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Classic Internet Vidz


I know this video doesn't meet the 10 year threshold, but I'll be Octo's uncle if it isn't a classic. I'm invoking the Covid Altered Time Defense, if we need to get technical.




Guy On A Buffalo! I swear this video made me laugh until I cried the first time I saw it and the music is so catchy. I still watch it every year or so.
A friend I haven't talked to in years randomly texted me yesterday to say this came up in conversation and he was grateful I introduced him to it almost a decade ago.


Also we were at trivia this week and this Fall Out Boy song came up in the audio round, they played a bit of the song and wanted the title:

I knew EVERY WORD of this meme version but hadn't a clue what the actual words or title were. Put "Also Into Cats" as my answer. Sorry if this is already in the thread but it's tough to search and most of the videos are just the "watch on youtube" and I ain't clicking all those.
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excused from moderation duty
Staff member
Sorry if this post is how you're finding out that James Earl Jones is dead at 93.

"Vader Sessions" (2006)

Justin Kuritzkes - Potion Seller (2011)
It’s wild that this guy wrote this year’s Challengers and Queer (and is married to the writer/director of Past Lives).

Anyway I dunno if this was an internet classic to anyone beyond me and my friends, but:


Lapsed Threadcromancer

I can't believe this is ten years old but here we are. I feel like this video broke the internet and a lot of its viewers brains.


Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
Honestly, I'm shocked it's that recent. Feels way older than that to me.