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Me and My Bestie
(He, him)
Black Heart? Ugh, I remember reading about that one. The cutscenes are...not good.

The evil wizard tortures the princess you're trying to save between levels and then he up and kills her right before the final boss fight. Just shooting it out with the bad guy while her corpse lies on the floor.

She doesn't get better.



Oh! Create!
(they/them, she/her)
Legendary independent shmup developer Kenta Cho's rRootage is coming out on Switch on the 14th, as rRootage Reloaded. Cho's games are open source, so if one is willing to put in the work and porting and publishing costs, they can, and that's what appears to be the case here. There's not going to be any sort of "buzz" around this is as we're talking about the ultra-niche to begin with, and with zero marketing push for this console release, but unless the port doesn't measure up somehow I encourage people to put down the pittance asked for, as no one does this kind of thing out of anything other than personal passion, and rRootage is a banger of a game that really deserves the attention.


Blue Wish Desire, the long-awaited follow-up to Blue Wish Resurrection, is out now on Booth for ¥1000. I've only had time for a quick Original clear today, but I can confidently say that if you've any interest whatsoever in Cave-style danmaku shooting, you'll love this! It has a simple and compelling scoring system, loads of inventive patterns and situations (and they're clearly holding back on Original, which is a fairly easy clear), and a great soundtrack. It's top-tier doujin stuff and I'm really happy to see the series return in such style.
Hey, so, are there any good modern shmups more in the Compile vein (cool mecha-fetish art, extensive weapon systems, not crazy hard) and not so much in the CAVE vein (danmaku/hell)?


M2's Aleste collection contains GG Aleste 3, a brand new Compile-'em-up. I haven't played it yet but by all accounts it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect from an Aleste game, so it won't be too difficult, and you can leave the slowdown on if you do find it hairy (although I believe this extends the game quite significantly).

I'd also urge you to try Zakesta, a superb, quick-blast caravan shooter which is easy to clear but will keep you coming back to improve your score.

Raging Blasters is basically a Star Soldier game with a similar emphasis on speed-kills and secrets. It rules.
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Final 2 update has landed:

What's new in this version.
1. Fixed sections of the game that caused instability.
2. Improved controls.
3. New developable player craft (OF-1, OFX-2, OF-3, OFX-4, OF-5, TL-2A, TL-2A2, TL-2B, TL-2B2, R13B)
4. New items added to the Shop.
5. Artwork added to the Gallery. (Unlocked when conditions are met.)

Extremely excited about the Image Fight ships!


Sir Knightbot
The new stage pack is also available.

Fun stuff: The TL-2A2 Neoptolemos has a brand new force: The Beam Ax Force. This is in line with the Tactics games, where they carry a heat hawk axe for melee attacks rather than the beam saber that the other models carry.

Hyllos also has a new force: The Beam Double Claw Force.

Nice to see they did something to make these models stand out from each other a bit more.
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Nice, I didn't spot the DLC pack! Can't wait to try these two - they're my favourite stages from their respective games, and they seem to have been given plenty of love here. The version of 'Loose, Loose, Loose' in the trailer was great fun, too.
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Sir Knightbot
More like 'Lose, lose, lose'. The boss is @#$%ing hard, lol. The stage is probably one of the best in Final 2, though. I hope they include more Image Fight stages in the future... I would really love to hear a cover of the Penalty Stage or the Final Mission.


Try dropping your speed and sitting right under the core - the safe-spots aren't exactly the same but it's still very cheesable, haha. :)

Looking forward to practicing the stage on the higher difficulties, since it seems like those make much more use of the unique enemies.
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Red Plane
Advanced Busterhawk GleyLancer 20% off in my territory too, and from a pretty reasonable base price. I bought it, and it seems pretty great. Probably a bit easy though, given I’ve made it to stage 4 pretty quickly despite being generally terrible at shmups.

This is a very petty complaint, but I wish they’d used the in game pixel font for the new translation instead of a higher resolution overlay. Otherwise the set of options for this port is pretty good: a detailed CRT filter setting list that I haven’t played with yet, options for filling the screen vertically or using an integer multiple (at least, I assume that’s what “perfect” means), and several modern conveniences - rewind, an extra speed change button so you can go up or down rather than cycling in one direction, the option to change subweapon aiming type on the fly. Plus you can turn it all off and play it as it was in the original release.


The HD fonts always stick out like a sore thumb - I hate them. Feels like every small-budget shmup port is doing it now, and I've no idea why, because the original text is still eminently more readable.

Please ignore my last post, btw - the stage Y2.0 boss' safe-spot is only there on some difficulties, to humour us. Use it on R-Typer 3 and you're a goner.


Did a quick 1LC through the Gleylancer port last night. As Yimothy points out, one major highlight is the uncommonly customisable CRT shader. Gamma, sharpness, curvature, mask type and scanline intensity can all be tweaked very precisely. You can probably come up with some almost impossible configurations - everything I tried looked amazingly rich and pin-sharp. The game itself is decent and certainly visually and aurally compelling, but rather plodding and middle-of-the-road in its gameplay and pacing, suffering from the usual home-user-oriented balancing of the console shmup, from being slightly too long and taking too long to throw a challenge at you. I still enjoyed it (though perhaps not as much as I used to), but I think the way to wrest some real longevity out of it would be to put it on Hard difficulty and use the 'Reverse Mover' option to turn it into Image Fight. The 'Search' option is the obvious best choice in nearly all situations and it would likely transform the game to ignore it entirely.

(By the way, there's an option in the menu which lets you just play the original ROM, without any HD overlays and without the expanded control options. I'm not sure if rewinding and savestates are still available, though...)
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Cotton Reboot is out on Steam next month:

I was away for a few days and came home to Raiden IV Mikado Remix on Switch, which I forgot was a thing. Nice!


Moglar has just broken the Ketsui WR and is streaming the replay here:

Absolutely mammoth achievement!


The PC port of Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade launches on the 18th!

Also, G-Darius HD now has a page, though no date as yet:

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Ver. 2 still hasn't been given a date, but the Cozmic Collection Arcade (Steam) is now due on the 18th of November, so fingers crossed it won't be far behind...
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????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Recently I learned that there is a shmup named Slap Fight:

(It was also known as ALCON.)