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The Game Sales and Deals Thread, With No Apologies to Anyone


chat.exe a cessé de fonctionner
Staff member
Bastion and Transistor are both 80% off again on the eshop!

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
The eShop started its Black Friday sales today; there's... there's a *lot* in here.

Basically any game you've ever thought might be good may be on sale


did i do all of that?
The eShop started its Black Friday sales today; there's... there's a *lot* in here.

Basically any game you've ever thought might be good may be on sale

Yeah, half my wishlist is on sale lol.

Does anyone know if you have to be familiar with or like Doraemon to enjoy Doraemon Story of Seasons? Can you just like farming sims or will I not understand/like the game because I don't know anything about Doraemon?

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
I think Doraemon is the longest running anime series ever, so there'd be an awful lot of lore to pick up on if it did.

And since I'm in much the same boat; how does Torchlight 3 compare to Diablo 3? Because that's kind of the hose to beat for my loot-em-up dollar.
Doraemon isn't really serialized. It's more like a long running sitcom but one of the characters is a robotic cat from the future that grants wishes. If you have read this post, you now know all you need to know to enjoy 99.99% of Doraemon based media. I'm sure that at some point someone made an extremely meta-episode or movie or manga one-shot or whatever because it's been going on so long, but that's not typically what it is.


did i do all of that?
Doraemon isn't really serialized. It's more like a long running sitcom but one of the characters is a robotic cat from the future that grants wishes. If you have read this post, you now know all you need to know to enjoy 99.99% of Doraemon based media. I'm sure that at some point someone made an extremely meta-episode or movie or manga one-shot or whatever because it's been going on so long, but that's not typically what it is.

Well, I bought it because of this post. I have no idea when I'll get to it - I'm like 10ish hours into Rune Factory 4 - but I'm sure I'll enjoy it whenever I get around to it.
Well, I bought it because of this post. I have no idea when I'll get to it - I'm like 10ish hours into Rune Factory 4 - but I'm sure I'll enjoy it whenever I get around to it.

I wasn't trying to talk you into it because I have no idea whether or not the game is good! I hope it is and that you enjoy it!

But there should be basically no barrier to entry based on the franchise unless you hate the aesthetics. In English language media the closest thing to Doraemon theming would be something like a Scooby Doo or The Flintstones. It's just a corny old cartoon.


did i do all of that?
I like the aesthetics - I was looking at the game on the eShop last week and even my wife commented that it looks nice. I'm sure I'll like it, I was just worried there was going to be a high barrier to entry because I know nothing about the series, but since there's not, I'm sure I'll just enjoy farming and stuff.


Little Waves
Staff member
The eShop features the following Switch deals until December 2:

ACA NEOGEO Metal Slug — $4 — 50% off
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon — $5 — 50% off
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 — $9.75 — 35% off
Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle — $10 — 50% off
Cuphead — $15 — 25% off
Gris — $6.80 — 60% off
Lumines Remastered — $7.50 — 50% off
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 — $10 — 50% off
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection — $19.80 — 34% off (First time going under 25% off, but it'll likely get to 50% off later)
Mighty Switch Force! Collection — $12 — 40% off
Okami HD — $10 — 50% off
Psikyo Shooting Stars Alpha — $24 — 40% off
Psikyo Shooting Stars Bravo — $24 — 40% off
Resident Evil (2002) — $13 — 35% off
Resident Evil 4 — $15 — 25% off
Resident Evil 5 — $15 — 25% off
Resident Evil 6 — $15 — 25% off
Resident Evil Revelations 2 — $8 — 60% off
SEGA AGES Alex Kidd in Miracle World — $4 — 50% off
SEGA AGES Columns II: A Voyage Through Time — $4 — 50% off
SEGA AGES Fantasy Zone — $4 — 50% off
SEGA AGES Gain Ground — $4 — 50% off
SEGA AGES Herzog Zwei — $6 — 25% off
SEGA AGES Ichidant-R — $4 — 50% off
SEGA AGES Out Run — $6 — 25% off
SEGA AGES Phantasy Star — $6 — 25% off
SEGA AGES Puyo Puyo — $6 — 25% off
SEGA AGES Puyo Puyo Tsū — $6 — 25% off
SEGA AGES Shinobi — $6 — 25% off
SEGA AGES Sonic the Hedgehog — $6 — 25% off
SEGA AGES Sonic the Hedgehog 2 — $6 — 25% off
SEGA AGES Space Harrier — $4 — 50% off
SEGA AGES Thunder Force AC — $4 — 50% off
SEGA AGES Thunder Force IV — $4 — 50% off
SEGA AGES Virtua Racing — $6 — 25% off
SEGA AGES Wonder Boy: Monster Land — $4 — 50% off
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse — $10 — 50% off
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition — $18 — 40% off
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove — $20 — 50% off
Sonic Mania — $10 — 50% off
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes — $15 — 50% off

Also, The Wonderful 101: Remastered is $27.20 (32% off) until December 13.

