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PolyglotDome: Music from Everywhere


Summon for hire
Really? It’s showing up the way I’d expect on two different browsers for me.

Edit: Huh, I made the post in the wysiwyg editor and it did some weird things adding unnecessary black color tags, but it still looks okay to me. I could try removing them I guess...

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
Really? It’s showing up the way I’d expect on two different browsers for me.
Aha. The problem was that I’ve been using the dark mode skin for the forums, so the post was displaying with black text on a black background. I see it now. Sorry!


Summon for hire
Oh, yeah, that’d be a problem. Hang on, I’ll edit out the black tags.

There, should be fixed for dark mode now, sorry about that.

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
Golpe de Zimbra

(though that Pillows tune is a great one—I hadn’t been aware of them before now)

(also, Kirin, I see what you did there with the translation of “against” for I Zimbra. (y))


Sparkle Zimbra


Summon for hire
I, Zimbra moves on but we have another TIE between Golpe and Sparkle, someone please tiebreak, thanks!

In today's matches, @Issun and Panjabi MC warn us to Beware of the Boys in Punjabi, but @Aurelia and HELDMASCHINE heedlessly go on Weiter! in German.

ਬਨਾਮ / GEGEN

And in the other corner, @Violentvixen feels Škoda lásky in Czech, but @Olli just stares at the Kuu with Wilma in Finnish


Last edited:


Summon for hire
That last one seems to have region problems again, so here's what I hope is another copy of the same Kuu:



The Season, It's Here
(he / his / him)
Shit I forgot to vote yesterday. Nintendo DIRECTTTTT

I'll try to remember tonight


can stop, will stop
Beware of Kuu, but Škoda lásky also rules.

Some really tough matchups so far! (This is a good thing, thank you all for letting me engage with more music.)


Beware of Skoda

I still can't get over the opening lyrics to this very cheerful sounding polka:

Roses are blooming, who's to blame
No one will help you today
They bloom, they wither, petals falling from them
Like my tears on the cold grass

My grandmother was the first of the family line born in America and like so many other immigrants was discouraged from learning her family's language. So she learned all these Czech folk songs and could sing them but had no clue at all what they meant. She sung this "cheerful" song to my mom as a child, who sung it to me. I finally bothered to look up the lyrics as an adult and laughed my ass off.


can stop, will stop
My grandmother was the first of the family line born in America and like so many other immigrants was discouraged from learning her family's language. So she learned all these Czech folk songs and could sing them but had no clue at all what they meant. She sung this "cheerful" song to my mom as a child, who sung it to me. I finally bothered to look up the lyrics as an adult and laughed my ass off.
I love this. My mom's grandparents were the ones who immigrated here, and she likes to say that they used to ask her "You spoke such beautiful Polish as a child, what happened?" To which the answer was "You started speaking English!"