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Revisited this with a working, er, multimeter lol. Long story (actually it's not, really. The one I had before wasn't able to test continuity lmao). About eight of the legs of the PPU are not reaching the NES - and the problem seems to be my solder job on the pins underneath the PPU, so I'm going to have to remove the PPU, desolder those legs, and redo them. Everything else, s-video connector and all, are reading properly, so I think I've isolated the problem.I think my NES RGB mod is a failure. I was able to get the board slotted in what I thought was pretty good, but in doing so, I had to slightly bend some of the pins, so I'm assuming they're not making a good connection. I can't get a picture out of either s-video or composite (I'll occasionally get a blinking blue screen on composite, but I don't think that means much of anything, since I think you can still get that screen even if the PPU isn't connected, afaik).
Last resort would be to probably wire up every connection, but that would take a ton of effort and time and may still result in failure, so... probably not gonna bother. Desoldering everything from the RGB board is probably a no-go, too, since I was having a ton of difficulty removing solder from the vias, and would probably destroy the board during that process.
Sucks, but I have a working NES, so maybe I'll try to sell my mess on eBay lol. "For parts/as is, botched RGB mod" lol
Dunno, sounds like you've got a handle on it nowRevisited this with a working, er, multimeter lol. Long story (actually it's not, really. The one I had before wasn't able to test continuity lmao). About eight of the legs of the PPU are not reaching the NES - and the problem seems to be my solder job on the pins underneath the PPU, so I'm going to have to remove the PPU, desolder those legs, and redo them. Everything else, s-video connector and all, are reading properly, so I think I've isolated the problem.
I have a cheap desoldering iron thing on the way, which may or may not work, but I'm going to give it a shot. Worst case scenario, I put this away until I get one of those $280 Hakko desoldering irons.
Should've just sent this off to someone lol. Oh well, in for a penny...
I believe the developer of the cores said that this is only due to the current state of the OS and that it's only temporary, they should have access sometime in the near future?Yeah, GB, GBC and GBA cores have been released but they don't have access to the display modes.
Yeah, this is probably the case. I'm still down for it regardless - I can get enough mileage out of it just with the GB/C/A stuff, to be honest. But more cores will really sweeten the pot.I've seen it speculated that the person who made these cores is kevtris, and that for all intents and purposes this is the jailbreak. I'm in the Q4 release group as well, but I'm waiting to see how openFPGA develops before I decide to stick with my preorder or not.