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According to Miyazaki, the majority of Martin's work on Elden Ring has been fleshing out an era prior to the one that will be explored by players, and includes establishing the world's history and mythology. In the interview with IGN, Miyazaki compared Martin's contribution to a dungeon master's guidebook. This writing may be to Elden Ring what J.R.R. Tolkien's Silmarillion is to The Lord of the Rings.
This is the correct takeaway from the trailer. GIVE ME THE DOUBLE JUMPING HORSEOne thing no one has mentioned yet is that the horse can double jump.
Any game that has a horse and then has it double jump is instant game of year. Like sure...lore, and stuff. That's neat. But did you see the horse double jump?!!? That rules!
From has added significantly to any fantasy genre they choose to work in. I'm sure they'll do something brilliant with the germanic theming. I'm not worried.
Oh wait nevermind.