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Comics on Webs


Summon for hire
I guess there isn't a miscellaneous webcomic thread in this incarnation yet?

Anyway I thought people might want to know there's a new Octopus Pie story for the first time since 2017 I guess. Pandemic feels abound.


Post Reader
I like web comics


Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
Besides the ones which have bespoke threads elsewhere on the forum (Gunnerkirgg Court, Back and Devils Candy), and assuming we're just talking about comics that haven't actually concluded;

It should come as no surprise to anybody, ever, that Dinosaur Comics is one of my favorite comics on the whole-wide internet

And while it's a more recent find, I've also become completely smitten with Cassiopeia Quinn, which I would describe as Lupin III, except in Space, with a primarily female cast, and with better treatment of women in general. Art tends to be kind of cheesecakey, but doesn’t dip into sleazy.

Mr Bean

Chief Detective
And while it's a more recent find, I've also become completely smitten with Cassiopeia Quinn, which I would describe as Lupin III, except in Space, with a primarily female cast, and with better treatment of women in general. Art tends to be kind of cheesecakey, but doesn’t dip into sleazy.

Ooh! That looks neat - I'm gonna bookmark that to binge the archives when I get time.

Here's a couple of my recent favorites:

Cursed Princess Club
Princess Gwendolyn isn't radiantly pretty, or have a Disney singing voice, or the physical prowess of her older siblings, but she does bake a mean pie and is happy with her life. At least until a neighboring prince shatters her self confidence and she runs off finding the CPC - a support group for cursed royalty.
I like this one a lot - the art style is a little rough and sketchy but Gwen is the sweetest of cinnamon rolls and watching her and the rest of the cast work through their personal issues is a treat and usually hilarious.

Tiger, Tiger
A swashbuckling adventure of a girl and her one true love - the noble sea sponge.
A few from my Webtoons feed:

Everything is Fine
That is a lie. This horror comic recently started and right off the bat you know something is not right. It's only six or seven episodes in, so it's just getting started.

Another recently started horror comic. The tone and art style remind me very much of Junji Ito, so that should be a huge selling point for some of you.

The Strongest Florist
Jaeho is a training to be a mixed martial arts fighter because that's what his dad wants him to do. But he would rather open a flower shop. When a new immersive VR game starts, he takes that as an opportunity to fulfill his dream.
I keep meaning to post a few comics, but I keep having to work instead.

Gaia - Fantasy comic that's in it's epilogue. They managed to sneak in little things throughout that lay seeds for later in the story that's so well done you might want to read through it twice. Hell, I read it all the way through since right about when it started and I STILL had to read it again.

Stand Still, Stay Silent - First book feels very much like they're setting up a zombie apocalypse story but once the proper story gets going, it very much is NOT. I'm still amazed the artist can crank out 4 pages a week for this thing (it was five at it's peak) that make comics that have been going for decades look puny.

Derelict - Now dead, but the first book is amazing (so much so I bought a physical copy). Completely worth the read and I highly recommend.

A Miracle of Science - Did you want some Sci Fi that wasn't post apocalyptic? Well then here you go. It's old, very old, but completely worth reading if you never have. Mad science, space battles, robots and love, as the tagline reads. Damn, I may have to read it again now. So tempting. . .

That's enough for now.


aka SabreCat / Kali Ranya
I'm not very good at keeping up with webcomics. Other than this forum's own "Merry Hell!", Sleepless Domain is the only one I've managed to stick with through present moment. But it's fantastic!

I did read the Stand Still, Stay Silent backlog a while ago, maybe I can get back to that one.
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures gives us the opposite of what people usually depict Batman at home like: He's more of a dad doing his best juggling family life and work. Except his work is being Batman and his family is adopted. Well, except for Damian who is appropriately a bit of a little turd. It's fun, a bit silly, and heartwarming all at the same time.
I marathoned Gaia and have kept up with Sandra and Woo, both from the same writer and artist. The former is more epic, the later more newspapery.

I'm currently catching up on Pilli Adventure, which presents Mexican culture through a very Anglo, nerdy, otaku-ish lens. Do I recall correctly that someone here works on it, or that someone here knows the guy who does?
Okay, so I don't know where to put this, but let me tell a short story.