As always, these are just my curated recommendations. Over fourteen hundred SKUs are on sale right now, so check your wish lists, too.


Little Waves
Staff member
And from the PlayStation Store's equivalent sale, effective until December 1:

12-month PlayStation Plus membership — $45 — 25% off
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night — $16 — 60% off
Cuphead — $15 — 25% off
Final Fantasy VII Remake — $39.60 — 34% off
Final Fantasy VII Remake Digital Deluxe Edition — $52.80 — 34% off
Final Fantasy VII Remake Digital Deluxe Upgrade — $13.20 — 34% off
Garou: Mark of the Wolves — $5.25 — 65% off
The King of Fighters '97 Global Match — $5.25 — 65% off
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 — $10 — 50% off
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection — $19.50 — 35% off
Resident Evil 7 — $10 — 50% off
Resident Evil 2 (2019) — $16 — 60% off
Resident Evil 3 (2020) — $19.80 - 67% off
Resident Evil 2 and 3 bundle — $32 — 60% off
Romancing SaGa 3 (2019) — $12.17 - 58% off
Streets of Rage 4 — $17.50 — 30% off
Yakuza Kiwami — $6 — 70% off
Yakuza 6 - $8 — 60% off
Yakuza Kiwami 2 — $13 — 35% off
Judgment — $20 — 50% off

I'd tell you to check your wish lists again, but there aren't nearly as many deals as on the eShop, and the PS Store just got rid of the wish list function anyway.


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
I legitimately cannot recommend hard enough that anyone who is still sleeping on RE7 to pay a measly ten bucks for it. It's SO GOOD.

Also, Panzer Paladin is on sale in the eShop. Is that good? I find Tribute to be a bit hit-or-miss.


hardcore retro gamin'
I've definitely gotten good mileage from GameFly over the years, even as a non-member. You will want to poke around on prices, especially since it's Black Friday, but being guaranteed to get all the packaging with pre-owned games is a plus.


Find Your Reason
So since there's a few Yakuza games in the sale, and apparently a new one just came out, and I've lost track of how many subtitles the series has, which is the entry I want to look up if I want to get into the franchise?

Also if you have a Switch and you pass up GRIS at $6.80 I will cut you. And then grieve abut it, but GRIS will help me deal with that.


Little Waves
Staff member
You want Yakuza Kiwami. It's a remake of the first game. A lot of people are going to tell you Yakuza 0, but that's less an ideal starting point and more just the first game in the series that got really popular outside Japan. Kiwami does have a few call-backs to 0, but it's all in the side stuff, and there's always a sepia-toned still of Young Kiryu to let you know, "Okay, this is something from 0." 0 meanwhile has a lot more mythology gags playing up the fact that it's a prequel, which will go over your head if you start there.

Rascally Badger

El Capitan de la outro espacio
Kiwami is probably the best bet. But honestly, even jumping into 6 wouldn't be that big a deal; other than a few recurring characters and themes the games largely reset the roster between entries.


Video games
Gris is almost insanely boring to actually play, don't buy it. It would have been better as a wall scroll or something.

Positronic Brain

Out Of Warranty
At that price it is still cheaper than a wallscroll. Even if you're ambivalent about these kind of platformers, I'd say that at $7 it's worth a fair shake.


Video games
Probably best not to listen to me anyway but as some who is generallly pretty receptive to "art games" or walking sims or whatever you want to call them, Gris just did not appeal to me despite looking like it really should have. I thought it was a whole lot of nothing and massively disappointing after the hype I'd seen.

But I'm probably wrong so yeah buy it.


(he / his / him)
Meanwhile GRIS affected me on an emotional level no other game has, teaching me so much and allowing me to heal from a very tragic breakup. I love everything about it and it's among my favorite games of all time. It is a labor of love on every front, and replaying it this year only cemented its placement as the greatest indie game of all time imho.