Yea, I keep hoping Round1 will pick some up? We're fortunate to have a location in the Denver area, so here's hoping! I have the 360 port of Akai Katana, but actually haven't spent much time with it at all. I'm not super into games completely dominated by resource looping, but I'm sure there's a mode/character that would suit me fine - just need to look for it.
Anywho, now that I have a way to use my STG stick on the console: I started on Battle Garegga! I'm still in the preliminary stages of exploring the game, messing around with different ships, all that jazz. So far I'm digging Shatterstar, Golden Bat, and some version of Miyamoto I think? I'm playing on the Saturn version tho and I haven't managed to figure out how to unlock the option for the port to replicate arcade slowdown "Wait Mode", despite my efforts. I'm not familiar with how impactful that is since I haven't played pcb or the M2 release, but I will definitely check out the latter if I commit to an effort to 1cc.
There is a lot about that game that takes getting used to. I don't have much experience with rank management, and even in titles where I have interfaced with it, it's certainly not in such an engaging, thoughtful way as Garegga demands. For instance, Musihimesama Futari (Original), rank increase is just the consequence of scoring well, and decrease is just consolation for dying. But here, the balance between scoring well enough to earn extends to throw away to decrease rank while scoring enough to get more extends makes the entire experience, from beginning to end, like walking on a tightrope.
After some initial forays, I started checking out threads and wikis to get a bit of a better understanding of how each item and action affects rank, and now I feel like it's clicking a bit more. Screens are always way more dangerous than they appear -the bullets are hard to see to begin with - as every item that spawns can have modest to dramatic implications, and medals just can't afford to be dropped. It's for the latter reason that I'm considering a faster ship than Golden Bat... in some instances, I can substitute cool, calculated planning* with sheer speed to collect medals as they come up. It won't solve everything, but it kind of seems like a strong familiarity with the stages and systems is more important than rigid routing, especially in the context of trying to clear. I'm intimidated by the concept of boss milking since, like, that tests my nerves, so figuring out the points towards my next life outweigh the danger of act and the increase in rank will take a while.
The music is stellar, and the shrapnel effects spawned in the fray make the game look pretty incredible in motion. What a thing!
* Edit: I am in no way a cool, calculated planner when I play these so I'm really just trying to compensate for that here lol