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NYT Has Bought Wordle (Wordle Thread)


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Well, today's answer was sort of a 2 or 3 dollar word so I can see why that could have happened to anybody.

Wordle 246 4/6



Summon for hire
So I only realized last night when my partner and I got different words that I guess since I’m playing on my phone and never explicitly reloaded the page, I’m still getting the original word list while everyone else is on the NYT updated list, heh.

Johnny Unusual

Thanks. Not common but it's part of the reason why I personally won't use the two unrelated guesses system. I like the possibility I can get this in fewer with a good guess.
Yeah that's my feeling too. I don't like making a guess knowing 100% that it's not correct.

In some cases (most obviously, when you have 4/5 letters and the 5th has more possibilities than you have guesses), making an incorrect guess for strategic letter elimination is the only way to make it a (very easy) skill based game instead of a game of pure chance.

I think the very easy skill based game is fun, and the game of pure chance is not fun.


I cuss you bad
Crap, sorry. I moved onto NYT and didn't realise where the original was up to. I'll spoiler it


Daily Hexadecordle #5


In some cases (most obviously, when you have 4/5 letters and the 5th has more possibilities than you have guesses), making an incorrect guess for strategic letter elimination is the only way to make it a (very easy) skill based game instead of a game of pure chance.

I think the very easy skill based game is fun, and the game of pure chance is not fun.

I don't think my way of doing it is a game of pure chance, it's a test of vocabulary knowledge. That's cool that you like using that strategy though. I think it's good that the game allows different ways to play.

Johnny Unusual

In some cases (most obviously, when you have 4/5 letters and the 5th has more possibilities than you have guesses), making an incorrect guess for strategic letter elimination is the only way to make it a (very easy) skill based game instead of a game of pure chance.
I don't see it as pure chance. I tend to think carefully about letter placement and common English word structure. For me, that's a lot of fun.


https://semantle.novalis.org/ is a nice spin on the Wordle concept. Instead of trying to match letters, you're guessing words and get scored based on how semantically close they are to the word of of the day (based on some clever programming and a corpus from news articles)

Johnny Unusual

OK, now I'm getting worried that Wordle-clones are the new isekai. There's too damn many and despite claims "this one's different", it's never going to be THAT different.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Procedurally generated pixel graphics roguelike wordle. Now on Steam!
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Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
OK, now I'm getting worried that Wordle-clones are the new isekai. There's too damn many and despite claims "this one's different", it's never going to be THAT different.
Do you love your giant Wordle grid and her four by four matrix of multiple guesses?

Trapped in another Wordle clone with my Dictionary

That time I got the Wordle in two guesses
I don't see it as pure chance. I tend to think carefully about letter placement and common English word structure. For me, that's a lot of fun.

To clarify, what I means is that Wordle does in fact sometimes become game of pure chance with no vocabulary element, unless you use strategic wrong guesses.

For example:

Rob is not failing a vocabulary test. He has 4/5 letters by the second turn. This has gone about as well as anyone could expect. But he's encountered a situation where it becomes a game of pure chance if the player only makes potentially correct guesses. There are no clues to suggest what the final letter should be, and the game won't accept non-words. It's just a matter of plugging in random letters. Vocabulary is not being tested at all by turn 2. He loses, but he loses because he was playing a game of chance and got very unlucky, not because his vocabulary was insufficient.

Or, arguably, Rob loses because he failed the day's real vocabulary test, which is whether or not you recognize soon enough that it's become a game of chance. In contrast, Jane does recognize that it has become a game of pure chance. Using this knowledge, she puts together a word that eliminates as many wrong letters as possible. This approach guarantees the game is winnable, and it does so by maintaining the game's focus on vocabulary, which is absent by turn 2 of Rob's game.

Paul le Fou

24/7 lofi hip hop man to study/relax to
There's no reason this should ever happen and no skill involved if it does:

This is why I don't have hard-mode turned on, because it can get you stuck in bullshit like that. If you have a gap or two gaps that can be filled by many different letters, guess a different word that uses as many of the potential letters as possible to eliminate some.

Yesterday in Quordle, I had two guesses to get my last word that I only knew was _I_ER. That could've been so many things, even with the limited letters I had left - Lifer, fiver, river, liner, finer, winer... so I guessed "Flown" to eliminate as many of the possible letters as I could, found the F in the first letter and the L in an "other" position, and got Filer. (Even had I gotten no hits on Flown, that would've strongly implicated V in the word, too.) Literally no way I would've guessed that one from among the many options in two turns.

ETA: Oops, read further down the thread and saw you were already talking about exactly this. OH WELL
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Johnny Unusual

To clarify, what I means is that Wordle does in fact sometimes become game of pure chance with no vocabulary element, unless you use strategic wrong guesses.
Oh, fair enough. But for my play style, I legit don't mind. I found swill more amusing than frustrating and yeah, at that point, it's guessing.


Yeah, I understood that you meant that type of situation estragon (apologies if I didn't make that clear) but it doesn't bother me. I find enjoyment in trying to avoid those situations ( by guessing letters early that I know I'm bad at thinking off) and if I happen to get into one, it's more funny than frustrating, like Johnny said.

I also like games of chance though, so that probably plays into it.


Red Plane
On that topic:

Wordle 249 X/6


I saw what was happening but being foolish stuck with using the letters I knew to be correct. For the last guess I had it down to two possibilities, but the coin flip didn’t go my way. Annoyingly the correct first letter is one that I almost always include in my opening word because it’s so common. This is my first time not getting the answer. I had a streak of 52.


Summon for hire
https://semantle.novalis.org/ is a nice spin on the Wordle concept. Instead of trying to match letters, you're guessing words and get scored based on how semantically close they are to the word of of the day (based on some clever programming and a corpus from news articles)
This is insanely hard. On today’s I’m at 60 guesses and have one word in the top 10 closest and half a dozen others in the top 100 so I feel like I have a good sense of it, but even pulling up a thesaurus I’m at a loss.
I guessed the double letter using "evoke" before today's word because I figured something so regional would be the kind of thing the NYT removes as too obscure, like agora-->aroma.