Watching the New Years broadcasts and a trailer for a movie comes up. Romantic comedy about a pop star that randomly marries some guy holding a Marry Me sign at a concert.

And all I can think is "where have I seen that before."

And it turns out, it was a webcomic I read a while ago.

Like literally based on the comic.

I am baffled that this is even a thing.

I am doing a quick reread of it, I remember it being quite silly so I don't think the film will match it, but you never know. . .


Summon for hire
I'm currently catching up on Pilli Adventure, which presents Mexican culture through a very Anglo, nerdy, otaku-ish lens. Do I recall correctly that someone here works on it, or that someone here knows the guy who does?

Oh yeah, the guy who created that was totally on the previous incarnation of TT. I've forgotten the handle they used here, but it looks like in other places they go by Tavo and released a Steam game based on the comic a few years back.

Like literally based on the comic.

Holy crap, I totally remember that comic. And now it's a movie with J-Lo and Owen Wilson. Wild. I think I had been following some other project the artist previously did, but I've totally forgotten what now. (Insta-edit: oh, looked it up, it was No Pink Ponies, which apparently got published as a couple books.)


What's Shenmue?
And it turns out, it was a webcomic I read a while ago.

Like literally based on the comic.
WHAT. No way. I can't believe this.

I remember that Crosby was saying right from the beginning that his plan was to turn it into a movie, which was met with a round of "uhh… yeah, alright dude. we'll see how that works out" reactions from everyone. I guess he got the last laugh.
I did finish the read through that night. No way they did most of the plot from the comic, even the first book is really unlikely. Second book isn't even on the table, way too wild. The basic premise and some of the themes will probably go forward, but the actual comic plot likely does not.


commander damage
i realized the other day that the only webcomics i read anymore are questionable content and gunnerkrigg, so i'm curious to see what else is good right now.


Post Reader
I stopped reading QC a long time ago and every once in a while I check back in on it just to see what's happening. Invariably the comic is in the middle of a storyline involving at most one character I've ever seen before.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
Besides Gunnerkrigg and Dinosaur Comics, my mainstays are Devils Candy and Cassiopeia Quinn right at the moment
I have a lot still. Don't add new ones as much any more since I have no incentive to hunt them down, but it happens. Some I care about more than others. Let's see. . .

Between Failures
Bohemian Nights
Girl Genius
Gunnerkrigg Court
Sandra and Woo
How to be a Werewolf
Ava's Demon (if it would update again)
Bob the Angry Flower
Cat and Girl
Cosmic Dash
Dead Winter
Dark White
Deep Fried (featuring Weapon Brown)
Does Not Play Well with Others
Footloose (and the various other comics of the group, same universe stuff)
Three Panel Soul
Trying Human
Modern Mogal
Lore Olympus
Cynaide and Happiness
Devil's Panties
Devilbear (weekly story AND daily gag strip in one)
Dumbing of Age
Girls with Slingshots (it's in reruns, still fuN)
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Sluggy Freelance (YES it is still going)
Stand Still, Stay Silent (Ending soon)
The Whiteboard

I'd link all these but that is a LOT of links.

Mr Bean

Chief Detective
Huh. Girl Genius is finally starting to pay off a plot thread that got set up on, what, page 3? Probably only another 17 volumes before it’s all wrapped up.


Summon for hire
I’m following GG and I’m honestly not certain exactly *which* of the many long-running plot threads you’re referring to. Kind of a lot going on right now.

Mr Bean

Chief Detective
The clank that appears on page 3, spooks Agatha and starts this whole mess is almost certainly the queen form of Lucrecia’s robot body. The designs are almost identical from what you can see.


Summon for hire
Hah, hey @LBD_Nytetrayn , I just saw your comment over on Comics Kingdom about warming up to the new guy doing the Popeye Sunday strips - which I only happened to be reading because I've been following said "new guy"'s regular comic for, like, decades now.

(New guy is Randy Milholland of Something Positive and occasional other side projects. He's always been a Popeye fan and getting to write for the official strip is fulfilling a lifelong dream. Go him!)