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The High Definition Retrogaming Thread (Including CRT/BVM/PVM Chatter)


hardcore retro gamin'
Oh, excellent. I get the frustration when you blow up stuff, though. Especially if it's something that's pretty rare or has sentimental value. :(

(That's actually one of the reasons I've continually put off recapping my 3DO...)
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Red Plane
Probably premature since it’ll be like a year before I get my Pocket, but I doubled the size of my Game Gear collection today in anticipation. Which is to say I bought a second game, Ninja Gaiden.


hardcore retro gamin'
I need to look at beefing up my collection a bit. I've got a decent number, but have a few I'd still like to own, like the first Shinobi.


did i do all of that?
I think my NES RGB mod is a failure. I was able to get the board slotted in what I thought was pretty good, but in doing so, I had to slightly bend some of the pins, so I'm assuming they're not making a good connection. I can't get a picture out of either s-video or composite (I'll occasionally get a blinking blue screen on composite, but I don't think that means much of anything, since I think you can still get that screen even if the PPU isn't connected, afaik).

Last resort would be to probably wire up every connection, but that would take a ton of effort and time and may still result in failure, so... probably not gonna bother. Desoldering everything from the RGB board is probably a no-go, too, since I was having a ton of difficulty removing solder from the vias, and would probably destroy the board during that process.

Sucks, but I have a working NES, so maybe I'll try to sell my mess on eBay lol. "For parts/as is, botched RGB mod" lol


did i do all of that?
I think my NES RGB mod is a failure. I was able to get the board slotted in what I thought was pretty good, but in doing so, I had to slightly bend some of the pins, so I'm assuming they're not making a good connection. I can't get a picture out of either s-video or composite (I'll occasionally get a blinking blue screen on composite, but I don't think that means much of anything, since I think you can still get that screen even if the PPU isn't connected, afaik).

Last resort would be to probably wire up every connection, but that would take a ton of effort and time and may still result in failure, so... probably not gonna bother. Desoldering everything from the RGB board is probably a no-go, too, since I was having a ton of difficulty removing solder from the vias, and would probably destroy the board during that process.

Sucks, but I have a working NES, so maybe I'll try to sell my mess on eBay lol. "For parts/as is, botched RGB mod" lol
Revisited this with a working, er, multimeter lol. Long story (actually it's not, really. The one I had before wasn't able to test continuity lmao). About eight of the legs of the PPU are not reaching the NES - and the problem seems to be my solder job on the pins underneath the PPU, so I'm going to have to remove the PPU, desolder those legs, and redo them. Everything else, s-video connector and all, are reading properly, so I think I've isolated the problem.

I have a cheap desoldering iron thing on the way, which may or may not work, but I'm going to give it a shot. Worst case scenario, I put this away until I get one of those $280 Hakko desoldering irons.

Should've just sent this off to someone lol. Oh well, in for a penny...


I cuss you bad
Revisited this with a working, er, multimeter lol. Long story (actually it's not, really. The one I had before wasn't able to test continuity lmao). About eight of the legs of the PPU are not reaching the NES - and the problem seems to be my solder job on the pins underneath the PPU, so I'm going to have to remove the PPU, desolder those legs, and redo them. Everything else, s-video connector and all, are reading properly, so I think I've isolated the problem.

I have a cheap desoldering iron thing on the way, which may or may not work, but I'm going to give it a shot. Worst case scenario, I put this away until I get one of those $280 Hakko desoldering irons.

Should've just sent this off to someone lol. Oh well, in for a penny...
Dunno, sounds like you've got a handle on it now


Summon for hire
So I'm currently cleaning/reorganizing my office space and came across an old CRT - wanted to run it by some of the folks who do CRT retro stuff and see if it might be of any interest for those purposes.

According to the label on the back it's an Orion, Model No. TV1928, from Feb 1998... and that's about all the useful info, the rest is just FDA/UL listings. Looks like about a 19.5" diagonal. And it does power on though I haven't tried getting a signal into it yet.

Of course, it's a CRT, so even if it *is* great for a retro game setup, shipping would probably be prohibitively expensive, but if there's anything particularly desirable about it I might try to see if I can find anyone local who wants it. Or just keep it, lol. But if it's trash, it's going to Goodwill or the dump.


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Goodwill doesn't take CRTs anymore, so it sounds like it's the dump if no one takes it.

While I personally have no need, people who might be interested would probably want to know what kind of inputs it has. Being 1998, I'd guess compostite, s-video, and RF? But if it has component on some weird chance, that will probably raise the interest level.


Summon for hire
Wowwww, I'd neglected to look at that before and it turns out it has RF input only. Yikes. Guess it's the electronics dump bin for it. Pity, the screen seems nice enough.


hardcore retro gamin'
I think, however, that there are ways to get RGB out of TVs like that? I wouldn't trust myself to work on a set like that, but if it has a "jungle chip" you can tap the signal the set uses for overlays to get it. Might be too much hassle, unless you know someone that's willing to jump in and try it and not get themselves shocked to death.


Summon for hire
Heh, sounds exciting but yeah, I don't think I or anyone I know locally would be up for that project.


Sudden chomper
In my experience, there are still a fair number of CRTs kicking around on the classified sites. Big ones are a dime a dozen, and you can often get a good one for next to nothing if you're willing to schlep it out of someone's house. Smaller ones with nice inputs seem to go for more, as not everyone wants to deal with a 27+ inch TV that weighs 50-150 lbs. A 20" with RF-only is a decent size, but unless you know it's a nice tube I don't think anyone is going to bother modding it for RGB input.


