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Naming comic characters on sight...


Rated Ages 6+
(He, Him)
That's the Scissor Man. British rock band XTC wrote a song about him (which was covered by Primus).

So this wide-eyed fellow can obviously see quite a lot (unlike Tunnel Vision and Handsome Wally) but who is he?
Thar's Cue Ball, criminal mastermind.

This one, though? complete mystery.


Summon for hire
That’s the Slow Win, a fuzzy alligator who always comes out on top but not very quickly.

(On my phone so I don’t have an image link just now, but I had to get that answer in...)

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
Good grief, comic books: not just one, but two Dogwelders? How's a guy supposed to compete with that level of nonsense? I apologize, everyone. I should have checked before posting.

But anyhow, who (or what) is this?

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That's Black Frost, the meaner version of SMT's Jack Frost.

Anyone know who this fella is?


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Ugh... That's the "extreme/hardcore" comic adaptation version of Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melniboné. Why did you have to remind me of that garbage?

I need a palate cleanser but since I'm not like him I have forgotten who this character is.
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Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
That’s the Mighty Manmoth. The original goal of the project that created him was to combine a human and a moth into a man-moth, but somewhere along the line an intern forgot to include the hyphen, and the result was the prehistoric proboscidean you see in the picture.

But what’s this?


Rated Ages 6+
(He, Him)
That’s the Mighty Manmoth. The original goal of the project that created him was to combine a human and a moth into a man-moth, but somewhere along the line an intern forgot to include the hyphen, and the result was the prehistoric proboscidean you see in the picture.

But what’s this?
F@$kin adorable.

Not sure about this guy...
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Regrettably, that's not really a comic book character at all. That's the Avatar of Trans Women from a political cartoon, suggesting that if hate crime legislation passes we'll all use it as a defense of our unchecked sprees of womping people in the face with mallets. Just pure shock value.

And speaking of shock, who's this?


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
This isn't from a comic either, actually. I believe a porn actress (can't remember her name, sorry) was a huge fan of iconic comic book artist Greg Land and asked him on Twitter to draw her in the style of a comic book super heroine, to which he kindly obliged. Not sure who her non plussed friend in the back is though...


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Oh that's an alternate universe version of Hammerman, the superhero based on MC Hammer. That version comes from a universe where all black people are white. Alternate universe Hammer became famous for being a Master Carpenter which is why he carries around a large hammer. The single comic he appeared in was trying to teach an important lesson about race but it just ended up being sort of racist in the end.

Here's an interesting looking character that I'm not familiar with. Who is it?
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Johnny Unusual

He's trying to disguise it with a mask and wearing blue instead of purple but there is no mistaking it; that's Prince.

But this fellow? No idea.



Arm Candy
That's White Manta. They... kinda stopped using him because the character was African-American and the colourists kept giving him Caucasian skintone.

Who's this, though? I can't understand people when they speak in crossbones.



????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
I think that's a comic version of a participant in the Mister Global pageant but I'm not sure what country he's representing. Or it could also be the design sketch for that participant's costume.

But who's this lady?


Ooh, I see we're getting all old school with the Dick Tracey villains. That's Ballbottom. All the names from that series are really low effort sadly.

Anyway I thought this was a Thundercat but apparently not?


Son of The Answer Man
Ooh, I see we're getting all old school with the Dick Tracey villains. That's Ballbottom. All the names from that series are really low effort sadly.

Anyway I thought this was a Thundercat but apparently not?
Oh, I can see why you'd be confused: In-universe, "Thundercats" were only referring to Thundara's ruling class, while there was an entire population of Thundarians who were the same species but couldn't be called Thundercats. Tigretta up there was a commoner in her couple of appearances.

What about this lady?


Lapsed Threadcromancer
Oh, I can see why you'd be confused: In-universe, "Thundercats" were only referring to Thundara's ruling class, while there was an entire population of Thundarians who were the same species but couldn't be called Thundercats. Tigretta up there was a commoner in her couple of appearances.

What about this lady?
That's FemBot. While not well known they were the inspiration behind a really good Futurama episode.


This can't be who I think it is so who is it?

But who is this fella?


Yikes, we almost forked the thread here. Fortunately both of these are actually the same guy. By day, Marvin Metrovich, heir to the Metrovich fortune and an accomplished silent auctioneer. By night though, he takes to the streets as the Mute-elator, one of those edgy 90s anti-heroes, but lacking the quips because he's been unable to speak since birth.

This one has me stumped though.



That's Son Goku, from the brief and underappreciated US remake of Dragon Ball. You can see the Dragon Ball emblem on his chest.

Might someone know who this is?


Arm Candy
Oh, that was Batman's sidekick from an imaginary story where "Bat-Manta" was the Prince of Atlantis and his ward was named "Minnow".

How about this prehistoric patrician?


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
That's Wonder Woman villain and symbol of male patriarchy Tyrannosaurus Rex-well Lord, but he's clearly not talking to Wonder Woman here, as she's made of clay and therefore not a primate. Who was the feminist simian in this altercation?


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Wonder Womandrill

Sorry I can't find a bigger picture but who's this clown?
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Oh that's the Fundertaker, shown here messing with the Credible Hulk.

Now... OK I actually DO know the name of this character, but I don't know if I should say it here.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
That's Captain Bucky O'Hare, right? I never knew that he was in a crossover with Star Wars.

Now who's this office chair occupant? And was he ever in a Star Wars crossover?

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
That’s The Human Graveyard, the place where abs go to die. He’s never been part of a Star Wars crossover, but he did make a memorable appearance in the Archie universe once.

And who’s this li’l guy?
