-led game like this until now. But money still talks, and once you break the taboo for the first time like this, you're opening the flood gates for tons of interesting things to follow. I watched Bandai/Gundam make this leap a year or so ago with its first female protagonist, which was very successful for them. I hope for the same here, because it'll give the devs the courage to do this in other and/or more ambitious games.


Unfortunate doesn't begin to describe...
I think this takes place centuries before the BOTW/TOTK era, with the Downfall Timeline influences.

R.R. Bigman

Coolest Guy
This comes out in less than two weeks and I expected more people online to be excited for a Zelda game where you play as Zelda. I’m pretty pumped.


Staff member
I'm excited, but it's not in the budget for this month. Probably October for me.


This comes out in less than two weeks and I expected more people online to be excited for a Zelda game where you play as Zelda. I’m pretty pumped.
Sorry, 3D Zelda is the only REAL Zelda now.

(I kid, but it's saddening how many people actually think this)


Wait, are the playmobil-style games not considered 3D? I consider them 3D.

Anyway, I'm excited and used one of my vouchers for it.


Round and round I go
Staff member
The physics are actually still 3D, even in the Link's Awakening remake where there's no need for it.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
At the very least, trailers show that Echoes of Wisdom has a definite, consistent, meaningful Z-axis. Although it has a fixed overhead camera, the environment is clearly volumetric, and there are significant gameplay mechanics based around gaining or losing altitude in specific amounts in relation to the heights of world objects. It's a fully 3D game.

Link's Awakening (Switch) had a Z-axis, but overrode it with the gameplay logic of the 2D original anywhere it would have made a difference, give or take bugs. A Link Between Worlds also had a Z-axis, even though it only mattered in like two dungeons. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks were also fully 3D, but didn't include any regular way to manipulate things on the Z-axis.
I mean, we could discuss how this fits in the full Zelda timeline. Do you want more timeline discussion!?
Yes! Let's discuss how Nintendo officially updated the timeline to include Breath of the Wild, and Tears of the Kingdom in it.

That is to say, they:


They basically didn't even bother trying LMAO. It's just completely disconnected. Which says either it's on its own timeline/its own thing, or is so far in the past or future as to not even matter for all this other business. Which, reading between the lines, you only do this to show your contempt/how much you don't actually care about the timeline at all.


Sir Knightbot
The fact that there's a "failure" branch in the timeline to explain the relatively minor inconsistencies between the ALttP backstory and the events as they occur in Ocarina of Time rather than just considering it a retcon was already some nonsense. The timeline has always been a joke, haha.

q 3

here to eat fish and erase the universe
Hey now some of us have been waiting nearly 40 years for the thrilling continuation of the Zelda II timeline (?)
Costco has this game on their regular discount for new releases, so if you want to save like $7 (+difference in tax) and have access to a Costco membership, and want to buy the game at launch but are willing to wait a few days for it to get delivered -- you have that option.


Costco has this game on their regular discount for new releases, so if you want to save like $7 (+difference in tax) and have access to a Costco membership, and want to buy the game at launch but are willing to wait a few days for it to get delivered -- you have that option.
Huh, I did not know Costco does new release discounts like that. I'll have to pay more attention in the future!


Son of The Answer Man
Yes! Let's discuss how Nintendo officially updated the timeline to include Breath of the Wild, and Tears of the Kingdom in it.

That is to say, they:


They basically didn't even bother trying LMAO. It's just completely disconnected. Which says either it's on its own timeline/its own thing, or is so far in the past or future as to not even matter for all this other business. Which, reading between the lines, you only do this to show your contempt/how much you don't actually care about the timeline at all.
All they need to do is also add Hyrule Warriors to the timeline, between the three branches and BotW. That game involves the villains unzipping the timeline and pulling in people and places from all of the branches, and at the end the heroes use the Triforce to restore it. Just say they restored it as a single timeline and that eventually led to BotW. Easy-peasy!


The timeline should be tossed into the garbage and set on fire.

Anyway, pre-ordered Echoes of Wisdom last night. Looking forward to it.