Old Man Gamer
Has anyone tried the new Analogue Pocket firmware yet? I'm trying to get the PDP-1/Spacewar! core to run but the openFPGa setting just gives me an About guide with a QR code despite having the appropriate files in the folder.


hardcore retro gamin'
Wish I could try it, I'm still in the December grouping. Hoping to jump in then. I noticed today that a Neo Geo core dropped on there, so that's exciting!


I’m also in December, I think. If I understand right, there are fanmade cores you can install? I assume that means the system won’t have a jailbreak, since it won’t really need one?

I was reading that the fanmade cores don’t work with a lot of the system’s features like display modes, here’s hoping they can access those at some point.


Old Man Gamer
Yeah, GB, GBC and GBA cores have been released but they don't have access to the display modes. In theory, custom palettes, including ones based on the currently existing ones, should be no problem to implement, just like the mister gameboy cores, so I imagine it's only a matter of time. My guess is that the current 'fan' cores were rushed to market in time with the update.

I got these working to test everything out, by the by, and it's very nice. I definitely hope more options will be added soon but it beats doing everything with an Everdrive.


can stop, will stop
Yeah, GB, GBC and GBA cores have been released but they don't have access to the display modes.
I believe the developer of the cores said that this is only due to the current state of the OS and that it's only temporary, they should have access sometime in the near future?

I've seen it speculated that the person who made these cores is kevtris, and that for all intents and purposes this is the jailbreak. I'm in the Q4 release group as well, but I'm waiting to see how openFPGA develops before I decide to stick with my preorder or not.


hardcore retro gamin'
I've seen it speculated that the person who made these cores is kevtris, and that for all intents and purposes this is the jailbreak. I'm in the Q4 release group as well, but I'm waiting to see how openFPGA develops before I decide to stick with my preorder or not.
Yeah, this is probably the case. I'm still down for it regardless - I can get enough mileage out of it just with the GB/C/A stuff, to be honest. But more cores will really sweeten the pot.


Red Plane
My Pocket arrived today. I haven’t had much time to tinker yet, but at a minimum it was able to run my Game Gear copy of Psychic World. Also, as I’ve seen other people complain about, the GG adapter further dislodged the cart’s slightly peeling label. Next step: figuring out installing the extra cores. It looks like there are some third party programs available to automate it, guess I’ll use one of those.

The included USB cable is C to C, and I don’t think I have any chargers with a usb-c socket on them, so I thought at first I’d only have until the 55% charge the battery was sitting at on arrival until I bought one, but then I remembered all the other devices I own with USB-A to C charging cables that I can use.


did i do all of that?
Got my Retro USB AVS today, and it looks fantastic on both of my HDTVs. I like it a lot. NES carts, Famicom carts, and my Disk System all work great with it, and the expansion audio sounds good to my ears. I can't get my bluetooth 8bitdo controller to work with it, though... it syncs to the receiver, but no inputs register, so I have to use a controller with a cable. Not a huge deal for when I play upstairs, but on the main floor (where I did plan on using it a lot) that's a deal breaker. I emailed the creator and am waiting to hear back, though I think he's on vacation right now.

EDIT: Had to reinstall the latest firmware - which I already had! - on my retro receiver. Works fine now. So dumb.
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hardcore retro gamin'
I've been tempted in the past to get a RetroUSB AVS. Seems like a quality piece of kit for much cheaper than the Analogue Nt, with the added benefit of actually being available. I guess the only thing that's kept me from doing so is having a MiSTer setup along with my original NES.


hardcore retro gamin'
I'd be shocked if it came in at the same price as the Mega Sg/Super Nt. But who knows? I think I'll pass again, but I definitely see where there's a market for this.


did i do all of that?
I'll probably pass too, although 1440p is pretty cool. My modded N64 only does up to 720p, which is fine for my old plasma TV upstairs, but I'm planning on getting a new 4K TV soon for the living room, so it's tempting...


hardcore retro gamin'
I'm probably going to end up saving my money for the RetroTINK 4K. I hope it slides in under $1000...

How tricky are N64 mods? I've got a couple of spares now, so if I lost one... well, it wouldn't be so brutal.


did i do all of that?
@Sarge I was able to mod in the $100 HDMI mod to my N64, but it was by far the most difficult mod I've done. Very high pitch on that chip! Still, you could gamble the $100 and see how it turns out, that was my plan as well since I also had a spare N64.


If you just want RGB, that’s easy. The UltraHDMI mod is very difficult, like Kazin said.



hardcore retro gamin'
Hmm... RGB mod sounds tempting with the deblur option, and easier to install. Great job getting the HDMI mod installed, @Kazin! Looking at the install process, that is some advanced-level stuff. I'd want to practice a bit more before taking on something with that tight pitch.


did i do all of that?
The Nintendo 64 is so weird. I mean, that's obvious, but even now, with an HDMI out mod installed and outputting to both my HDMI tv at 720p (I can't get 1080p with the N64 mod I have, which I'm not even sure they're selling anymore) and to my CRT with s-video, there isn't a solution that I prefer one or the other for every game. It depends on the game, it's super weird. Majora's Mask looks infinitely better on the CRT, whereas F-Zero X looks good on both, and I can't decide which I prefer for Harvest Moon 64 here at all.


It's hard to photograph, of course, and no matter how I futz around with the various settings in my HDMI mod (deblur on, deblur off, sharpness, scanline filters), I still cannot decide which I prefer.

Maybe I need to upgrade my HDMI mod to the Retro Gem which can do 1080p and has more picture options than the mod I have. It sucks because I don't know if 1080p would make much of a difference to my eyes, I may still prefer s-video on the CRT even then. I don't know!