The Nintendo 64 is so weird. I mean, that's obvious, but even now, with an HDMI out mod installed and outputting to both my HDMI tv at 720p (I can't get 1080p with the N64 mod I have, which I'm not even sure they're selling anymore) and to my CRT with s-video, there isn't a solution that I prefer one or the other for every game. It depends on the game, it's super weird. Majora's Mask looks infinitely better on the CRT, whereas F-Zero X looks good on both, and I can't decide which I prefer for Harvest Moon 64 here at all.
It's hard to photograph, of course, and no matter how I futz around with the various settings in my HDMI mod (deblur on, deblur off, sharpness, scanline filters), I still cannot decide which I prefer.
I have the Borti RGB mod on mine, and yeah, it really depends on the game. I'm also feeding it through a RetroTINK that has smoothing options often good for PSX/N64-era 3D. Some games look best with the deblur turned on, but also with the smoothing on the TINK on. Some look better with deblur off and the TINK smoothing off. And honestly every variation. I change it based on game, and with a similar set-up to you, I sometimes defer to what looks better on my BVM than my OLED.